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Alec "traheho" Torelli........don't read if sensitive Alec "traheho" Torelli........don't read if sensitive

03-18-2007 , 03:27 PM
Post deleted by Dids
03-18-2007 , 05:55 PM
OP you suck. I would also like you to please not post on 2p2 anymore or get dragged by a truck, one of the two.
03-18-2007 , 05:57 PM
OP you suck. I would also like you to please not post on 2p2 anymore or get dragged by a truck, one of the two.
If I may ask, why not both?
03-18-2007 , 06:23 PM

He lives with a Black guy. He can't possibly be a racist. I wonder if this is a case of mistaken identity or if traho just lost his cool one day. The second seems more likely. And given that this is NVG, this is what I choose to believe.
03-18-2007 , 06:40 PM
Wake up white people! okay this is the biggest load of bull,shi,t i've ever seen in my life. im acutally pissed off someone would write this. just for the record, i am LIVING with and owning a black guy. we are nearly best friends and are possibly producing a TV show together and will be traveling for the next year. I currently mentour and whip him . secondly i've never said the word "n....." b/c prefer other racial epithets consistantly call out people who use it. i also dont feel the word c**t is a strong enough word to describe exactly how I feel about women, but I haven't found a better term yet so I use it reluctantly . I recieved no email or contact from ftp reguarding this manner and have a vivid memory of hands i played and dont remember ever having this come up. not even close. i would never go as far as saying some of the things you accused me of outside of a KKK meeting/rally . lastly, if it was me it was the grand wizard playign on my account but i highly doubt that was the case. i'd apprecaite it if you didnt disrespcet me liek that and start making up rumors which obvisouly arent true. White Power
trah (alec)
03-18-2007 , 06:59 PM
It was probably his black roommate who got on his account and made the comments to rile up all the whites who would be so offended.

03-20-2007 , 02:02 AM
I'm not an idiot, believe me ALEC it was someone on your account who did it.......i'm amazed by the negative reaction towards me but I'm not shocked, i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy.........i guess I must be so bored that I'm posting false claims about ONE PERSON being a blatant racist on a poker site, yea that's it......Believe me, it happened. I have absolutely no reason to lie. One of you traheho fanboys, please tell me what i have to gain off lying about this, i'm very interested.
03-20-2007 , 02:04 AM
The fact that you don't rememeber it doesn't shock me at all either, when you're a total bigot saying derogatory statements won't stand out in your mind, but it sure stayed on mine.
03-20-2007 , 02:10 AM
I'm not an idiot, believe me ALEC it was someone on your account who did it.......i'm amazed by the negative reaction towards me but I'm not shocked, i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy .........i guess I must be so bored that I'm posting false claims about ONE PERSON being a blatant racist on a poker site, yea that's it......Believe me, it happened. I have absolutely no reason to lie. One of you traheho fanboys, please tell me what i have to gain off lying about this, i'm very interested.
03-20-2007 , 02:13 AM
In hindsight I guess that does sound funny
03-20-2007 , 02:56 AM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
03-20-2007 , 03:11 AM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
Considering the vast majority of this site is not African American, this is a pretty valid statement, and you know it. Let me clear something up, I am not an Al Sharpton clone who gets offended by every little thing that happens to black people, personally I believe we all have little things in our culture that when parodied on TV for instance, is pretty funny. I just have a problem when it's BLATANT hatred towards a group, not just black......ANYBODY. Especially at a poker table, where most of the appeal is that ANYBODY, black, red, blue, gay, fat, anorexic, white or green can play, enjoy themselves, and win (with the proper effort of course). Guess I'm just an idiot for feeling how I do...........
03-20-2007 , 03:36 AM
Guess I'm just an idiot for feeling how I do...........
Pretty sure it's only one of many reasons.

Plz don't ban me for saying mean things to a differently pigmented person.
Point proven....ignorance is bliss on this huh?
03-20-2007 , 03:36 AM
BEAT- Post getting booted from BBV to NVG.
03-21-2007 , 10:41 PM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
What white guy? Isn't traheho a W.O.P.?
03-21-2007 , 11:36 PM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
What white guy? Isn't traheho a W.O.P.?
Nice level.
03-22-2007 , 01:06 AM
"secondly i've never said the word "n....." b/c im HUGELY against the use of it and consistantly call out people who use it."

O RLY????
03-22-2007 , 01:47 AM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
This is a racist comment to me....Do you see why?
03-22-2007 , 02:33 AM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
Lol. Also, what up jmill.
03-22-2007 , 02:43 AM
i guess if you're gonna believe someone, you're gonna believe the white guy
This is a racist comment to me....Do you see why?
we see why you think its racist, but that doesn't mean it is!
09-08-2007 , 10:29 PM
This is a bunch of bull...Alec has never used the n***word and it would not cross his mind to to do so...let's see the history print out on this ...GoodolKevin is a liar and want some attention becasue he doesn't get enough at the tables.
09-08-2007 , 11:01 PM
I can't understand you go back to your country White Powerrr
09-09-2007 , 12:20 AM
Is it March?
09-09-2007 , 12:21 AM
Notice he didnt start talkin that racist crap till AFTER he got the football helmut? And he got one of those shaded visors so the brothas cant describe him to the police..Nuff said
