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21st century poker culture questioned 21st century poker culture questioned

10-22-2015 , 02:57 AM
3 months later the guys busto i rake 2k but sadly hes done like dinner all of the tough brake .i would of called,thats poker ,i buy you a comped drink ,nothing you could of done he and his family whiped out .....i remmember looking at him and knowing thats effin it ,thats my last buyin ....i walked to the washroom knowing he be gone
10-27-2015 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by mrwong
thanks cannabusto im just ironing my shirt going to hit 1/1 game at link after i stop off at that one little bar behind ballys for a bud/hotdogg for 3.50 ....little tapped these days ............clean sheets dirty women
It used to be $3.00.

At least you are keeping it real. No vegan and gluten-free containers immaculately labelled in your fridge in this thread. That's not poker.
10-27-2015 , 04:23 PM
I can't believe I'm older than this goofball.
10-27-2015 , 06:12 PM
Before my thoughts were highjacked i was talking about guilt ,real pro-players like me with a soul not guys like e-dog but salt of the earth types old school guys like me .
Well after the barber lost everything over 9 months and took the final out ,i remember dreaming half drunk half asleep half dreaming where day after day i would take monies to a home builder who was building me a high 4 story house with no floors the door on the four floor where it was assessible by exterior stairs .The barber was homeless and i offered my underconstruction home he took the long climb up the stairs and as he reached the 4rth floor door he looked down and says ...mrwong your a stand up guy ...i walk closer to the house where there are still no floors ....i yell and scream for him not to go in but its to late right then i awake chest pounding hand shaking i reach for a drink as i take short grasps of air and think is this life worth it as i roll out of bed in my underwear i kneel on the floor and slowly get up to start another session.
10-27-2015 , 06:23 PM
Keep going Mr. Wong! We want more!
10-27-2015 , 06:44 PM
Well people the guilt of being a small part of someones insolvency that causes a devestating ripple effect is never really talked about in this niche ,you can see it in the persons eyes its like quicksand peppered with deluted hope and propped up with ....i would of done the same thing tough break.....yeah you did the right thing .....thats piece by piece he is eroded away .....
10-27-2015 , 06:47 PM
Dominic your apart of this life and supposed to be a baller you driving your 86 tempo with all the answers ,add something tangible to this thread the only one that matters as this is real ,raw its like a triple scotch maybe your not man enough.
10-28-2015 , 10:55 AM
Lol, yeah, I'm sure that's it.
10-28-2015 , 10:07 PM
Anyway back to the jist of my point and its GUiLT that us pro-players feel from time to time when we extract monies from those in a death spiral of addiction monies obv earmarked for children and women .I
I will say something i have heart and heart is not simply pushing ,3 -betting ,repping the board ,its also means there s considerations for those gagging on quick sand,i bet real stand up guys like DB AND ELI ,BARRY ,and jen harmon all battle this and i know im not the only one ,when people opt to cash in for real in this life it makes one think long and hard about a lot of things ,heres to being a guy have a drink on me....that it for now
10-28-2015 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by mrwong
Anyway back to the jist of my point and its GUiLT that us pro-players feel from time to time when we extract monies from those in a death spiral of addiction monies obv earmarked for children and women .I
I will say something i have heart and heart is not simply pushing ,3 -betting ,repping the board ,its also means there s considerations for those gagging on quick sand,i bet real stand up guys like DB AND ELI ,BARRY ,and jen harmon all battle this and i know im not the only one ,when people opt to cash in for real in this life it makes one think long and hard about a lot of things ,heres to being a guy have a drink on me....that it for now
solid points wong
11-02-2015 , 01:18 AM
ok let me start out by thanking 2plus2 for this forum and lets start off with a nnew story .For those that dont know this is the Wong thread ,hmmm let me see its likeBruce Springstein or Rick Sprinstien ones a soap guy ones a great singer well thats like my thread here its raw and its real on the Wong thread theres no ...does ivy like stuff comments .
11-02-2015 , 01:28 AM
like most early evenings time finds me at a local lasvegas bar lonewolf stlyle sitting at the bar in a quandry whether or not to play another session ,i look down my cuffs undone my drink my fake brietling gold watch i look up to see my partial reflection as CC bottle is pulled out sky high pompadour unlight smoke designer sports coat 50 year-old ,i raise my glass whisper out a toast ..heres to alchol and broads ive taken more from them they have taken from me .... i know thats a lie but still humour myself with dilutive skewed wisdom ohh well gimmie another baby
11-03-2015 , 02:44 AM
11-08-2015 , 11:40 PM
Well ive deceided to create a forum here where we can confess as pokerplayers some of the not so proud indescrections that makes us who we are ,by doing so the deeds really dont seem to be as bad.
11-08-2015 , 11:47 PM
Ok i will start it wasa hot night at the Tao pool niteclub as i sat lonewolf in a crowded bar mourning my dead old friend from the Binion /mirage days i would toast up to the open sky i intrigued a young lady sitting on the fringe of a large group of young high-end dressed NY GAGGLE .....i flashed her my best hollywood smile and introduced myself as a notable high stakes professional poker player
11-08-2015 , 11:53 PM
Fantastic story
11-08-2015 , 11:55 PM
at first she seemed one part aroused and one part repulsed but i subscribed to the belief any attention is better then indifference .She drank out of my glass of scotch asked rapid fire poker related questions .....i told her i live at palmsplace condos a 55 th floor condo and played out of bobbys room i flashed a highend breitly took her on the dancefloor shook hands with a terrel owens looking guy all of this lies and more lies 3 hours later we go back to her ENCORE SUITE.
11-08-2015 , 11:58 PM
problem was her friends were back all sleeping passed out covering every square foot of the dark suite ,i take her buy the hand and we go into the bathroom where i lay out fine towels over the marblefloor and make love to the young educated ivy league young lady 3 times after that i lit a smoke and pass out on the floor.
11-09-2015 , 12:03 AM
i wake up look arounf the Encore bathroom stand up naked look in the mirror comb my pompadour deciede to run a bath lite a smoke ,i hear the prissy NY broads bash my young could you sleep with that creepy old guy .....that is so discusting ...what is wrong with you these comments were bookmarked with mocking laughter as i recline in the hot bubble bath to her even more cynism more voices chiming in and expressing utter vile repulsion ....i try and ignore this horrible sentiment and enjoy my bath.
11-09-2015 , 12:11 AM
How about a new story.
11-09-2015 , 12:13 AM
i slowly get out of the bath and hear a pounding on the door and a shrieky female voice i open the door naked one of her friends screams get out of our room you pervert old man i stand naked as i watch her eyes lower and stare finally quiet i slam the door shut and look thru lady designer bags for hair products ,ohh paul mitchel leave in good for a pompadour i open hollow hmmm,yes but a rattle ohh a bankrole a fat one shoved in a empty hair condioning bottle i put the role in the bottom of my prada boots get dressed and walk out to the 5 angry 1 pleased but embaressed young women with swagger of a prize fighter my girl red faced ,i pull her off the chair and kiss her look at her friends and i pause smile and say you broads just have nt earned yet and walk out with 1k a g-note in compensation.
11-09-2015 , 12:14 AM
im not proud of this and feel bad for taking their monies but now i feel better thanks to this confessional.
11-09-2015 , 01:21 AM
alright i am pouring a drink waiting to hear from my fellow ilk ,the topic today bighitter is confessions of a pro-poker player .Many parts of our life are colored by the life ....sometimes lines are blurred and morals skewed i know all about it ,well let me light a smoke and say for the most part the poker eco-system is more honorable then society.
Ok come on Eric now i know you and Gavin have talked about my thread over 4/8 why not come clean stop being the HenryHill of poker and APOLOGIZE for the stink you made buddy.
11-09-2015 , 01:29 AM
You know i think back on old school guys and the humble life-styles much like mine right now ,i mean living in weekly converted motels ,living free there is a romantic theme in waking up in the morning and doing what ever you want every single day after day but this idle time it can change you so .Ok lets hear some stories or apologies ,what things have we done wrong lets air it all out on channel Wong baby comme on will be theraputic for your tormented degen souls......
11-09-2015 , 02:42 PM
found mrwong
