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200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name 200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name

05-28-2008 , 11:38 AM
I'm not a particularly good HORSE player. Actually, I suck. But I saw SF signed up for a HU match and I decided to give it a shot. I realized pretty quickly that it was not SF. The player's preflop and flop strategy sucked, and about a level in I realized that there was about a 1% chance that I was actually playing against a real pro. I finally took the tourney down in the 120/240 blind level. BTW, i've played against SF in other, MTT tournaments, and he has played like you would expect a WSOP bracelet winner to play.

I have the whole 119 hand HH posted here:

Most people complaining about collusion or whatnot post one hand, but I'm posting all of the hands. Please go through them for yourself and see if you agree with me that this person just could not have been SF.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:46 AM
Plenty of pros suck at HORSE.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:47 AM
Maybe, but you'd think a top pro like Fischman wouldnt play a weak tight head up game right?
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:56 AM
Why would he let someone suckier than him use his account... I dont see where the profit is in that.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:00 PM
Pros get 100% rakeback at the end of the month

Pros get an hourly wage for playing on Full Tilt

Pros are required to play a certain number of hours each month to i guess "qualify" for these perks
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Lepatata
Maybe, but you'd think a top pro like Fischman wouldnt play a weak tight head up game right?
Did you rail any of the 25k HU Championship?
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:03 PM
maybe you are just better than what you think
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by sneaks619
maybe you are just better than what you think
definetly the only real explanation for what happend

OP you
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Garbs
Plenty of pros suck at HORSE.
Even ones who have bracelets in HORSE?
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:18 PM
IMO, pros just dont allow themselves to be pushed around in limit heads up matches.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 04:58 PM
there is no doubt in my mind it wasnt fischman at the comp
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:01 PM
I've played "Scott Fischman" in a $100+5 HU PLO8 SNG and if it was Scott Fischman, he is utterly horrendous.

words can't describe how terrible he was
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by PLO8FaceKilla
I've played "Scott Fischman" in a $100+5 HU PLO8 SNG and if it was Scott Fischman, he is utterly horrendous.

words can't describe how terrible he was
And that's coming from a PLO8 Face Killa.

OP maybe you missjudged his red name.. OR YOURSELF ARE THE SCOTT FISCHMAN!! Okay, I can't think of a good conspiracy theory at the moment, but others are welcome to chime in.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:07 PM
what is fantastic about my post is you can go to my blogaroonie and see for yourself how he played all of the hands, not just one HH where I'm like SEEEEEEE????

maybe it was SF and he really sucks, but chances are it was not him that was playing the weak tight just piss poor game he was...
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:30 PM
I played him heads up at NL50, and he seemed to suck pretty bad. Seemed like he would much rather play pots OOP, and basically just did a lot of fishy things... Don´t know if it was him though, as I have pretty much no clue who he is, but thought it would pretty funny to play a red pro...
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by potatoesareawesome
And that's coming from a PLO8 Face Killa.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 07:04 PM
First 3 hands prove opponent has no idea what they're doing.

Apparently, you don't either.

FullTiltPoker Game #5971529737: $200 + $10 Heads Up Sit & Go (45455064), Table 1 - 80/160 Ante 15 - Limit Stud H/L - 21:02:50 ET - 2008/04/09

Seat 1: Scott Fischman (1,125)
Seat 2: Snannon Snorr (1,875)
Scott Fischman antes 15
Snannon Snorr antes 15
*** 3RD STREET ***
Dealt to Scott Fischman [Jc]
Dealt to Snannon Snorr [2c 6h] [7c]
Snannon Snorr is low with [7c]
Snannon Snorr brings in for 25
Scott Fischman completes it to 80
Snannon Snorr folds
Uncalled bet of 55 returned to Scott Fischman
Scott Fischman mucks
Scott Fischman wins the pot (80)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 80 | Rake 0
Seat 1: Scott Fischman collected (80)
Seat 2: Snannon Snorr folded on 3rd St.

200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 07:08 PM
******************** # 47 ************************

FullTiltPoker Game #5971363079: $200 + $10 Heads Up Sit & Go (45455064), Table 1 - 50/100 Ante 10 - Limit Razz - 20:49:24 ET - 2008/04/09

Seat 1: Scott Fischman (875)
Seat 2: Snannon Snorr (2,125)
Scott Fischman antes 10
Snannon Snorr antes 10
*** 3RD STREET ***
Dealt to Scott Fischman [2h]
Dealt to Snannon Snorr [7h 5s] [4d]
Snannon Snorr is high with [4d]
Snannon Snorr completes it to 50
Scott Fischman calls 50
*** 4TH STREET ***
Dealt to Scott Fischman [2h] [5h]
Dealt to Snannon Snorr [7h 5s 4d] [Kc]
Scott Fischman bets 50
Snannon Snorr folds
Uncalled bet of 50 returned to Scott Fischman
Scott Fischman mucks
Scott Fischman wins the pot (120)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 120 | Rake 0
Seat 1: Scott Fischman collected (120)
Seat 2: Snannon Snorr folded on 4th St.

Bleh, you should get rid of this hand history. Or stop playing Horse.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:10 PM
Like I said in the original post, I'm really not a good horse player, with Razz and Stud 8-b being my weakest games

Hand #47 RAZZ
I have 7 5 4 K

Fischy has 2 5

Again, I'm not a great player, but considering the way Fischman (or whoever) was playing, I'm pretty sure I was behind at this point and didnt feel like playing a big pot if my read tells me i'm behind. i was winning lots of hands uncontested (rare against anyone but a terrible player) so I can elect which hands to play. this marginal hand i decided to pass. i dunno though i dont have much experience in razz.

Hand #86 Stud Hi-Lo
I have 2 6 7 and fold to completed bet...
uh yeah no reason for me to fold what is probably clearly the best low all i can really say is i probably forgot which game i was playing lol.

I do appreciate you reading the details of 80+ hands...musta taken some time...can you click on some of my ads too? lmao
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:12 PM
So you're angry that the player you played was not as good as you thought he'd be? hmmm
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:18 PM
most people want to play against the absolute worst players possible. some players enjoy playing for the competition. when you expect to be playing against a bracelet winner and then are actually playing a weak/tight player who plays as far from who you'd expect SF to play, it raises questions.

especially so in light of Jon Little letting z32fanatic or whomever play thousands of singos on his account 24/7. im not complaining that I won.

diggity digster?
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:41 PM
ops just making a thread to point out he won a tourney; noone cares/thread
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 08:57 PM
yeah let the world know that Tony Lepatata beat SF out of 200 bucks.

i started this thread to try to show that someone other than Fischman was manning the helm of his computer when I played him. If i was trying to brag about winning a tournament, it would be pretty sad to brag about winning 200 bucks. instead, i would brag about taking down full tilt's 55k guaranteed in feb. word?
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 09:03 PM
Snannon Snorr is high
i agree
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
05-28-2008 , 10:01 PM
Note this is the same scott fishman account thats been registering for full tilt tourneys and unregistering at the last minute (would scott fishman do this?). This is weird.
200+10 HORSE against someone on Scott Fischman's name Quote
