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21st century poker culture questioned 21st century poker culture questioned

02-10-2016 , 01:54 PM
ok some young bucks asked mrwong do you get the old school degen look ......i looked at these two and said need to re do your toques no passive agressive attitudes less sarcasm i looked at these two as they stared back blankly and said i will post the look on 2plus2 the way to look like a old school baller
someone post..... pope of greenwitch village the summerwind song scene great song ,great look the way the old ballers looked.
02-10-2016 , 04:25 PM
Here you go, bighitter:

I agree that Mickey Rourke looks pretty cool. What's wrong with sarcasm, though?
02-10-2016 , 06:22 PM
some son of a B iatch disabled the video ,anyway that song/look thats how you do it ,its EV
02-10-2016 , 06:25 PM
POSITIVE for the broads ,if they think you got some cake you can spin a story lay some track ,like your a coperate lawyer ,best one of all times i got some business cards made up saying i was a palm spring s plastic a pulled the old fast one.
02-25-2016 , 01:53 PM
i roll around in bed in the midst of a buckowski influenced dream ,i am a shrunk 5 inch little naked man as i pleasure a real sized lady,she like a beautiful volatile monster to me she roughly sets me down on a old fashioned radio and command me to dance she yells dance you little prick and blows smoke into my tiny face as i dance for her my minute feet burn on the wood top of the 1920s radio my little feet move in a blur she then reaches over grabs my cruely squeezes my body with fingers and inserts me into the canal i try and take a breath she pulls me out each time right before i pass out from lack of air my little body soaked just my feet dry where she help me i feel my ankles break
02-25-2016 , 01:55 PM
i wake up as i grasp for air my door at the lasvegas country club townhouse bangs i look out its manhattenmatt i wonder how he breaches the gated security as my heart pound i lie a smoke and leer at his chick as i get anouther quasi and think she a dead ringer for that jude law guys chick ohh...sienna miller
02-27-2016 , 04:47 PM
Mr. Wong, I believe a T.V. series about your life and other casino dwellar's lives is what will lead to the next poker boom. Please tell us more when you have time. You are one of the only hopes poker has left.
02-27-2016 , 07:43 PM
lotgrinder i can tell your a stand up guy not like that Domonic pretend degen fantasy sicko camp cast off in his 87 ford tempo .
As far as your point about another poker boom well let me say something bighitter,you dont need a poker boom to become a poker pro ,infact in the non-boom years people dont empower themselves with knowledge you see when poker is not cool the eco-system ironically is shrunk but the games are easier with-out thousands of aspriring phil ivys .In a nutshell if your live player then you dont need 100 thousand games running off all over the world you only need 1 table 2 drunk golf tourists a couple of old nits maybe one or two mentally weak people and a hot cali lady whom thinks banging a well dressed old sick buck like me is exciting.This could be the most inportant post in a long while .....time for a drink and a w5nk.
02-28-2016 , 04:39 PM
Mr. Wong. I agree whole heartedly. I have been playing live poker for my primary source of income for four years now. When a young buck compliments me, asks me questions about being a pro, and says something like, "Wow. You must be a really great player to win that amount of money a year at live poker." I respond, "I wouldn't call myself great big hitter. I wouldn't even call my self good for sure. I just know that every table I sit at has at least seven other players that are a lot worse than me and that's how I eat." When they ask if I ever played against anyone really good I say, "Not for longer than a couple hours big hitter. Why would I ever want to play against anyone good?" It is sad to see the 21st century poker culture obsessed with things like ranges, equity, 3bets, 4bets, floats, green tea, vegan diets, and wearing scarfs when they should be worrying about getting the cocktail waitresses number to fukk her hard while all jacked up on adderall and cialis. Oh the life we live Mr. Wong. I think I'll order a beer right now. Reading your stories makes me wish I had high quality cocaine to snort out of a stripper's a$$hole tonight.

Last edited by LotGrinder; 02-28-2016 at 04:49 PM.
02-28-2016 , 06:52 PM
LOL. Thread is definitely funnier than "Everyone's Triple Range Merging."
02-28-2016 , 08:43 PM
i like this lotgrinder guy ,here we have pee and vinager ,i mean this culture of entitlement ,passive aggressive snotty little effers whith no character or heart ,little cut-out walking cliches never been in a fight soft lady men .I am not wired like that people and i dont care if i cash in in 2 months or 30 years its b@lls to the floor crazy town lone wold existance that little DB says .......THE SHOW MUST GONE ... now im going to go win baby a few bones get drunk and write the rest of my story about a old buddy ManhattanMatt and his hot brood from 2000....THE EFFIN SHOW MUST GO ON!!!!!!
02-29-2016 , 12:23 PM
I open my door wearing just a herringbone 5mm 20 gramm gold chain as sienna miller pulls off her sunglasses and takes a long leering stare and smiles are bigdaddy baby ....and laughs ,Manhattanmatt .... annoyed say what going on come on ,i got a good scam to run by you cover up bighitter ....sienna miller steals one of my blackcat smokes and leers as i pull a mexx pair of dress pants out of a pile of dirty clothing and brush off ashes that fell on my chest ...ithrow a dirty shirt on and sit next to sienna as Matt looks down on his daytona rolex and asks you got any of that canadianclub before i get into this deal that will make us some good bread baby ...i got a bad case of the shakes
03-01-2016 , 05:18 AM
5* thread, just went back and read from the beginning. i always picture mr wong as the asian guy from the hangover.

03-01-2016 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by rtd353
5* thread, just went back and read from the beginning. i always picture mr wong as the asian guy from the hangover.

+1 I've had this guy (including his voice) in mind ever since the beginning of this thread. Y'know, except in a sport coat with a pompador.

Mr. Wong, please keep up the stories; I love this thread.
03-02-2016 , 01:16 PM
JonHandsome was a walking cliche hustler whom was headhunted by the 3 big Ny investment banks he left NY after a insolvent client shot himself in the head in front of Jon ,apparently the guys hair stood straight up after firing the gun this messed up Jon and he headed west to become a pro-poker player ,along the way he picked up young seinna miller a beautiful aspiring model/actress from Cali they both were driven by greed and vices .Nothing good ended up being in the cards for them Jon ended up doing 9 years and taking a near fatal beating and sienna turned to prostitution after looks were ruined by alcohal/drugs.
03-02-2016 , 01:21 PM
Jon sits down and says listen we i have a great angle here and i need your help to bring in a certain whale to finance this deal he smiles ,Sienna makes a money gesture with her fingers tips,big cake baby bigcake baby !!!! she takes a long sip and makes a little face and puts her arm over my shoulder then we all spin it up for a month ....
03-02-2016 , 06:09 PM
ManhattanMatt not Jonhandsome sorry wrong story ,looks up from his canadianclub and says ..i got inside track on a hot .com IPO could be the biggest coil-spring of 2000 and it could be a 10 bagger easily ,i want to fill a private placement of 500k and need stake-holders with this privateplacement there one half warent attached for 2 years we will keep these warrents from the other investors we hold all the shares and i sell them when i think the time is right ,the warrents are what will make you and i rich everyone else will do good but we do great ,he holds out his glass lets have another round and a toast baby ,sienna miller gives me her best hollywood smile i reach for a 40 of canadianclub and think is good
03-11-2016 , 03:41 AM
alright quick question bighitters whom is the bigger scumbag i have two candicates
GOLDMANSACS or VENETIAN HOTEL lasvegas .....lets start with GOLDMAN SAC a prestiges bohemeth banking entity whom put a short on gold ,oil,cnd dollar i recently made love to a middle-aged goldmen sac trader as i gave her pleasure i stretched my neck off to the side and asked you guys shorting gold,oil cnd dollar with conviction and then i put my face back in the muck ....i heard her reply she said ...what do you care you dont play the game and even if you did when we make the call its a self full filling effin prophecy ,we are goldmen sac and we move markets as she pushed my face accordingly i was a aroused by her diluted narcissim and gave her oral pleasures.
03-11-2016 , 03:47 AM
scumbag number 2 the VENETIAN hotel ,recently i was drinking with a old buddy at the TAO ,this guy a classic he seen SAM GRIZZLE sort of beat up phil helmuth years ago and has a role in the sic degen archives as he was the best 3 dice craps shooter of all time as his dice were weighted just enough for a nice edge but you had to keep the house dice in your hand while you throw one time 3 dice cam out in china town that left his face paralized anyway we got in a fight at the TAO and kicked off the resort ,for me this was huge as i play poker for a living but this is the new vegas have a lady rep the rooom that has a husband whom is the biggest mooch in town anyway whom is the biggest scumbag
03-11-2016 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by mrwong
we move markets
When female traders at big desks say this, you should say "Doesn't that invalidate the assumptions behind the research your trading is based on?" - they love to be told by a man that they are just clicking buttons.
03-11-2016 , 04:43 AM
mrwong with a tribute to John Gutfreund. Great stuff.
03-21-2016 , 04:16 AM
ok it seems im bumping my own thread but what-ever bighitters ,i am the most interesting guy here ok ....that being said i will fight the 2plus2 mod whom drives a ford tempo you know who you are and i will fight you over the drain sewer east of CROMWELL or in a phonebooth north of freemont believe me im not that tough but i have 100 fights 3/4 were probable losses thats ok becouse i have heart which is paramount if your a real poker-player ...anyway hold on
03-21-2016 , 04:22 AM
Alright a good kid over at the 1;00/1;00 table at the old imperial ok you know where i talkin the quad had a request that i finish a epic story that im not proud of where i represented myself as a young booster criminal back in 95 ,thats right i dated myself back then i stepped out of a 1984 733 bmw with swagger and sat with a few notable players of the day and told a very cool story about my dad who was a KOREAN WAR VET and back in those days where you waited in a trench it was always bad luck to light three smokes with one match as when you lit the match sniper rises up as you pass match to first guy he lifts rifle the second he puts his eye to sight third guy he
03-30-2016 , 02:12 AM
Please finish ManhattanMatt story or just bring us up to date. Love this thread.
03-30-2016 , 01:31 PM
after a alcohal fueld evening with a Goldmansac trader a walking cliche trader cocky in your face indignent ,she was running around her suite as i stared up at the ceiling smoking, her rapid fire conversation and large slightly sagging breasts going in tandem with her stock trader talk.She gave me a insider track on goldmans game plan this coming in the beginning of 2016 jan she said...........right now we are short gold ,oil and short all currencies other then US dollar as Yellin will raise interest rates 4 times in 16 ,we are betting big on US recovery .....she cocked her eyebrow and bite her lip as i pulled the covers off me exposing my erection ..... the room stunk of sex and smoke expensive perfume ...she took a long panting glare and said ...eff it those greedy bas tards can start the conference with -out me she agressively made love to me and put her hand on my neck .....i thought this is crazy town good.
