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Amarillo Slim Revisited! Amarillo Slim Revisited!

09-09-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I knew this post would be unpopular. As a writer, I have a certain obligation. This appears to be an injustice to me. It is cowardly not to speak out against injustice. Have any of these critics on here ever, ever done that? I always defend the underdog. Having no boss, no budget, no schedule, or no job makes me free to be a true American with free speech. I love TwoPlusTwo. It is a learning experience. I love the photoshops because they are very creative. On facebook, I use a picture of Amarillo Slim and I. If I could, I'd post it here for the photoshoppers.

On this forum, I have defended Brandy, Dutch Boyd, Joy Miller, and Fijisomething. Now Amarillo Slim. Truthfully, aren't you glad there are guys like me, with courage and writing skills??? I get to share my research and opinions all over the world! Hooray for me! Right?
The writing skills thing - you ironically include this line in a post that reads like it has been written by a child who has only just learned what a sentence is?

Last edited by Harlequin99; 09-09-2011 at 09:16 AM.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:12 AM
Once again, Johnny ignores the best and most logical posts critisizing him, and goes on a rant about something completely irrelevant. Defending the underdog when that person is someone like Dutch, Joy Miller or Fiji doesn't make you a hero. It makes you a dumbass.

edit: lol at being an advocate of death penalty when apparently you 'know' texan juries convict innocent people
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:24 AM
Someone asked why a little girl would make it up. I thought I would throw in a reference to this. (not for sensitive people, probably NSFW)

While it's being discussed, I don't like the death penalty because it costs tax payers more than keeping the accused in prison for life.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by spoonitnow
I don't like the death penalty because it costs tax payers more than keeping the accused in prison for life.
Wait really? Surprises me
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Wait really? Surprises me
It should surprise you, because when you take into account the mandatory appears in most states for death penalty and the expense that incurs for the state, most CJ experts say that it is in fact more expensive to execute someone than house them for life.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
It should surprise you, because when you take into account the mandatory appears in most states for death penalty and the expense that incurs for the state, most CJ experts say that it is in fact more expensive to execute someone than house them for life.
Haha I think you got my post backwards, I assumed it would cost more to keep someone in jail for life. No real reason behind that except for hearing figures of how much it costs to keep someone in jail for a year and I didn't think carrying out death penalty would be very expensive.

Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:58 AM
Yeah, I did mix-up what you meant there. My bad.

And I remember thinking that was freakishly counter-intuitive as well when I first learned it, but unless some new studies have come out since I completed my CJ degree and short career in law enforcement, this is what they are teaching. It's all about the cost of the appeals since a lot of the guys have public defenders - preparing the prosecution and defense on the appeals, and a lot of states have multiple mandatory appeals on death penalty cases, run into the millions.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I knew this post would be unpopular. As a writer, I have a certain obligation. This appears to be an injustice to me. It is cowardly not to speak out against injustice. Have any of these critics on here ever, ever done that? I always defend the underdog. Having no boss, no budget, no schedule, or no job makes me free to be a true American with free speech. I love TwoPlusTwo. It is a learning experience. I love the photoshops because they are very creative. On facebook, I use a picture of Amarillo Slim and I. If I could, I'd post it here for the photoshoppers.

On this forum, I have defended Brandy, Dutch Boyd, Joy Miller, and Fijisomething. Now Amarillo Slim. Truthfully, aren't you glad there are guys like me, with courage and writing skills??? I get to share my research and opinions all over the world! Hooray for me!
What in the world are you babbling about? I'm somewhat inclined to believe Slim is mostly innocent, but is it possible to stay remotely on topic and address actual arguments instead of spiraling off on these absurd tangents? You're not some heroic underdog crusader. Where did this inflated sense of self-worth come from? And free speech? Free speech means you can indeed espouse your opinions, but it also means you're not immune from criticism for those opinions.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
As a writer, I have a certain obligation. This appears to be an injustice to me.
Writing is nice, evidence is nicer. What's source on the kid recanting, the family supporting him, and the act being no more than rubbing a knee.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 12:02 PM
I was falsely accused by someone about 11 years ago of something that probably could have ended me up listed as a sex offender if it had ever went to trial and if I had been found guilty. I was completely and 100% innocent, and my alleged victim and her parents stood behind me and were quite open that the claims made by the 3rd person (who happened to be a cop) were totally false. The parents even had me watch their 5 year old daughter the day after this woman publicly made these horrible false allegations against me.

The sad thing is that once something like this gets out, the rumors start flying like crazy, and I was treated like I was guilty by many people. My close friends knew it was all BS, but they had relatives and other people ask them if it was true, or why they would associate with someone like me.

I wouldn't have taken a plea deal ever, but with everyone "KNOWING" I was guilty when I really wasn't I could understand someone thinking about it. I can't say if Slim is innocent or guilty because the only facts I have are what I've read from 3rd person sources like this, but I try to give people a little bit of the benefit of a doubt if I don't know all the details.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I still have what he said in an interview with an Englishman: "You're an Englishman? Most Englishmen couldn't track an elephant in four feet of snow if the beast had a giant nose bleed. If y'all would just pay us back for World War Two, we'd be all right.."
Actually, the greatest elephant hunter that ever lived was W.D.M. Bell from Edinburgh in the U.K. So Slim don't know what the hell he's talking about.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ImGLadiAtor
Ask Plexico if the NY doj was not biased when trying to attain a conviction against him. Any regular person who did what he did wouldn't have gone to jail. When the accused is a wealthy successful person it makes the judicial system and the longs arms of the system act very strange.
I believe your talking about Plaxico Burress and he was carrying a concealed loaded weapon which by the way is a felony in NY.He knew it was a crime and he did it anyway.He even admitted it so no the DOJ was just doing their job.Shame on Plaxico for gift wrapping them an open and shut case.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Omapa
Actually, the greatest elephant hunter that ever lived was W.D.M. Bell from Edinburgh in the U.K. So Slim don't know what the hell he's talking about.

Bell shot over 1,500 elephants during his career
Wow !!

But I doubt he'd take too kindly to being called an Englishman.


Last edited by obviously.bogus; 09-09-2011 at 03:31 PM. Reason: Seeing as he was a Scot
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 08:26 PM
..As I understand this incident, Slim was riding in his pickup with three or four grandkids with him in the front seat. Not exactly the place or circumstance that would promote any type of sexual assault or move. There were several witnesses. Slim did not strongly contest or want a trial that would hurt his family. He also thought this was so silly and far out that it would go away. There was a zealous prosecutor. Still, this is hugely influenced by the hanging Judge, convict everybody, court system in West Texas.

With a couple of my friends indicted on gambling charges, the Feds indicted their daughters and wives because they had the proceeds of illegal activity. They indicted one guy for loaning five hundred to a gambler because he would have to have illegal proceeds to pay it back since he did not have a job. The two guys had to plea bargin. Here was the deal. Option One. You plead guilty, we drop the charges against your family. Option Two. If you want a trial, your family will go to trial. The guy who loaned an old friend $500 was not involved in the booking operation, but went to prison for that $500 loan. The laws out here can do what they want to. Going back fifty years, if they tell gamblers to plead guilty, you have to do it.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:40 PM
The utter lack of specificity and invoking nonsequitor evidence convinces me all the more of his guilt. You are a very dedicated friend.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
The utter lack of specificity and invoking nonsequitor evidence convinces me all the more of his guilt. You are a very dedicated friend.
You're way too smart for that, it should just convince you that Johnny doesn't have any evidence to suggest he is not guilty, it does nothing to prove whether or not he was guilty.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
On this forum, I have defended Brandy, Dutch Boyd, Joy Miller, and Fijisomething.
Brandy had more than her fair share of aging gentlemen defenders though. You had to get in line after Captain Tom and David Sklansky.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 10:47 PM
Johnny: we get it, you and Slim are friends. And his other old-time friends
stick up for him too---what a shock.

He behaved poorly with a very young girl. At absolute best, he was a friggin
idiot. At worst, he got off lucky.
But just so you know:
it is NORMAL for the family of the adult molester to side with the molester,
and down play the acts.
"ah, he was just playing around"
"ah, he has never done that with my kid:"
"ah, he doesn't even have a sex drive anymore"
"ah, look, she did not really mean Uncle Slim treated to hurt her"
all typical bull**** in most all family molestation cases.
do you really think a child molester is "on" all the time? nope, picks his victims and his spots.
Feel sorry for the girl, she got the short end of this family, and has been way more screwed up than Slim.
Give the "poor innocent Slim" part a rest.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 10:54 PM
I doubt the state of Texas would let a guy off to plea out to a misdemeanor if they had anything that resembled proof.

Here's an interview with Slim regarding the case.

Doyle's known this man over 50 years and when everyone else turned their backs on him Doyle stood up for him; that holds a lot of weight IMO.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 11:18 PM
I see a lot of people on here who have no experience with the court system, obviously. I know many people who plead guilty to lesser charges without a shred of guilt. I love when people say "I'd never plead guilty if I was innocent..."

You lying sacks of ****.

Sounds good...doesn't hold up in reality. Game theory is a bitch in the prisoner's dillema.

I've seen people snitch on innocent people they didn't even know, they just knew of. I've seen people not snitch and get tons of time, because the system isn't just AT ALL.

I don't know what Slim did or didn't do...if his grandaughter recanted, that's good enough for me. If she didn't, then to keep the WSOP out of the bad publicity, he shouldn't be honored. It's pretty much that simple.

But to all the keyboard tuffguys who said they wouldn't take a plea deal when innocent...I've seen thorough gangsters take plea deals when not guilty. I'm quite sure you soft batch princesses would.

You ain't cut out for prison, keep it real.

Me personally, I wouldn't take a deal in one case, and one case only. If there was snitch and I didn't know who it was...then I'd take it to the box (jury) so my attorney could file a motion of discovery and get the signed when I got out I could pay that person a visit (if my people didn't before the trial ended, or after I was locked up).

And that's real ****, FTW.

If you were innocent Slim, you deserve a lot more than some stupid honorific deserve apologies from all these keyboard punks.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
actually, the us has the highest incarceration rate in the world. At year-end 2009 it was 743 adults incarcerated per 100,000 population

(the link above directs you to the sources under a wikipedia page which back that statistic)

I'm not saying that us prisons are bad, I'm just saying that it's much more easy to be arrested here than anywhere else, that and among other things has motivated me to want to move to somewhere in Europe or Australia most likely
america has ~5% of the world's population and ~25% of the world's prison population
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-09-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Writing is nice, evidence is nicer. What's source on the kid recanting, the family supporting him, and the act being no more than rubbing a knee.
I thought this had all been common knowledge for awhile now.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:07 AM
sometimes i wish life were like logan's run
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
I see a lot of people on here who have no experience with the court system, obviously. I know many people who plead guilty to lesser charges without a shred of guilt. I love when people say "I'd never plead guilty if I was innocent..."

You lying sacks of ****.

Sounds good...doesn't hold up in reality. Game theory is a bitch in the prisoner's dillema.

I've seen people snitch on innocent people they didn't even know, they just knew of. I've seen people not snitch and get tons of time, because the system isn't just AT ALL.

I don't know what Slim did or didn't do...if his grandaughter recanted, that's good enough for me. If she didn't, then to keep the WSOP out of the bad publicity, he shouldn't be honored. It's pretty much that simple.

But to all the keyboard tuffguys who said they wouldn't take a plea deal when innocent...I've seen thorough gangsters take plea deals when not guilty. I'm quite sure you soft batch princesses would.

You ain't cut out for prison, keep it real.

Me personally, I wouldn't take a deal in one case, and one case only. If there was snitch and I didn't know who it was...then I'd take it to the box (jury) so my attorney could file a motion of discovery and get the signed when I got out I could pay that person a visit (if my people didn't before the trial ended, or after I was locked up).

And that's real ****, FTW.

If you were innocent Slim, you deserve a lot more than some stupid honorific deserve apologies from all these keyboard punks.
it's just how our system works now.. it's totally f'd up. Charge you with stuff where you could go to prison for many years if found guilty, or u can plead to this and u'll pay a $100 fine take an online class and time served. Ya innocent people shouldn't plead to stuff, but it happens all the time just due to the fact people would rather take a nothing slap on the wrist rather than get really really unlucky and get found guilty. I did it once just because the consequences for getting found guilty were so ******ed compared to just pleading no contest to a lesser charge.
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
09-10-2011 , 01:06 AM
lol old pedo's
Amarillo Slim Revisited! Quote
