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Amarillo Slim Revisited! Amarillo Slim Revisited!

09-10-2011 , 01:58 AM
in his defense, the granddaughter had some smoking hot knees
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
I'm quite sure you soft batch princesses would.
Thank you. I'm going to steal that and use it.

I also give props for citing game theory and seeming to type this from Rikers. No doubt put there on some trumped up BE charge.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by AceIsHigh
this part is ridiculous. if i go out and commit a crime, i know for a fact that my friends and family would think i was innocent. does that make it ignorant for the police to think i'm guilty?

i think its pretty likely that the police will be far less biased when coming to their decision
I obviously have no idea as to the specifics of the case, and hence no real clue as to whether he was guiltily or not, but this comments doesn’t make sense. OP’s point is that the parents of the victim no longer believe that he was guilty. Yeah, people tend to be loyal to relatives accused of crimes, but usually not when the crime involves the molestation of one’s child.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Qualia
...Yeah, people tend to be loyal to relatives accused of crimes, but usually not when the crime involves the molestation of one’s child.
I'd have to agree with this.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:48 AM
So Johnny you'd be completely happy leaving any young relatives you have under his sole supervision?
Dave Ulliot wouldn't.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 09:23 AM
From the interview.

"We were in the cab of a one-ton pickup. I said, we've got to put this thing in four-wheel drive or we are going to be out here all day [and get stuck]. I reached down there like this to shift and put it in four-wheel drive. My grandbaby was there and she had one leg [near the gear shift]. I reached over and patted her on the leg and said, "I'll bet that feels good."
She said "Yeah," and giggled. We were all in there together. The sexual harassment that occurred, I can't imagine it. Never in my life have I touched the - I'll use the words - the genitals, the breasts, kissed her on the mouth, squeezed her breasts, petted her inappropriately, except just clowning with her.
I've never touched her wrongly in my life"

Maybe I'm reading too much into the bolded but this just doesn't sound appropriate to me; coming from a grandfather to his grand daughter.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
Truthfully, aren't you glad there are guys like me, with courage and writing skills??? I get to share my research and opinions all over the world! Hooray for me! Right?
Are you really this delusional? You make me absolutely sick. You think that defending a convicted sex offender is showing "courage"? Just because you are friends with this convicted pervert, doesn't mean that he doesn't get off on feeling up little girls. There is no honor in defending these kinds of people, so just stop.

PS- Do you really think that these incessant, drool oozing cries for attention that you call threads display your "writing skills"?? You have the grammatical structure of an elementary school student, and the spelling skills of one too. Maybe netscape navigator doesn't have a spell check plug in.

There is nothing "courageous" about defending convicted sex offenders and other scumbags like Dutch.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Big Meech
Are you really this delusional? You make me absolutely sick. You think that defending a convicted sex offender is showing "courage"? .
He pleaded "no contest" to assault. Big difference.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
I doubt the state of Texas would let a guy off to plea out to a misdemeanor if they had anything that resembled proof.

Here's an interview with Slim regarding the case.

Doyle's known this man over 50 years and when everyone else turned their backs on him Doyle stood up for him; that holds a lot of weight IMO.
Yep, Slim did not plead guilty to anything mentioning sex in any way or he would be a registered offender. He pled guilty to simple misdemeanor assault. I do not see how touching a kid's knee means much. It was a TV watching 12 year old who saw a chance for her 15 minutes of fame.

Folks who have known each other 50 years hear all the gossip. People in Las Vegas have lots of working girls all around. Slim had no rep as a weirdo. Several of the old gamblers are married to one woman for a long, long time. Slim, Benny Binion, Doyle, Johnny Moss.

Slim is unpopular with some because of his brags, and stories, but that has nothing to do with this case, except for his fame. Fame made him money and a target, but also a target of a politicaly motivated prosecutor. Remember poker is illegal here. Slim is a gambler who flaunts his love of poker with the most conservative, law and order folks alive. I have pled guilty to playing poker, a misdemeanor equivilant to Slim's charge in this case. Everyone on here who has played poker where it is illegal has committed a crime. But it is not a crime to you. It is prosecution that is persecution, just like in Slim's case. Be more open minded.

Used to be poker and barking iron were crimes in Texas. Now it is legal to carry guns, and folks are armed to the teeth. It is still illegal to play poker. You are speaking up for that legal system without every viewing it from the wrong side of bars.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 10:42 AM
He was in his late 70's when this happened, there's a good chance he doesn't know if he did it or not, never mind us trying to figure it out.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
You're way too smart for that, it should just convince you that Johnny doesn't have any evidence to suggest he is not guilty, it does nothing to prove whether or not he was guilty.
True. I draw the inference of guilt from the conviction. To demonstrate the conviction was wrong, I want to see something verifiable. Quotes from family saying it was nothing, testimony from the sentencing, or whatever. We have Slim saying he touched a knee. What'd the kid say? There's absolutely nothing solid in this thread as a basis for sympathy. If people want to defend slim with credibility, why aren't they drawing on the court record, or anything at all besides campfire stories?

Yes, Texas and every other state sometimes convict wrongly. But sometimes they're right. So we need to look at the specifics.

The level of persuasion ITT gets down to this: Slim is a colorful character. Our memory of his delightful persona is poisoned by the kid thing, so isn't it time stop thinking about that.

I doubt know what he did, or if it merited legal involvement. I just know the defense of him here is being done by 911 truthers on vacation.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:30 PM
Well the easy defense is that he wasn't convicted of anything close to child molestation; obviously the burden of proof wasn't compelling enough to convict him.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:31 PM
People on here over and over and over continue the BIG LIE. If you repeat over and over that Slim is a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, you need to get a half-bright grown up to read you this thread and spoon feed it to you. He plea bargained. He was not convicted of anything, and certainly not as a sex offender. THE REASON FOR A PLEA BARGAIN IS TO GET A LESSER CHARGE, AND AVOID BEING A CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, A MUCH MORE SERIOUS CHARGE. NOT EVERYONE CHARGED IN AMERICA IS GUILTY. We have this innocent until proven guilty tradition. Now write something about CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER. but it is a lie. There is a reaaon for a plea bargain.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
People on here over and over and over continue the BIG LIE. If you repeat over and over that Slim is a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, you need to get a half-bright grown up to read you this thread and spoon feed it to you. He plea bargained. He was not convicted of anything, and certainly not as a sex offender. THE REASON FOR A PLEA BARGAIN IS TO GET A LESSER CHARGE, AND AVOID BEING A CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, A MUCH MORE SERIOUS CHARGE. NOT EVERYONE CHARGED IN AMERICA IS GUILTY. We have this innocent until proven guilty tradition. Now write something about CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER. but it is a lie. There is a reaaon for a plea bargain.
Actually, by accepting the plea bargain, he was convicted of assault.

Your other point is valid, however. He was accused of a sexual assault, but he was not convicted of one, so calling him a convicted sex offender is out of line.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:46 PM
Let's be real for a second. Does this look like the kind of man who would touch an innocent child?

Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 01:42 PM
So you'd be happy to leave your 12 year old female relative alone with him Johnny?
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
One of the most pivotal figures in poker history is Amarillo Slim, the colorful Texan, just full of old sayings and gambling wisdom. When he won the World Series of Poker in 1972, he suddenly became a household name and the most famous gambler in the world. He made five to eleven Tonight Show appearences with Johnny Carson. Accounts vary. Slim was just born for self-promotion. I watched the video of the 1973 World Series last night, again. At the final table were guys that would win it later, some that would make the Poker Hall of Fame. Puggy defeated Johnny Moss that year. Treetop Straus, Sailor Roberts were there. But Amarillo Slim kept walking up to the table, wise-cracking, joking with the players. \

I had played poker around here with Amarillo Slim here around Lubbock as early as 1960. He was not all that great a player or winner. A little later, he began to travel with and share bankroll with Doyle Brunson and Sailor Roberts. They made a lot of money, and ended up busted in Las Vegas. I play a little poker now with Shaun Rice, Amarillo Slim's protege and traveling partner. He says Slim is the best hustler alive, and I believe that. He used his celebrity to play Doctors, Lawyers, Square Johns heads up, easy marks. Slim is great at prop bets.

I first went to the World Series in 1975. Amarillo Slim and I sat together on the plane going out. As usual, we told funny stories about the West Texas gamblers we knew. We had our picture taken in front of the million in ten-thousand dollar bills at Binion's. For many years after that time, if I saw someone with a press badge, I'd point them to Slim, and tell them truthfully, he was the best interview there. I didn't tell them that half of what he says is true, and I don't know which half. In the 1980s, Slim would reach millions of people in his interviews. I listened in a few times. I still have what he said in an interview with an Englishman: "You're an Englishman? Most Englishmen couldn't track an elephant in four feet of snow if the beast had a giant nose bleed. If y'all would just pay us back for World War Two, we'd be all right.."

Amarillo Slim was quoted repeatedly on his old sayings, "If you are going to be a sucker, be a quiet one." "Sometimes the lamb slaughters the butcher." "I'd just as soon have my dick caught in a meat grinder as to bluff at him."

In the last years of the Shop, legendary Lubbock poker game,Slim came down and played a lot. He would wear shorts or golf clothes. In Las Vegas, he was always in costume. Finely tailored Western suits, a Stetson hat with a rattlesnake with its mouth open as decor. He bought, at one time, ten pairs of boots in different colors. They had vents in the side, and he'd wear matching socks.

He was skinny. One wag said he was "the advance man for a famine."

Now, Amarillo Slim is old, not in the greatest health, and he has come off the road. And he is a road gambler, a damn proud term.

Some years back, Amarillo Slim's granddaughter accused him of inaappropriately touching her. She has publicly recanted, and said she made it all up. All members of Amarillo Slim's family, including her parents stand behind Slim.

Slim pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge on a plea bargain. Some bargain! You would have to know how it works in West Texas. They told him this: Option One: Plead guilty to a lesser charge, pay a small fine and leave the building. Option Two: Be charged with felony sexual assault. Face a jury and possible life in prison. Life? or a fine? Choose.

Amarillo Slim had pleaded guilty to gambling, vagrancy charges several times, as had I. When we plead guilty to vagrancy by association, it didn't mean we were broke, didn't have a residence, or anything much. It was the cost of doing business for a gambler.

In Tulia, Texas, one lying rogue undercover narcotics officer framed scores of black people. Many pled guilty when they were innocent on plea bargains to get a lighter sentence. Later this was all discovered, and the Governor gave pardons.

None of Slim's friends ever believed that he had become a child molester after seventy. Doyle Brunson, one of the most respected men in poker, and one os Slim's best friends and old road partners spoke out on Slim's behalf early on, as did any Texan I know of. Nolan Dalla, Media Director for the World Series, did an interview with Slim pointing to his innocence. It is illogical and downright ignorant to believe that Amarillo Slim was guilty of this when his whole family, friends, writers aggree that he was innocent. It is time for poker to honor Slim again, with some time of special life-time acheivement award, and present it at the next World Series,whether he is there or not.
His wife believed in him so much that she divorced him.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:16 PM
My apologies for wrongfully calling him a "convicted sex offender". Perhaps "man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a minor" would be more appropriate. Either way, he is a sicko not worthy of your defense.

How do you know that "all members of Amarillo Slim's family, including her parents, stand behind Slim". Did you interview all members of his family? And the reason that people believe he is guilty of this is because he was accused of it AND HE PLED GUILTY. Get over yourself old boy
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
People on here over and over and over continue the BIG LIE. If you repeat over and over that Slim is a CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, you need to get a half-bright grown up to read you this thread and spoon feed it to you. He plea bargained. He was not convicted of anything, and certainly not as a sex offender. THE REASON FOR A PLEA BARGAIN IS TO GET A LESSER CHARGE, AND AVOID BEING A CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER, A MUCH MORE SERIOUS CHARGE. NOT EVERYONE CHARGED IN AMERICA IS GUILTY. We have this innocent until proven guilty tradition. Now write something about CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER. but it is a lie. There is a reaaon for a plea bargain.

Except you are talking in nothing but generalities and offer no information about the specifics. You say some people bargain down from sex offense to simple assault, and hint this was the case with Slim. Okay, what act was he convicted of? Not the law, what did he do? How about some info from the actual court proceedings rather than generalities about how people often get done wrong. Bargaining down to a lower charge is sometimes done by innocent people who don't want to take chances. But it's also done by guilty people taking advantage of DA being overworked. You've provided absolutely no reason to assume the former. And why are we supposed to overlook a mere assault on a 12 year old just because it's not as bad as sexual assault?

And we haven't forgotten you've provided no evidence (let alone proof) that the family supports him and the kid recanted. There should be also sorts of stuff to provide us from the public record, you have nothing. I just wrote The Smoking Gun. Maybe they'll do your research for you.

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 09-10-2011 at 03:31 PM.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Big Meech
My apologies for wrongfully calling him a "convicted sex offender". Perhaps "man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a minor" would be more appropriate. Either way, he is a sicko not worthy of your defense.

How do you know that "all members of Amarillo Slim's family, including her parents, stand behind Slim". Did you interview all members of his family? And the reason that people believe he is guilty of this is because he was accused of it AND HE PLED GUILTY. Get over yourself old boy
Still wrong. His conviction was for some form of simple assault, not sexual assault. There is zero in his actual conviction/criminal record that is a sexual offense.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Still wrong. His conviction was for some form of simple assault, not sexual assault. There is zero in his actual conviction/criminal record that is a sexual offense.
no your wrong, his original charge was indecency with a 12-year-old child. His plea was reduced to misdemeanor assault. Stop sticking up for a shady degenerate gambler.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by heads_up_4_lulz
no your wrong, his original charge was indecency with a 12-year-old child. His plea was reduced to misdemeanor assault. Stop sticking up for a shady degenerate gambler.
Wait, how am I wrong? His CHARGE is not the same as his CONVICTION/RECORD.

Yes, he was charged with a sexual crime. However, he was only convicted of an assault (not sexual assault), ergo calling him a convicted sex offender is factually incorrect.

I'm not sticking up for him, I'm correcting a factual inaccuracy. I have no firm opinion on whether or not he was guilty of the original charge.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:32 PM
This case totally aside, anyone who thinks a conviction in our criminal "justice" system has any correlation to innocence or guilt knows absolutely nothing.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
This case totally aside, anyone who thinks a conviction in our criminal "justice" system has any correlation to innocence or guilt knows absolutely nothing.
I don't think you understand what the word "any" or "correlation" means.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
I see a lot of people on here who have no experience with the court system, obviously. I know many people who plead guilty to lesser charges without a shred of guilt. I love when people say "I'd never plead guilty if I was innocent..."

You lying sacks of ****.

Sounds good...doesn't hold up in reality. Game theory is a bitch in the prisoner's dillema.

I've seen people snitch on innocent people they didn't even know, they just knew of. I've seen people not snitch and get tons of time, because the system isn't just AT ALL.

I don't know what Slim did or didn't do...if his grandaughter recanted, that's good enough for me. If she didn't, then to keep the WSOP out of the bad publicity, he shouldn't be honored. It's pretty much that simple.

But to all the keyboard tuffguys who said they wouldn't take a plea deal when innocent...I've seen thorough gangsters take plea deals when not guilty. I'm quite sure you soft batch princesses would.

You ain't cut out for prison, keep it real.

Me personally, I wouldn't take a deal in one case, and one case only. If there was snitch and I didn't know who it was...then I'd take it to the box (jury) so my attorney could file a motion of discovery and get the signed when I got out I could pay that person a visit (if my people didn't before the trial ended, or after I was locked up).

And that's real ****, FTW.

If you were innocent Slim, you deserve a lot more than some stupid honorific deserve apologies from all these keyboard punks.
20 years ago I was with a friend in a small town in Montana. He had <1/2 a gram of weed in his car. We were both arrested. I was given a choice, plead guilty to possession of a narcotic and spent 1 day in jail. The sheriff (i can't remember if the Judge was too) was up for reelection and needed to be tough on crime. My other option was to spend $10,000 on a lawyer and be facing minimum 6 months to 5 years if found guilty. I was in the car so there was some connection and I did not have $10,000 to pay (a bribe to) the judges drinking buddy to be my lawyer.

I still have a criminal record for possession of a narcotic. It reads the same as if I had heroin, speed or crack. I have to deal with it every time I go through customs.

To make a long story short. I got out of jail and moved to Canada. I now have a lot of respect for the Mexican style of justice, when it comes to minor infractions of the law. Just pay your bribe on the spot and be over it. Its really no different in the US. You just pay more money to lawyers and they get the wealthy out of trouble. In Mexico its quicker and cheaper.

Last edited by powder_8s; 09-10-2011 at 06:07 PM.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
