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Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread)

05-14-2022 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
nobody and especially never anyone who is a known scammer known to rig a games.
Ok, so you're saying:

no health insurance
no pharmaceuticals
no doctors?

I'm mean, some kind of plan about of how this works would be helpful.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:40 PM
No health insurance is perfectly doable.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Ok, so you're saying:

no health insurance
no pharmaceuticals
no doctors?

I'm mean, some kind of plan about of how this works would be helpful.

Im talking about the pharmas.

How? Like they did in china or india I imagine.

There is a deadly pandemic and you need vaccines?

They better make it and make it quick! and without biching around and sitting on sctechy patents and letting other nations die. (patents that they actually have no right to own anyways bc it was all state funded research.)

We let the donkey become the garndener. You wouldtnt let epstein or cosby take care of your children, would you? Thats what we did here.

We delegated power to the most sketchy companies who are known to f around with us. We should have made them do it under supervision.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You don't think this issue of who 'Trusts the science' has become polarized on both the Right and Left and you think it is only really a Right thing?

I would disagree.

I think we see a hair type trigger, mostly from the left, that any question of released science makes one a "Science denier'. Beyond that i think even scientists who offer their view against the prevailing or even consensus science are attacked as 'deniers'.

I have written before how I think this is one of the most harmful aspects of this issue falling into the culture wars.

And make no mistake as I do think the Right is way worse and there general reflexive anti science is a grave threat to everyone in the US (society will really be really ****ed if a much more deadly virus than Covid appears as anti science derps refuse all measures to contain it), but what has arisen on the left to counter the craziness of the right is very dangerous too.

Science not only needs skepticism but is made better by it. There are so many areas of 'consensus science' that are not settled and decided upon a 'preponderance of evidence' and every time a skeptic tests his belief in an alternative theory and fails, that failure actually goes to help substantiate the consensus. As Sherlock Holmes notably said "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth" and everytime a skeptics theory is eliminated it speaks to the 'truth' of the consensus theory being more substantiated.

(and i am not arguing all skepticism is equal as obviously I have highlighted how the right reflexive skepticism is not)
I dont agree. Both left and right have a sizable element that dont trust science at all. Plenty on the left who are into homepathy, anti-vax, anti-GM, anti-chemcials etc etc. They dont trust science anymore than the creationists do, Only when it suits.

I'd agree this is a mega massive problem.

Edit: I'm not at all convinced that a random non vaxed person in th UK is right wing. If anyhting I'd bet they are disproportionally left of center. Possibly significantly so.

Last edited by chezlaw; 05-14-2022 at 02:53 PM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
If you were like me, surrounded by thousands of people who got failed by the indsutiral medical complex, doing this kinda job for a living you would understand it as I do. But you dont!

The problem is you are relying your health on a company and you cant do that. A company that has business model to make money, not to help you first, but help them. That kind of business model is prone to abuse. There is a major conflict of interest in almost every instance

I put you on 48-52 of age. Am I right? Thats when you will start to run to the doctors office more and more frequently and some
day you will realize thats not how it works. You cannot be treated like a car in a car shop. But thats the exact model of modern medicine & pharmas.

A business wants to grow and treat humans as cars. At the top nobody cares, thats how humans are. They just want to advance at every price. Everyone just wants to make a lot of money with you. You are the victim in that equasion. Its kinda of a ponzi scheme. Period. Bottom line.
This is like the intro to a left wing manifesto
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:51 PM
Yea washoe attacks the left then repeatedly takes left wing positions is one of the wonders of this thread.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
When you have corporates take over the wheel of health and medicine, like it did happen now, we are super ****ed.

You are letting a company dicate you what you have to take, when you have to take it, while they are making profit of this whole mess? And we silence every oppostion. How dumb can we be?

Havent we learned anything from history? Companies are evil, especially pharmas.

This issue was first burned into my head back in the 70's when 60 Minutes (I think it was 60 Minutes) released a bomb shell investigation into Big Pharma, and released a bunch of internal "confidential" big Pharma documents they had got their hands on.

The crux of the episode, which should not shock anyone, was that Big Pharma was colluding behind the scenes to attempt to identify areas in which they could influence the medical science and the Professionals to start proscribing more "Preventative Medicines to people" as Big Pharma had determined that "Preventative Medicine was the Future and key to their increasing profits".

The documents spelled out clearly that the main learnings came from Listerine, which was considered an over the counter medicinal product and became Big Pharma's first Billion dollar seller in that area. The key was not in getting people to treat bad breath but to treat the fear of bad breath PREVENTATIVELY so you were not turning off your work colleagues or romantic partners with bad breath.

From those learnings Big Pharma had extensive blue prints of items they deemed would be susceptible to the same type of claims and marketing that you needed to take this to Prevent future issues and not because you had an issue.

It was a huge swing for medicine which prior was seen mainly as something only the already afflicted or sick took as treatment.

If maybe 10% of the populace is sick at any one time that is all you are treating. But 100% of people can be argued to need to take XYZ 'Preventatively".

What really stuck with me was the blue prints were not just on things like Listerine (mostly harmless) but Big Pharma had all of their current Big Med's mapped out and how getting 'safe levels' changed slightly would impact their profits.

So if X is considered safe for Blood Pressure, Diabetes levels, or other key areas where Dr's recommend and proscribe med's then getting the industry to shift it slightly lower just means a whole bunch of people who were told they were 'OK yesterday and do not need med's' suddenly are not ok and 'do need meds'.

They interviewed a Dr who was talking about recent Blood Pressure changes at that time and how the 'guidance had just changed as to what was a healthy level' and how that required him to recommend ongoing medications to patients who he told the day before they were perfectly healthy. He spoke to how he could lose his license if he did not, as it would be seen as negligent since they were now considered in the danger zone.

What he was not saying, AND LETS BE CLEAR ON THAT, is that the change in science was wrong. It absolutely could be well founded and correct. But that does not mean we should not be rightly skeptical.

Changes to Blood Pressure levels was a key target for Big Pharma. Not only did they have all the profits mapped out with each degree of change, they also had mapped out the percent of people who would have serious side effects and thus require secondary meds to manage them and the increase in those profits. A double win for Big Pharma as they got a person who was not considered sick prior to take meds and now they had them legitimately sick (side effect) and requiring more meds. So a non client becomes a double client. they got that change but also had more incremental changes they would push in the future to keep inching it downward and thus obligating more and more people to take meds.

But again (and saying this specifically to you Washoe) you cannot just then assume the science big Pharma buys is wrong. It could be correct.

The issue is with us as a society discouraging skepticism, which is needed to challenge these things and with somehow finding a way to build a fire wall between corporate donations and Universities and other Scientific Researchers.

The law should require any and all science that is influenced in ANY WAY by corporate money at any level to give clear disclosure of exactly what that influence is, and for examiners to put a special level of independent diligence on any such 'corporate touched' research.

without that, the future does in fact, look very bleak for everyone as prescriptions for more and more FUTURE ailments will be pushed.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
No health insurance is perfectly doable.
I didn't say it wasn't, but you'll have to explain how a $300K surgery becomes affordable for most Americans who need one or what happens in ICU after a car wreck and family members can't sell a house to pay the bill and how this all plays out. The doctors and surgeons that I personally know are not going to slash their prices by 90%.

Originally Posted by washoe
Im talking about the pharmas.

How? Like they did in china or india I imagine.

There is a deadly pandemic and you need vaccines?

They better make it and make it quick! and without biching around and sitting on sctechy patents and letting other nations die. (patents that they actually have no right to own anyways. I was all state funded research.)

We let the goat become the garndener. You wouldtnt let epstein or cosby take care of your children would you? Thats what we did here.

We redirected power to sketchy companies who are known to f around with us.
Not sure what you're yapping about. You are free to not take any vaccines; in fact, I know several people who have not.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I dont agree. Both left and right have a sizable element that dont trust science at all. Plenty on the left who are into homepathy, anti-vax, anti-GM, anti-chemcials etc etc. They dont trust science anymore than the creationists do, Only when it suits.

I'd agree this is a mega massive problem.

Edit: I'm not at all convinced that a random non vaxed person in th UK is right wing. If anyhting I'd bet they are disproportionally left of center. Possibly significantly so.

I live in Canada but have two businesses in the US I am involved with.

I don't delve into peoples vax decisions but it is often offered up. I do not know a lot of anti vaxxers but 100% of the ones I know of tend to be more right wing in their leanings.

I know prior to Trump there were probably a lot more hippie type, natural remedy left leaners, but today I think it is dominated by right leaning derps who really have no issue other than the culture war positioning.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
This issue was first burned into my head back in the 70's when 60 Minutes (I think it was 60 Minutes) released a bomb shell investigation into Big Pharma, and released a bunch of internal "confidential" big Pharma documents they had got their hands on.

The crux of the episode, which should not shock anyone, was that Big Pharma was colluding behind the scenes to attempt to identify areas in which they could influence the medical science and the Professionals to start proscribing more "Preventative Medicines to people" as Big Pharma had determined that "Preventative Medicine was the Future and key to their increasing profits".

The documents spelled out clearly that the main learnings came from Listerine, which was considered an over the counter medicinal product and became Big Pharma's first Billion dollar seller in that area. The key was not in getting people to treat bad breath but to treat the fear of bad breath PREVENTATIVELY so you were not turning off your work colleagues or romantic partners with bad breath.

From those learnings Big Pharma had extensive blue prints of items they deemed would be susceptible to the same type of claims and marketing that you needed to take this to Prevent future issues and not because you had an issue.

It was a huge swing for medicine which prior was seen mainly as something only the already afflicted or sick took as treatment.

If maybe 10% of the populace is sick at any one time that is all you are treating. But 100% of people can be argued to need to take XYZ 'Preventatively".

What really stuck with me was the blue prints were not just on things like Listerine (mostly harmless) but Big Pharma had all of their current Big Med's mapped out and how getting 'safe levels' changed slightly would impact their profits.

So if X is considered safe for Blood Pressure, Diabetes levels, or other key areas where Dr's recommend and proscribe med's then getting the industry to shift it slightly lower just means a whole bunch of people who were told they were 'OK yesterday and do not need med's' suddenly are not ok and 'do need meds'.

They interviewed a Dr who was talking about recent Blood Pressure changes at that time and how the 'guidance had just changed as to what was a healthy level' and how that required him to recommend ongoing medications to patients who he told the day before they were perfectly healthy. He spoke to how he could lose his license if he did not, as it would be seen as negligent since they were now considered in the danger zone.

What he was not saying, AND LETS BE CLEAR ON THAT, is that the change in science was wrong. It absolutely could be well founded and correct. But that does not mean we should not be rightly skeptical.

Changes to Blood Pressure levels was a key target for Big Pharma. Not only did they have all the profits mapped out with each degree of change, they also had mapped out the percent of people who would have serious side effects and thus require secondary meds to manage them and the increase in those profits. A double win for Big Pharma as they got a person who was not considered sick prior to take meds and now they had them legitimately sick (side effect) and requiring more meds. So a non client becomes a double client. they got that change but also had more incremental changes they would push in the future to keep inching it downward and thus obligating more and more people to take meds.

But again (and saying this specifically to you Washoe) you cannot just then assume the science big Pharma buys is wrong. It could be correct.

The issue is with us as a society discouraging skepticism, which is needed to challenge these things and with somehow finding a way to build a fire wall between corporate donations and Universities and other Scientific Researchers.

The law should require any and all science that is influenced in ANY WAY by corporate money at any level to give clear disclosure of exactly what that influence is, and for examiners to put a special level of independent diligence on any such 'corporate touched' research.

without that, the future does in fact, look very bleak for everyone as prescriptions for more and more FUTURE ailments will be pushed.

good post, I know about listerine etc. From that point it all went south. Or even before that there were scandals. Humans and corporations what do we expect?
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Yea washoe attacks the left then repeatedly takes left wing positions is one of the wonders of this thread.

Thats just common sense imo, has nothng to do with left wing. Its the pseudo crazy leftists that mess everything up.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
I didn't say it wasn't, but you'll have to explain how a $300K surgery becomes affordable for most Americans who need one or what happens in ICU after a car wreck and family members can't sell a house to pay the bill and how this all plays out. The doctors and surgeons that I personally know are not going to slash their prices by 90%.

Not sure what you're yapping about. You are free to not take any vaccines; in fact, I know several people who have not.

Im not free, I get forced indirectly. I couldnt travel nationally, couldnt even sit in a restaurant or go shopping not even take a train.

now I cant travel internationally without vaxx.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think this take is overly dramatic. Let's focus specifically on academic pharmaceutical research (much of what you say doesn't apply even a little in other scientific disciplines). I think this narrative is a combination of characterizations that are false in the sense of being very rare, or things that are actually reasonable things.

Academics have quite a different incentive structure than industry drug developers, although there is some level of partnership between the two (my brother is an industry drug developer who works with teams of academics on their baseline research). Academics are the place in society where a tonne of this baseline research occurs and they largely give it away for free, because of the different incentive structures. For example an academic pharmaceutical researcher in Canada is almost certainly funded by CIHR which is what pays for their research, and their main incentive is to publish a lot of papers in big journals to continue getting funded/promoted/etc. Most of that research is non-patented (and the parts that are are protected legally by the university system).

While spinoffs do happen, for the most part university research isn't aiming to be the thing that actually develops a drug and goes through a 50 million dollar approvals process with stage 3 human trials. They are more about idea generating, like look at the cool properties of this particular model in these mice experiments. And that is published in a journal that anyone can then use the ideas for. My brother's company isn't paying professors directly (they can't!), but they can do things like pay for the extremely expensive clinical trials that now the academic researchers have a new avenue to explore. So there is a sort of synergy here between what things industry is best at executing and what things academic is best at executing. Something like "ghost writing" can be done badly, but also a lot of the time when my brother co-authors a paper with an academic partner in a baseline research project it isn't scandalous, it is the system working well.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming the system is perfect nor free from any scandals (thinking back to the now-banned templates in the 90s where drug industry would pay a doctor to go on vacation and then that doctor starts prescribing the companies drug). But I think you are being overly dramatic. I've only scratched the surface, so I think if you wish to progress any further you should be very clear about what specific mechanisms you are opposing as to these sort of broad brush criticisms.
I don't know how deep the rot goes.

That is not so much my issue. It might be more surface or it might run deep.

My concern is what Queens Uni article and the other articles say that we increasingly will not be able to see the rot nor be aware of its existence. So that means we can only really HOPE it does not run deep.

Increasingly Corporate money is outpacing if not replacing the money given to Uni's and Labs and bodies like the FDA, to research and author their studies. A key necessity for their credibly and standing. They must initiate and author research.

Gov'ts are increasingly happy to step down and allow corporate money to carry the burden.

Corporate money can have immense direct and indirect pressure. It can push institutions to look at certain things while not looking at others. To question certain things while turning a blind eye to others.

If you accept all of that and you accept that corporate influence is only moving in one direction and that is 'increasing', then we are left largely to count on 'good will' of the corporations such that they will allow reporting on things that are adverse to their profit interests.

But we can already see that is not the case, as Uni's and other Institutions report increasingly that they know they and the Institutions will be sued relentless by by Pharma if they post even hosnet skepticism to things they get published. Uni's cannot afford these big ligitiation, even in a win, and so increasingly just do not want their faculties to go there. That is hugely dangerous. That even legit critique is being silenced.

and I disagree that we need as clear or specific as you seem to want as that would seem to require we be more akin to experts in these areas of be silent on forums like this. I hold the opposite view and think it is because people like us (the non experts) are mostly silent that makes the experts less likely to raise the issue and face the risk, if they think the masses do not care. As I said at the start, I posted this data before and no one really cared to discuss it, and I find that concerning when I am quoting professionals stating their concerns. As I think they will be less likely to state them if they see them met with silence after but they now face a lawsuit.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:31 PM
My concern is what Queens Uni article
Can you share the article?
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Can you share the article?
Done a few times already.

First citation in post 67.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
yeah thats good. You should never give away the resposibility of your health to someone who is gaining from your disease or sickness. You are your own best doctor. Doctors are mostly good for acute stuff not for preventative, thats all you. Although there are some doctors that are really good. But you really have to look hard.
+1 (with one caveat)

My only caveat to my "+1" is that I don't agree that "You are you own best doctor", any more than I would agree with "You are your own best plumber."
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I was trying to be funny, but I do actually think I have already seen some claims to that effect.

I do think the term "libtard" at this point might refer one of the broadest "coalitions" of political ideologies ever put into one category.
I noticed people who use the term "libtard" in Forums are usually the same folks who TYPE HALF THEIR POSTS IN CAPS and use a lot profanity and EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by lagtight; 05-14-2022 at 04:53 PM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
They interviewed a Dr who was talking about recent Blood Pressure changes at that time and how the 'guidance had just changed as to what was a healthy level' and how that required him to recommend ongoing medications to patients who he told the day before they were perfectly healthy. He spoke to how he could lose his license if he did not, as it would be seen as negligent since they were now considered in the danger zone.
What I bolded above -- that's not how this works. You are sensationalizing.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I dont agree. Both left and right have a sizable element that dont trust science at all. Plenty on the left who are into homepathy, anti-vax, anti-GM, anti-chemcials etc etc. They dont trust science anymore than the creationists do, Only when it suits.

I'd agree this is a mega massive problem.

Edit: I'm not at all convinced that a random non vaxed person in th UK is right wing. If anyhting I'd bet they are disproportionally left of center. Possibly significantly so.
As one who numbers himself among "the creationists", I am a very much pro-science!
The debate is primarily about what science actually is.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
This issue was first burned into my head back in the 70's when 60 Minutes (I think it was 60 Minutes) released a bomb shell investigation into Big Pharma, and released a bunch of internal "confidential" big Pharma documents they had got their hands on.

The crux of the episode, which should not shock anyone, was that Big Pharma was colluding behind the scenes to attempt to identify areas in which they could influence the medical science and the Professionals to start proscribing more "Preventative Medicines to people" as Big Pharma had determined that "Preventative Medicine was the Future and key to their increasing profits".

The documents spelled out clearly that the main learnings came from Listerine, which was considered an over the counter medicinal product and became Big Pharma's first Billion dollar seller in that area. The key was not in getting people to treat bad breath but to treat the fear of bad breath PREVENTATIVELY so you were not turning off your work colleagues or romantic partners with bad breath.

From those learnings Big Pharma had extensive blue prints of items they deemed would be susceptible to the same type of claims and marketing that you needed to take this to Prevent future issues and not because you had an issue.

It was a huge swing for medicine which prior was seen mainly as something only the already afflicted or sick took as treatment.

If maybe 10% of the populace is sick at any one time that is all you are treating. But 100% of people can be argued to need to take XYZ 'Preventatively".

What really stuck with me was the blue prints were not just on things like Listerine (mostly harmless) but Big Pharma had all of their current Big Med's mapped out and how getting 'safe levels' changed slightly would impact their profits.

So if X is considered safe for Blood Pressure, Diabetes levels, or other key areas where Dr's recommend and proscribe med's then getting the industry to shift it slightly lower just means a whole bunch of people who were told they were 'OK yesterday and do not need med's' suddenly are not ok and 'do need meds'.

They interviewed a Dr who was talking about recent Blood Pressure changes at that time and how the 'guidance had just changed as to what was a healthy level' and how that required him to recommend ongoing medications to patients who he told the day before they were perfectly healthy. He spoke to how he could lose his license if he did not, as it would be seen as negligent since they were now considered in the danger zone.

What he was not saying, AND LETS BE CLEAR ON THAT, is that the change in science was wrong. It absolutely could be well founded and correct. But that does not mean we should not be rightly skeptical.

Changes to Blood Pressure levels was a key target for Big Pharma. Not only did they have all the profits mapped out with each degree of change, they also had mapped out the percent of people who would have serious side effects and thus require secondary meds to manage them and the increase in those profits. A double win for Big Pharma as they got a person who was not considered sick prior to take meds and now they had them legitimately sick (side effect) and requiring more meds. So a non client becomes a double client. they got that change but also had more incremental changes they would push in the future to keep inching it downward and thus obligating more and more people to take meds.

But again (and saying this specifically to you Washoe) you cannot just then assume the science big Pharma buys is wrong. It could be correct.

The issue is with us as a society discouraging skepticism, which is needed to challenge these things and with somehow finding a way to build a fire wall between corporate donations and Universities and other Scientific Researchers.

The law should require any and all science that is influenced in ANY WAY by corporate money at any level to give clear disclosure of exactly what that influence is, and for examiners to put a special level of independent diligence on any such 'corporate touched' research.

without that, the future does in fact, look very bleak for everyone as prescriptions for more and more FUTURE ailments will be pushed.

Maybe Monteroy will remind us that he doesn't waste time with MAGA-Derp-Lizard People programs like 60 Minutes.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 05:19 PM
I don't waste time reading his posts for the most part, because derps gonna derp. washoe, his brother from another mother, is more entertaining, though I do like when Cuepee is not a lawyer, but plays one on TV. I generally read some of the replies to him and chuckle a bit, both because of the time they waste and their effort in dealing with a know-nothing-know-it-all. Shame there are no doctors here to be schooled on medicine by him...
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I don't waste time reading his posts for the most part, because derps gonna derp. washoe, his brother from another mother, is more entertaining, though I do like when Cuepee is not a lawyer, but plays one on TV. I generally read some of the replies to him and chuckle a bit, both because of the time they waste and their effort in dealing with a know-nothing-know-it-all. Shame there are no doctors here to be schooled on medicine by him...
Maybe Dr. Demento will chime in. Or maybe even Dr. Hook.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 05:48 PM
with threads like this acting as a super spreader we need big pharma more than ever
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
with threads like this acting as a super spreader we need big pharma more than ever
Thank you for sharing, rickroll.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-15-2022 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Im not free, I get forced indirectly. I couldnt travel nationally, couldnt even sit in a restaurant or go shopping not even take a train.

now I cant travel internationally without vaxx.
Forced indirectly? What country do you live in? In America, you're free to not get a vax and not patronize a business that requires a vax card.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
