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Alec "traheho" Torelli........don't read if sensitive Alec "traheho" Torelli........don't read if sensitive

09-09-2007 , 12:53 AM
Is it March?
Is this a level?
09-09-2007 , 01:07 AM
09-09-2007 , 02:43 AM
gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a [censored]?
this is one of my favorite posts evar, TY!

also <3 this thread A+++ would read again

lol why are the posts making fun of P5 members or P5 members outting themslves always the BEST?!?!
09-09-2007 , 03:26 AM
09-09-2007 , 05:41 AM
all my experiences with alec have been postive (except losing 171 straight points in chinese) and he seems like a real nice (and very honest) kid.

ya'll should stop hating on people you've never met.
09-09-2007 , 06:25 AM
all my experiences with alec have been postive (except losing 171 straight points in chinese) and he seems like a real nice (and very honest) kid.

ya'll should stop hating on people you've never met.
I agree. I just wish hes first line of defence had not been "some of my best friends are black".
That one always turns out badly.
09-09-2007 , 07:24 AM
i also dont feel the word c**t is appropirate either and feel the same way about it.
Even during sex? What do you use in its place?

- Hey baby, I'm gonna stick this deep into your foo-foo?
- I'm gonna do you so hard, your ha'penny will be sore for a week?
- Mmmm. Your ladygarden is as tight as a mouse's ear?
09-09-2007 , 07:51 AM
being racist against an FTP avatar doesnt really prove much... it would be highly unlikely that he is racist and just because he said one thing in anger doesnt mean much.. who doesnt say bad things when they are angry.. if he was losing you wouldnt mind his racism because thats fine but winning? no not acceptable
09-09-2007 , 10:37 AM
Don't forget, it's racist when whitey says it, but when blackey says it in his rap videos it's cool! GO FIDDY!
09-09-2007 , 11:03 AM
Damn, there's a lot of racist scum in this thread.
09-09-2007 , 11:09 AM
Damn, there's a lot of politically correct bull**** in this thread.

Why is the n-word some magical word that you're only allowed to say if you're black? Sure, when it's used by whitey in public it's generally from a racist, but that's only coz the black man is keeping the good, unprejudiced whitey down.
09-09-2007 , 11:21 AM
if black people didnt call each other [censored] then i really dont think that white people would say it... by black people saying this word to each other and in their popular culture white people are listening to the word and seeing that it is not a bad word to use to a black person and more of a way of greeting them.. Everyone is a bit racist anyway, due to our instincts of not liking anything that is diferent..
09-09-2007 , 11:26 AM
why are people bashing the op?

a) those of you who think spewing racist crap is no big deal are morons.


b) gossip about people who win a lot of money should always be welcomed.

good job op.
09-09-2007 , 11:50 AM
if black people didnt call each other [censored] then i really dont think that white people would say it... by black people saying this word to each other and in their popular culture white people are listening to the word and seeing that it is not a bad word to use to a black person and more of a way of greeting them.. Everyone is a bit racist anyway, due to our instincts of not liking anything that is diferent..
Use of the n word by a non-black person is completely different from use of the n word by a black person.

That the n word is so common in popular black culture is precisely because of the historical hateful connotations of the word. Black slaves in America didn't start calling each other the n word, their white masters did as a pejorative signifying extreme inferiority and human value only in servitude.

For a black man to call another black man the n word involves an acknowledgement of the common bond of having sufferred in slavery under the white man.

The effects of slavery continue to be endemic in modern black American culture. It doesn't matter how many Michael Jordans or Tiger Woods or Phil Iveys there are, for most black Americans being black means everyday facing subtle and not-so-subtle economic discrimination in a white-controlled society.

No black man wants to be called the n word by a white man. The historical connotations are clear and continue to be harmful.

This guy Alec Torelli certainly seems to be a racist. His reference to dragging someone behind a truck is despicable. He should have been instantly banned for life by FTP.
09-09-2007 , 12:00 PM
busted i think you have sand in your vagina... i know that slaves were called n by their slave masters i understand this.. you are wrong when you say that white people cant call black people n as white people acting black say this to their black friends.. you really think all black people understand about what the n word actually means.. if u do then u are truly in make believe world and is more commonly used as a way of greeting fellow black people because of copying rappers.. everybody in the world is racist..
09-09-2007 , 12:16 PM
if black people didnt call each other [censored] then i really dont think that white people would say it... by black people saying this word to each other and in their popular culture white people are listening to the word and seeing that it is not a bad word to use to a black person and more of a way of greeting them.. Everyone is a bit racist anyway, due to our instincts of not liking anything that is diferent..
Use of the n word by a non-black person is completely different from use of the n word by a black person.

That the n word is so common in popular black culture is precisely because of the historical hateful connotations of the word. Black slaves in America didn't start calling each other the n word, their white masters did as a pejorative signifying extreme inferiority and human value only in servitude.

For a black man to call another black man the n word involves an acknowledgement of the common bond of having sufferred in slavery under the white man.

The effects of slavery continue to be endemic in modern black American culture. It doesn't matter how many Michael Jordans or Tiger Woods or Phil Iveys there are, for most black Americans being black means everyday facing subtle and not-so-subtle economic discrimination in a white-controlled society.

No black man wants to be called the n word by a white man. The historical connotations are clear and continue to be harmful.

This guy Alec Torelli certainly seems to be a racist. His reference to dragging someone behind a truck is despicable. He should have been instantly banned for life by FTP.
you're completely missing his point. He's saying that if black people didn't use the word, others wouldn't either. You don't even acknowledge that.
09-09-2007 , 12:17 PM
cheers Lurker.. thanks for Lurking in this post
09-09-2007 , 09:01 PM
Being tolerant of everything except intolerance is gay...

ah crap...
09-09-2007 , 09:18 PM
Everyone bashing Traheho without knowing him has no idea what they're talking about. I'm friends with Alec and in all of my experiences w/him this isn't true at all. He probably went off in the chat on some guy, w/e. One of Alec's best friends is a black guy I met in Ireland, lol. You flamers are just wrong.
09-09-2007 , 09:41 PM
you're completely missing his point. He's saying that if black people didn't use the word, others wouldn't either. You don't even acknowledge that.
He answered that question, by saying that black people were being called [censored] way before any other black person called another black person a [censored]. That being the case, why do you think that racists would stop using racial slurs against blacks because blacks no longer use the word? Are you serious?
09-09-2007 , 10:28 PM
this whole thread is such awesome comedy.
09-10-2007 , 12:39 AM
He answered that question, by saying that black people were being called [censored] way before any other black person called another black person a [censored]. That being the case, why do you think that racists would stop using racial slurs against blacks because blacks no longer use the word? Are you serious?
How do people not understand the simple concept of context also? Busted romo explained it rather well, Tiger Hall, how old are you? Your posts are pretty amazing.
09-10-2007 , 12:47 AM
trah is the man
09-10-2007 , 01:06 AM
you're completely missing his point. He's saying that if black people didn't use the word, others wouldn't either. You don't even acknowledge that.
What's there to acknowledge ? I can't acknowledge an absurd statement.

There are entire swaths of humanity that still use the n word, and worse, to describe black people. Racism is very stong in many countries in Western Europe : especially Spain, Italy, and parts of France. In these countries, it's common to use a term even more offensive than the n word. In Eastern Europe, racism is epidemic.

In America, there are large sub-cultures that use the n word to describe any black man. In my experience, Eastern Europeans and Russians are especially likely to use the n word. But I've also heard it used by less-acclimated members of the Asian and Indian (India Indians, not Native Americans) communities. And upper class South American culture completely condones use of the n word. I've heard upper-class Argentinians and Chileans use the n word as if there was no other word.

America has to set the example for the world. Those African Americans who allow white people to call them by the n word are setting an extremely bad precedent for their race. No black leader, businessman, academic, or other member of the intelligentsia (such as jazz musicians) would ever want to be called by the n word. Neither would extremely successful black popular icons such as Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Phil Ivey. Self-respect starts with demanding respect from others.
09-10-2007 , 01:08 AM
OP, do you have a copy of the email you sent to FT? No HH I'm assuming? Do you remember anyone else who was playing or watching?
