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Who Are Toothsayer's Anti Climate Change Physicists? Who Are Toothsayer's Anti Climate Change Physicists?

05-15-2019 , 11:44 PM
I’ve been asked to stop posting itt or do so constructively. Since my position is clear there is no way to do so constructively given the premise of the thread I’ll stop posting out of respect for the mod.

Last thing I’ll say is, if you don’t think climate change is real ask yourself why you feel you have the required knowledge to make that assertion. Would you be as comfortable arguing with an engineer over the strength of asphalt, with a biologist over the Linnaean system, a chemist over the mechanism of DNA mutation or a astrophysicist over the decay of quarks. If not, why is this different than your “belief” in climate science.
05-16-2019 , 12:27 AM
Could we please agree on a simple fact: Nobody posting here knows anything about the subject. All we have is second hand information. All we can do is to trust the sources. The discussion is about our personal trust.
05-16-2019 , 01:04 AM
I don't think there is a discussion. The question was about finding a survey that showed 50% of atmospheric physicists believe in AGW to verify TS's previous claim. If it exists, it was likely old data
05-16-2019 , 02:36 AM
Naw, the trick is most likely in the phrasing. I could be wrong and I'm certainly not giving it a great deal of thought but my guess is that the OP is an amalgam figure of some study where 90%+ respondents agreed with the major tenets of AGW, but only 55% or so actually responded. Ergo only 50% of the total polled are explicitly in agreement with the major tenets of AGW.

Probably something like that.
05-16-2019 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Shandrax
Could we please agree on a simple fact: Nobody posting here knows anything about the subject.
Nah, man. That's just you.
05-16-2019 , 07:59 AM
Scientists appear to know everything just not their spokespeople, hence the disconnect between rhetoric and reality and the real reason why this thread exists.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-16-2019 at 08:04 AM.
05-16-2019 , 08:47 AM
05-16-2019 , 09:12 AM
Since this thread isn't really going anywhere, the premise of the OP was problematic to begin with (re: asking questions of exiled posters), and some survey data relevant to the question asked has been posted anyway, I'm going to close this.

Maybe some other time we can have a more interesting thread on climate change.
