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Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump?
View Poll Results: Should Trump be investigated and charged with any crimes he may have committed after leaving WH
169 84.50%
31 15.50%

12-10-2020 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm pretty sure that there were no other presidents who were as at odds with the zeitgeist as you make out: e.g. being pro-slavery 150 years ago != being pro-slavery today.
This is a very good point. I suspect the main reason he could very well be the first president prosecuted is exactly because he’s out of step with the zeitgeist. Which has me concerned. I don’t think the real reason he will be prosecuted is his racism, xenophobia, or history of sexual assault, again all common for presidents, I think it is because he is out of step with the zeitgeist.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
This is a very good point. I suspect the main reason he could very well be the first president prosecuted is exactly because he’s out of step with the zeitgeist. Which has me concerned. I don’t think the real reason he will be prosecuted is his racism, xenophobia, or history of sexual assault, again all common for presidents, I think it is because he is out of step with the zeitgeist.
You say that like it's an anomaly. We don't tar and feather people any more, because it's "out of step with he zeitgeist". Sure, we can use the concept of the zeitgeist to judge historical figures in their own context, but it doesn't give our contemporaries carte blanche to engage in behaviour just because it was accepted 300 years ago.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
As long as it is a prosecution run with integrity (including the decision to prosecute), by all means. No-one should be above the law.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Against. What the country needs right now is to heal.
I always wondered if this was a satire account.

You almost had me.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 08:24 AM
The reality is he won't be prosecuted by the Biden administration. That actually does set a shaky precedent because in 4 years when the next populist republican gets in with a GOP house/senate and scotus Biden will go directly to jail.

That being said, states are states and should do what they need to do.

There has to be some consequences for going this far beyond the pale. I guess. Maybe I'm just naive and this is the way things have always been and Trump is just not subtle.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 10:18 AM
No, we should not send an ex President to prison. It would set an awful precident. Even if he did try to steal the election.
As long as it remains this farcical attempt to overturn the results through the courts and doesn't turn into an armed coup attempt.
But yes, he should most definitely be dragged through the courts so as all his bs is highlighted and exposed. And after he's found guilty, I would assume, his punishment should be no access to government security briefings and to be shut out from all government functions enjoyed by ex presidents and to never be allowed to run for any political office again.

The country will never heal If he's left completely unpunished.
That would only reinforce in the minds of His cult following that he was wronged and that the election was stolen from him and that would spell the slow death of American democracy if that's not confronted as soon as possible.

Last edited by Nepeeme2008; 12-10-2020 at 10:28 AM.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 11:04 AM
I assume you let the State of New York do it if its for tax crimes, fraud etc including his kids. If you want to prosecute him over Russia or stuff in the office than I say No
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 11:17 AM
you dont prosecute him for anything political obviously.

but you absolutely prosecute him for the dozens of frauds he's run over the last decade or more, and you prosecute any of his kids that violated laws.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 11:36 AM
Sure. We have a whole billion dollar apolitical criminal justice system that is supposed to handle stuff like this. If an ambitious DA has enough evidence of clear and specific crimes to get a grand jury to indict I see no reason why Trump should get special treatment. We've thrown mayors, governors and attorneys general in jail before.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
No, we should not send an ex President to prison. It would set an awful precident..
This would be an outstanding precedent. Start with W and then throw Trump’s ass in jail. Prosecuting these sleazebags should be a regular feature of our democracy. We were soft on Nixon and Reagan and look where it got us.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
First off there are other “ crimes”I would take the same attitude towards. One of the main things is it sets a bad precedent if we throw trump in prison . We’ve never done that before in more than 200 years. Do you really want the history books to contain the historical footnote that the only president ever prosecuted was Trump? Why not just forget about him forever on 21st of January?

Second people should know that elections have consequences. Trump said all kinds of bs about how great Kim jong in is during the primaries etc etc. I think in the future people will be more reluctant to vote for someone with an extremist agenda.

But if we prosecute a man with the support of 73 million he becomes the center point in 21st century politics not unlike Lincoln or jfk in the 19th or 20th. He doesn’t deserve to be a martyr or a legend.

I dont see how he can be rehabilitated , he’s too old. I don’t see the positives here in terms of rehabilitation, deterrence, or punishment.
I think you need to say 'you don't want to see any deterrence'.

if i am future POTUS TrumpJr facing a second term loss what deterrence is there to me, to call in every Republican loyalist both pre and post election and set the stage for ignoring the votes and instead installing electors?

It failed for Trump this time as some Republicans said 'no that is a bridge too far' but if they all know that the only consequence is 'if it works we keep power and tell libs to "get over it"' and if we lose there is no punishment, then why not try it?

There are legal means to contest an election results and illegal means to try and coerce an election vote overthrow.

Those boundaries where pushed far beyond here and the Courts need to make those lines clear.

Heck I might even support Trump and these lines being tried to establish the boundaries and then Biden commuting any sentence Trump might get as I do think a former US POTUS in jail might be something America and the World are not ready for.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Yes, it's time to close this dark chapter and move on.
Stories don't end without the villain getting his comeuppance. It would seem you'd rather leave the villain around to do more villainy rather than actually wrapping up the story.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:24 PM
Yes, but not just him.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:58 PM
Seems like Trump should be given the same treatment he gave to his predecessor. Oh, what's that? Trump accused Obama and Biden of committing treason and demanded his AG investigate and arrest them? Wow, guess he's about to be in for a rough ride.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
lock. him. up.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 06:14 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome ITT

Unless being obnoxious on Twitter is a crime, I'm not so sure dems actually want to bring much attention to the supposed shenanigans that Trump has been accused of. As has been pointed out countless times, Trump didn't write the book on anything. He's been playing the same game as his predecessors. Do you want to tie the hands of President Harris when she continues the POTUS tradition in her blue jersey?
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 06:54 PM
lmao, there's Trump Derangement Syndrome in that post alright.

Anyway, I have the very spicy take that presidents shouldn't be above the law. I had that view before Trump took office and I still have it now, and I'll still have it after the next administration leaves office.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
No, if we prosecute him he will become a martyr forever.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
First off there are other “ crimes”I would take the same attitude towards. One of the main things is it sets a bad precedent if we throw trump in prison . We’ve never done that before in more than 200 years. Do you really want the history books to contain the historical footnote that the only president ever prosecuted was Trump? Why not just forget about him forever on 21st of January?

Second people should know that elections have consequences. Trump said all kinds of bs about how great Kim jong in is during the primaries etc etc. I think in the future people will be more reluctant to vote for someone with an extremist agenda.

But if we prosecute a man with the support of 73 million he becomes the center point in 21st century politics not unlike Lincoln or jfk in the 19th or 20th. He doesn’t deserve to be a martyr or a legend.

I dont see how he can be rehabilitated , he’s too old. I don’t see the positives here in terms of rehabilitation, deterrence, or punishment.
Au contraire

Punishing the wicked sets a good precedent
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
This is a very good point. I suspect the main reason he could very well be the first president prosecuted is exactly because he’s out of step with the zeitgeist. Which has me concerned. I don’t think the real reason he will be prosecuted is his racism, xenophobia, or history of sexual assault, again all common for presidents, I think it is because he is out of step with the zeitgeist.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:11 PM
What crimes has he committed?
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by lippy
What crimes has he committed?
This week?

How about Sedition.

In one of the first tests of freedom of speech, the House passed the Sedition Act, permitting the deportation, fine, or imprisonment of anyone deemed a threat or publishing “false, scandalous, or malicious writing” against the government of the United States. cite

That can certainly be tested with his now proven false accusations that States rigged the election.

Over his term the list is much longer.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
He’s not as bad as hitler and the nazis come on.
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
12-10-2020 , 07:37 PM
What is the point of the Constitution if Trump isn't prosecuted for anything at all? Tax laws?
Are you for or against any prosecution of Trump? Quote
