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"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" "9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege"

10-04-2016 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
So many silly issues being combined into one giant mess of a thread. What is the issue? Her fold? His banter? The conflict of interest? The ability of the tournament director to do his job?

You cannot avoid conflicts like this in a huge open tournament of this kind. Basically the entire poker world - at least those that can come up with 10k and a trip to Vegas - participates in the main event. Ergo, there will be many different conflicts of interest throughout the tournament, probably one at each table in some capacity. This particular one seems incredibly trivial. Unless you can show a pattern of behavior that clearly demonstrates preferential treatment, there is nothing to discuss.

Seriously, what do you want? To keep anyone who has a relationship with the WSOP, Ceasars, or tournament director out of the tournament? That's just silly. I would imagine a greater conflict of interest is the tournament trying to keep big names in the event longer, driving greater interest, higher ratings, etc. Should Helmuth and Negraneau be excluded from the tournament based on that? What if you are a regular customer of the casino, a known whale, should you be barred from the main event? The WSOP must work with countless suppliers to put on a tournament of that size, should any supplier to the WSOP, or Ceasars, be excluded from participating? The management of the catering company? The guy who prints the badges? What about ex dealers who once worked for Ceasars? Tournament director neighbors? Family members?

Looking at the specific ruling, it seems completely fair. He was warned, he didn't listen, he received a penalty. If anything I thought it was unfair to allow the clock to be called so quickly. And because of the constant talking, I would think more time should have been granted to compensate.

This seems like a huge tempest in a teapot. There is nothing to see here. Move on, please.
You just shut all the bs posts down "like a boss ".
Most intelligent and on point post of this entire thread.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:17 AM
Whenever I have a bad day I rewatch the "I was 80% to call" part again.

Always makes me smile.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by epcfast
Only there is plenty to see here.

This potential conflict of interest probably had little bearing on the (deserved) penalty but Stacey claims she was given information about Kassouf's hole cards that could only have been possible if security was seriously compromised.

How was this information obtained and why was it relayed to her?
In light of this then the relationship between the player,the WSOP and the tournament director certainly warrants further scrutiny.
As I said earlier it's entirely possible that Stacey simply made this up to make her fold look better but if we discount this then it looks very very bad indeed.
If the hole card information is not secure then what's to stop someone at the feature table receiving real time hole card information on their phone,tablet,friend on the rail signalling etc?

Real life super user account.
You really are stretching to seem relevant on this post. No breach of security??
•After that hand was over , no players in the hand , everyone including me folded he showed the camera his hand. People around the camera saw, no made up story. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who heard on the table what it was and perhaps he didn't care when showing the camera boasting what hand he had made. Trust me I wish I hadn't heard it as I was surprised as well to hear it was that big. You really need to move on as your attempts to find incredulous findings are so unfounded and you have created no truth of impropriety .
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
That guy more then likely thought he was posting in bbv forum when saying easy fold on flop, but an obvious troll is obvious . You where in a tough situation, I don't think you did anything to represent yourself in a poor way. Congrats on your high finish bummer about that aa hand and one before it. Kassof is someone who thinks he is witty, charming and engaging when in reality he is a fool and a tool.
Thank you very much, appreciate that!
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I enjoyed Kassouf's banter the first episode...but now that we're on day 6, it's completely unbearable. He would tilt the **** out of least come up with different things to say!
What he does works! I wouldn't want to sit next to him but respect him for maximising his ev doing something not many would be able to do.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:32 AM
are poker players the dumbest of the smartest people, or the smartest of the dumbest people?
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by StacyAcey
You really are stretching to seem relevant on this post. No breach of security??
•After that hand was over , no players in the hand , everyone including me folded he showed the camera his hand. People around the camera saw, no made up story. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who heard on the table what it was and perhaps he didn't care when showing the camera boasting what hand he had made. Trust me I wish I hadn't heard it as I was surprised as well to hear it was that big. You really need to move on as your attempts to find incredulous findings are so unfounded and you have created no truth of impropriety .
The coverage shows him saying "can i show the cameras without the players?" before cutting back to the table.
Someone then relayed (in your words "whispered")that information to you at the table.
It could have come from someone around the camera or someone with access to the hole card information.Or of course it could have not happened at all.
Given your history of obfuscation regarding your relationship with the TD and WSOP is it surprising that an explanation was sought?
Who was this "someone"?
Why would you have reason to believe them?
Did you feel that them imparting this information to you was ethical?

Also could you translate this for me please?
You really need to move on as your attempts to find incredulous findings are so unfounded and you have created no truth of impropriety
It makes little to no sense.

Last edited by epcfast; 10-04-2016 at 09:55 AM.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 11:03 AM
Stacey I asked this at the begining of the thread, and several others have asked as well. Can you please let us know how much time elapsed before the gentleman called the clock on you??
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 11:44 AM
OP here, just wanted to say a few things.

(1) I get that Kassouf is a polarizing figure. To each their own. Personally I like him. It's fine if you don't.

(2) The fold was bad, yes, but thats not the issue at hand.

(3) The original point I wanted to make was that Jack Effel is an arrogant SOB. That point still stands.

(4) You (Stacey) came across really bad on TV but thats besides the point. Anybody who blames their own terrible play on other people is in my books, a massive loser. I absolutely despise people who do this.

(5) You (Stacey) come across really bad in this thread too. You've been caught in the open blatantly lying about the whole Conflict of Interest issue. Even though that wasn't an intended topic for discussion when I made the thread, it's certainly a very good point.

(6) I'm very concerned about how you (or anyone else for that matter) is able to have access to hole card information in real time. Your explanation was quick frankly ridiculous, and made even more difficult to believe given that you haven't come across as very credible in the first place.

(7) You've repeatedly deflected issue (5) and (6). Life experience has taught me that people have something to hide when they're unable to or repeatedly refuse to answer very simple questions.

(8) Easy fold with AA on the flop.

Last edited by jawong2000; 10-04-2016 at 11:54 AM.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 12:10 PM
I can conclude this is not the real Stacy. Nobody could possibly be baited into posting such a load of crap, it just doesn't happen. Imitating another person online is pretty lame so stop doing it, you're going to make her feel bad.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 12:24 PM
^ Conclude or suspect?? That thought did cross my mind
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 12:46 PM
i was definitely pro Kassouf and anti-ruling when watching this episode but after the additional coverage i noticed Kassouf does slow the game down quite a bit, this would have me much more tilted than his table talk. on a couple of hands (even pre flop) where he was clearly folding, he prattled on for over thirty seconds before mucking his cards...i would have be calling the floor on him for this.

i think i've agreed with 99.9% of rulings i've seen TDs make but it has occurred to be that if there was ever a razor close decision it would certainly be advantageous to know the floor (i dont think Stacey looks bad in dismissing the "conflict of interest" financial accusations but if she was friends with Jack that would be an edge, more than a business relationship). i've played a lot of tourneys at the commerce and when the floor is called to a table i can sense, if they are interacting with a pro or a commerce regular, if they like or dislike this person. i once saw an LA reg essentially threaten a guy at the table and ask him to go outside and the floor came over and didn't even bring up the possibility of a penalty...just told the player to "try to calm down". i thought the guy should be penalized and said so and the floor just said he "knows" that the guy would calm down but, yes, he would give a penalty if he didn't. i got a one hand penalty for mucking my hand out of turn a couple of orbits later lol
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 12:56 PM
Stacy , certainly you've come to realize you can't win NVG

Nobody can win NVG

It's not real life
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 02:02 PM
Tell me StacyAcey why is it ok for you to ask "like a boss" questions at the table for your benefit but when he does it to you, you feel compelled to have him punished for doing things " penalty worthy " GET ON YOUR BIKE and STFU
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 02:05 PM
It's really not a good thing when the hottest head in this video is a power tripping Tournament Director in Jack Effel, waving his hands in the personal space of a player, making arbitrary & rash decisions etc.

"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice
Keating's persona is "designed" to look genuine, but I read it as fake.

Kassouf's persona comes across as fake, but I would bet that it is very close to who he is off the table.
Good read. There are a lot of people I've played with live who put on this overly friendly facade. I think they think it masks how much better they are than the rest of the table. Like "I'm not a winning reg. I'm just a fun-loving guy playing some cards".
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 03:54 PM
Keating is the kind of guy who when you meet him you immediately lose all respect for him.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Your Mom
i was waiting for the part where he got out of line.
But on the positive side, guys like this give me license to slowroll them and **** with them any way possible with no moral dilemma.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 06:00 PM
This is pretty insane I can't get an answer from ms. Matuson about the length of time it took. I Didn't need to know myself as I was seated at their same exact table. I can only speak for myself not others , but I felt. There was more than suffecieant time for you to think the hand through for yourself. As a professional player you should able to blockout clowns like William from affecting your play. That is an area you failed Miserably. Your right we shouldn't judge you on just one hand from a 7 day tournament. What turned me off was your behavior immidetly after . How can you blame poor old guy bc you made a bad decision .eveb the guy sitting next to him said I had a number in my head where I wanted clock to. Be called on her

For those curious after the river betting the clock was called appomx. 9min after the Bets were made and the circus my personal experience give me a table of 8 Williams than jus one of Stacey. While William could be annoying after a long day hearing his same old jokes overc and over lol. At least he gave offf the human emotion. By contrast STacey was cold a little confescending and just got a fake vibe from her and her entire crew. Don't mean to be harsh with you Stacey you seem like an ok girl who has let their 15 min (9. In your case) go to their head.

One last thing Stacey the idea that you owning the WS0P dealer school and jack Eiffel being tourney directior for the WSOP brand wasn't a conflict of interest is naive at best. At worst it's out and out Collusion. .indont think it's anywhere near that level is crazy for me that WSOP would allow it
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by StacyAcey
You really are stretching to seem relevant on this post. No breach of security??
•After that hand was over , no players in the hand , everyone including me folded he showed the camera his hand. People around the camera saw, no made up story. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who heard on the table what it was and perhaps he didn't care when showing the camera boasting what hand he had made. Trust me I wish I hadn't heard it as I was surprised as well to hear it was that big. You really need to move on as your attempts to find incredulous findings are so unfounded and you have created no truth of impropriety .
I would like think you just do not understand this issue, so you may want to find someone explain it to you who does understand it.

Anyway, if there were a breach of security, it was not your doing. Stop arguing the point, you did what you did with the information, whether or not this was a second hand whisper or some leak from the television crew.

What his hole cards were on that straight flush hand seemingly was intended to be private information in real time and seemingly not to be not disclosed to opponents who would be playing some subsequent hand involving a big bluff, 9-high or otherwise. You clearly perceived that to be the case, apparently watching and hearing him state that. Whether the cards were seen by unintended standers-by "within the ropes" or leaked by access to the television feed, doesn't really matter as to your subsequent actions in real time. .

There is a sense of karma, hubris and avarice at play here if, as you describe, the information you "knew" was not intended for you, lead you to make a fold when you otherwise would have called in a subsequent bluff hand situation . Have you have considered you were maybe set-up like a bowling pin, then knocked down by a boss on a subsequent hand bluff with the dramatic way that "knowledge" was spoon-fed to you and likely other table participants ?

Seems plausible that Kassouf found a new, dramatic way to communicate his hole cards to you and other players without overtly showing them. Maybe your eventual "9 High hand fold" was pre-cast by you before that subsequent particular bluff hand ever was dealt.... What you did with his information was swallow it hook, line and sinker.

Last edited by Geezer Soze; 10-04-2016 at 07:20 PM.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by BklynGrinder
This is pretty insane I can't get an answer from ms. Matuson about the length of time it took. I Didn't need to know myself as I was seated at their same exact table. I can only speak for myself not others , but I felt. There was more than suffecieant time for you to think the hand through for yourself. As a professional player you should able to blockout clowns like William from affecting your play. That is an area you failed Miserably. Your right we shouldn't judge you on just one hand from a 7 day tournament. What turned me off was your behavior immidetly after . How can you blame poor old guy bc you made a bad decision .eveb the guy sitting next to him said I had a number in my head where I wanted clock to. Be called on her

For those curious after the river betting the clock was called appomx. 9min after the Bets were made and the circus my personal experience give me a table of 8 Williams than jus one of Stacey. While William could be annoying after a long day hearing his same old jokes overc and over lol. At least he gave offf the human emotion. By contrast STacey was cold a little confescending and just got a fake vibe from her and her entire crew. Don't mean to be harsh with you Stacey you seem like an ok girl who has let their 15 min (9. In your case) go to their head.

One last thing Stacey the idea that you owning the WS0P dealer school and jack Eiffel being tourney directior for the WSOP brand wasn't a conflict of interest is naive at best. At worst it's out and out Collusion. .indont think it's anywhere near that level is crazy for me that WSOP would allow it
Your post is complete bull**** seriously. Wow.The hand never took 9 min and Perhaps you're probably the person who actually called the clock if you like you said you were actually on the table?!. And if you listen clearly to GORDON Vayo who made the November 9 - he said I had a number in my head to call the clock and it still hadn't reached that time yet minutes after the hand ended. The hand did seem a little crazy at the end but that's because William kept disregarding the floor and Jack to shut up and all
Of the theatrics , once he got penalized immediately after those warnings and I went into the tank I had 60 seconds of quiet to think. That's why the table all chimed in, regardless I should have called but didn't. End of story. I'm
So past it , it's over and on to the next.

Your condescending comment of I've had my 15 min, I didn't ask for this. They decided what they wanted to air and yes I got a considerate amount of tv, but it wasn't my first tv appearance and I'm not after being well known at all. I was just trying to make history like everyone there , trying to be the first female in a long time make a main event final. I apologize you didn't get exposure but that was their call.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by jawong2000
Say what you want about Kassouf, he was trying to make conversation
lol no
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 08:19 PM
Here's what people actually that were on the table tweeted

Jesse Cohen - @RealKidPoker time had elapsed but that's ≠ as her having had sufficient time to think, <30-60 seconds of silence OTR for her to think
@JCohen130 @RealKidPoker wow Daniel, every right to call the clock?! Are u real? She had zero time to think bc she was being harassed.

Gordon Vayo -@DarryllFish @realcharder30 fwiw I think jack handled it very well. Hard to portray on tv but I think the future coverage will clarify a bit

@RealKidPoker if the clock caller wasn't in the wrong then why did he apologize? He opened himself up, no? Btw he just sat down ...

Louise Francoeur- @StacyAcey @JCohen130 @GordonVayo @StacyAcey they took out most of discussion, I tore into guy for calling clock in that situation.

So done with this topic. I'm done.
Good luck all.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by StacyAcey
So done with this topic. I'm done.
Good luck all.
Best of luck xx
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
10-04-2016 , 08:38 PM
You didn't have enough time to think because you used your time complaining about him and not thinking about your decision.
Kassouf played you and you fell for it.
"9 high like a boss" aka "Check your privilege" Quote
