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What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"?

08-28-2023 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
.....all severally discounting a potential strong motivation for Biden to run and stay in office as long as possible, and that is to keep himself out of prison.

Main motivation is,,,, of course.... to keep Drumpf out of the Big Chair. He's the only Democratic that can beat the Orange Man..... dontcha no.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-28-2023 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Dude, "horseshit" is basically the fiat currency of the right wing derposphere, no matter how you try and spin it.
I am torn between hoping 'derposphere' is and isn't the defining word of 2024
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-29-2023 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew

Main motivation is,,,, of course.... to keep Drumpf out of the Big Chair. He's the only Democratic that can beat the Orange Man..... dontcha no.
id say the opposite he may be the only candidate other than Harris that Trump can beat
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I think you guys speculating Biden may choose not to run or may run and immediately retire are all severally discounting a potential strong motivation for Biden to run and stay in office as long as possible, and that is to keep himself and Hunter out of prison. I think this is also a very strong motivation for Trump running.

You all live in a world where the laptop doesn't exist and there is no possibility any of the intelligence documenting Biden's possible corruption is true. However, if it is true (and possibly even if it isn't) there may be a strong motivation for him to stay in office to influence the DOJ to keep further evidence from coming to light.
Biden could pardon his son at any time while he is still in office. And I think there is 0 chance of Biden himself going to prison, but (according to Donald Trump) he could pardon himself as well.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
id say the opposite he may be the only candidate other than Harris that Trump can beat
Biden is a beast, relatively speaking to the competition. You have RFK, Williamson and Harris and some guy named Jim West or something. I don't see any of the those four beating much of anything.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 06:46 PM
Gavin Newsome or AOC as an upstart? I doubt they'd both land at 0%. I think I saw Newsome at 10% for POTUS. Don't think I saw AOCs name on PredictIt
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 06:49 PM
I think Newsome crushes it if he runs and the closer we get to the election the more people are going to take that into consideration, I think. But who the hell knows.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Gavin Newsome or AOC as an upstart? I doubt they'd both land at 0%. I think I saw Newsome at 10% for POTUS. Don't think I saw AOCs name on PredictIt
AOC might actually be the Republican's best chance, in that it would super-charge their base. Alas, she seems to have other priorities. Last I heard she was embarking on an ideological tourism tour of failed left wing authoritarian states to get pointers how to destroy an economy and impoverish ones people in the name of equity and inclusion.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 08:58 PM
I think I need to start a thread about whether or not there are photos of Michelle's penis on Hunter's laptop.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
I think I need to start a thread about whether or not there are photos of Michelle's penis on Hunter's laptop.
You might be shocked to hear that as of yesterday, we have a thread for that!

The first customer ended up fading away rather than burning out, but I continue to remain optimistic in the prospects of future engagement.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Gavin Newsome or AOC as an upstart? I doubt they'd both land at 0%. I think I saw Newsome at 10% for POTUS. Don't think I saw AOCs name on PredictIt
Also, Newsom is NOT particularly popular in California, and I see no reason why this would be different in a general election. He pretty much ran unopposed for Governor, and then ran unopposed again when the people voted for a recall (The Republicans forgot about the part where you have to actually run a viable alternative to the governor you are recalling).

But he isn't very charismatic, eloquent, inspirational, nor does he appear to really have any ideas. He is kind of just a blah party man with great hair.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Also, Newsom is NOT particularly popular in California, and I see no reason why this would be different in a general election. He pretty much ran unopposed for Governor, and then ran unopposed again when the people voted for a recall (The Republicans forgot about the part where you have to actually run a viable alternative to the governor you are recalling).

But he isn't very charismatic, eloquent, inspirational, nor does he appear to really have any ideas. He is kind of just a blah party man with great hair.
Trump wasn't popular in New York either, where people knew him the best. But I would think if someone runs unopposed, that normally would be a sign of his popularity, not the opposite.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Trump wasn't popular in New York either, where people knew him the best. But I would think if someone runs unopposed, that normally would be a sign of his popularity, not the opposite.
I meant he ran unopposed because the Republican Party is very dysfunctional in California at the moment. The Democratic state party apparatus decided to make him the next governor, and so he was. There was never really any alternative.

Once Trump became the singular focus of the Republican Party, and strategically decided to just ignore California, the party here has more or less been rudderless. California has actually had a strong Republican presence at different points in the past, but it is more about marketing themselves as a more sensible alternative to Democratic excess (like running govt funded open air opiod dens) and the Trump brand of populism doesn't really work at all here.
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-30-2023 , 11:46 PM
Funny thing about Vivek Rawamaswamy..
“He started his career as a hedge fund manager, earning millions, but hardly enough to catapult him into the ranks of the obscenely wealthy. He then staked out on his own to start a biotech company that purported to have a new strategy for finding drugs to develop. ”

“Roivant’s strategy was to cheaply buy the rights to potential drugs that big pharma companies like Pfizer, Merck, and GSK had shelved for various reasons and take them through clinical trials all the way to market. To get the cheap initial price, the company promised the major pharma companies a cut of any future profits. ”

I’m just amazed how the Maga derp loves to get owned and lied to ..

I mean for years , they have praise trump to be anti Wall Street ( or fight against ) and they kept blaming big pharma for the covid scheme , etc …

And what maga do now , loving a billionaire guy again that made money through Wall Street and big pharma lol !

But hey he supports trump so they love him ….

How deep their stupidity can go ?
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-31-2023 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Funny thing about Vivek Rawamaswamy..
“He started his career as a hedge fund manager, earning millions, but hardly enough to catapult him into the ranks of the obscenely wealthy. He then staked out on his own to start a biotech company that purported to have a new strategy for finding drugs to develop. ”

“Roivant’s strategy was to cheaply buy the rights to potential drugs that big pharma companies like Pfizer, Merck, and GSK had shelved for various reasons and take them through clinical trials all the way to market. To get the cheap initial price, the company promised the major pharma companies a cut of any future profits. ”

I’m just amazed how the Maga derp loves to get owned and lied to ..

I mean for years , they have praise trump to be anti Wall Street ( or fight against ) and they kept blaming big pharma for the covid scheme , etc …

And what maga do now , loving a billionaire guy again that made money through Wall Street and big pharma lol !

But hey he supports trump so they love him ….

How deep their stupidity can go ?
Last time I checked Trump had 50% of the primary vote, and Vivek was still under 10%. I think it is safe to assume Trump pretty much has the entire MAGA vote right now, so given that your analysis is extremely bizarre.

It is also extremely bizarre to accuse someone who developed their own drug company to take advantage of a niche the big Pharma companies had neglected to be part of "big Pharma". That is like criticizing AOC of being part of "The Big Democratic Party."

Third, as far as I know none of the candidates, including Trump himself, really leans into the extreme right wing conspiracy theories around the Covid vaccine, so even the strongest MAGA advocates are going to have to vote for someone who thinks the Covid vaccines saved lives and doesn't subscribe to the idea Covid was a trial run for the WEF to take over the world. Who exactly are "MAGA" supposed to vote for that subscribes to the most extreme Covid conspiracy theories?
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
08-31-2023 , 12:41 AM
You didn’t get my point at all it’s fine (and not surprising).
What's The Probability for the Non Top Four Presidential "Field"? Quote
