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Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread)

05-13-2022 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
how much did big pharma pay you?
never underestimate the pharmas, they act worse than the mafia.

Kill millions of people and enrich yourself personally with billions? And making generations and addicts AND FUlLING the war on drugs (cartel activity) You are walking free with the BILLIONS if you are giant pharma.

Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-13-2022 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
never underestimate the pharmas, they act worse than the mafia.

Kill millions of people and enrich yourself personally with billions? And making generations and addicts AND FUlLING the war on drugs (cartel activity) You are walking free with the BILLIONS if you are giant pharma.

I've been opining for some time now that the A.M.A. is the most evil organization in the U.S.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-13-2022 , 09:27 AM
Thats the No1 thing we agree on I think.

I found a more humoristic video about it. These bastards are basically responsible for overdoses, crazy addicted homeless people
and drug crimes and homicides. (incl. gang crimes in and outside of usa)

But conformists say its all good and nothing to worry about. Greed- money - power, biggest money: pharmas and oil and war

since its friday, 13th, I dont actually want to chew on the same old stuff. But yeah, sacklers, perdue, pfizer etc. look into them.

Last edited by washoe; 05-13-2022 at 09:40 AM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-13-2022 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
But conformists say its all good and nothing to worry about.
Who is saying that?
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-13-2022 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I've been opining for some time now that the A.M.A. is the most evil organization in the U.S.
The AMA, The FDA, the Universities and every area of check and balance and more honest information is being coopted by big corporations and it is a very scary thing for future generations.

The main reason it is so scary is because it is so uncomfortable for people on the left to acknowledge any lack of trust in those institutions and the scientists and professors, etc who generate the research and medications.

I have presented on numerous occasions how you have currently some of these institutions (top Uni's and those in FDA, and other) raising the alarms on how they are being coopted, silenced and sued into compliance, if they just don't get paid off.

They have sounded the alarm that not only is Big Pharma pushing the agenda of what can and cannot be researched but they are actively ghost writing the research and conclusions and then handing it to respected institutions to publish as peer reviewed science.

We know that Big Pharma has an agenda to get as many people as possible on as many "Preventative Med's as possible' and they will search for science to say 'people need to take X to prevent a future of Y' and then all Dr's will be required to tell their patients they need to 'take X to prevent Y' or their license will be at risk. Healthy people with no issues taking a litany of preventative meds, some of which cause side effects that then need other meds.

That topic gets zero discussion here or in any more liberal space as it is uncomfortable and I understand that. But this threat is very real and silence is its best friend. When you have the scientists and professors raising the alarms at great risk of being sued or getting their funds cut off and nobody cares, they soon stop raising the alarms.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The AMA, The FDA, the Universities and every area of check and balance and more honest information is being coopted by big corporations and it is a very scary thing for future generations.

The main reason it is so scary is because it is so uncomfortable for people on the left to acknowledge any lack of trust in those institutions and the scientists and professors, etc who generate the research and medications.

I have presented on numerous occasions how you have currently some of these institutions (top Uni's and those in FDA, and other) raising the alarms on how they are being coopted, silenced and sued into compliance, if they just don't get paid off.

They have sounded the alarm that not only is Big Pharma pushing the agenda of what can and cannot be researched but they are actively ghost writing the research and conclusions and then handing it to respected institutions to publish as peer reviewed science.

We know that Big Pharma has an agenda to get as many people as possible on as many "Preventative Med's as possible' and they will search for science to say 'people need to take X to prevent a future of Y' and then all Dr's will be required to tell their patients they need to 'take X to prevent Y' or their license will be at risk. Healthy people with no issues taking a litany of preventative meds, some of which cause side effects that then need other meds.

That topic gets zero discussion here or in any more liberal space as it is uncomfortable and I understand that. But this threat is very real and silence is its best friend. When you have the scientists and professors raising the alarms at great risk of being sued or getting their funds cut off and nobody cares, they soon stop raising the alarms.
All very well said!
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:10 AM
Odd place for this discussion but I dont think it's remotely the case that the left trust pharmacutical companies. I certainly dont and it's not a view I've noticed much push back against.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:13 AM
Of course he is right and that was all very well written, the problem with these corporations, when they get too powerful, is that they can just buy their way into Unis and politics. Anybody knows this, yet everyone seems to forgets this at certain times. Pharmas like the Sacklers bought thier way into politics, they all do, Epstein was according to many sources science in person, who funded big institutions, all greedy corporations fund some powerpul instituions or they wouldnt be so powerful.

(besides you just called cuepee a bad fairth poster in the other thread and then you praise him here, so which one is it? or is it both?)
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Who is saying that?
Way too many people, because they forget or dismiss this above.
Or they refuse to believe this is possible and common practice. Cognitive dissonance imo at work here.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Odd place for this discussion but I dont think it's remotely the case that the left trust pharmacutical companies. I certainly dont and it's not a view I've noticed much push back against.
We just had 2-3 years of them basically dictating our politics and everyday lives, funding research on every level on covid. Buying their way into the WHO and high positions and like a bulldozer mowing overyone of different opinion over. I dont think the bolded holds much truth tbh, not in recent years.

How can pfizer be my saviour then? It is praised as that all over the media, gets sold now in every major new outlet
as the best company in the world for saving mankind. If I talk bad about it., Im getting banned all over the place.
What if I know this is a really ruthless and evil company,
one that I would never do any business with,
and only comparable in evilness to texaco and Nestle?

Last edited by washoe; 05-14-2022 at 08:30 AM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:25 AM
Mainstream Media outlets are centre right.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:28 AM
I take vaccines. I use petrol

Both with very high confidence. I dont trust oil companies either.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Odd place for this discussion but I dont think it's remotely the case that the left trust pharmacutical companies. I certainly dont and it's not a view I've noticed much push back against.

There was a lot of pushback in the recent covid years. Sorry for so much text. You are partly right and leave me some room for spinning this further. You are not wrong of course in a sense. The left put all their faith into these companies, thats the crazy part. (or not so crazy part) because everyone can be bought.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I take vaccines. I use petrol

Both with very high confidence. I dont trust oil companies either.

Me too but that doesnt mean I let them take my life over, like in recent years, when I know what a bad player they were in the past.
Thats like letting Billy the Kid become president you know?
They have a very bad reputation, a very very bad one.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:40 AM
We really dont put all our faith in companies and we certainly do recognise the problem of people/etc being bought

It's rather a bizarre charge to make about the left. We are the ones who dont trust the market in general and have a deep distrust in big companies and individuals with lots of money.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:47 AM
I think we are having a misunderstanding. Im not talking about you personally as left. When I say left I mean the all the leftists in politics that are so against mighty coprorations, but when we are in a pandemic, they put all their faith into them and they switch. All of the sudden its the complete opposite, coroprations are good we let them bully everyone else. Thats like an Upside-down world to me you know? Thats just not right.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
We really dont put all our faith in companies and we certainly do recognise the problem of people/etc being bought

It's rather a bizarre charge to make about the left. We are the ones who dont trust the market in general and have a deep distrust in big companies and individuals with lots of money.

I can tell you what happened here, a lot of politicians on the left in Europe were holding their pockets open a lot even received criticism for it. There is a lot to go over now. Who enriched themself who didnt? Who passed what laws for who any why? When there is so much money too be made nobody cares about the reputation of a company imo.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 08:57 AM
I really dont understand the conversation. When it's very cold we buy a lot of energy. When we're faced with a pandemic we buy a lot of vaccines/medicine.

I'm also not sure who all these left wing governments are but that's a different issue.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:10 AM
this should be in the covid thread I think.

But who was it that banned debates on lab leaks? The left (&twitter etc)

Who was it that banned yxz from being talked about? All of these platforms and media outlets are left leaning. (90%)

I probably forgetting most of it so this might be a bad example for you.

Who talked badly about your boris johnson, when he wanted to get back to normal life? the left! why? I dont know, maybe they gained something from it, maybe they wanted to exert power, maybe the pharmas were paying too much money. Of WHO was indeed funded and manipulated by pharmas (we can easily look this up)

all this confomity and power exertion came from left owed media. (all the mandates and crazy rules, no masks, yes masks i.e)

Last edited by washoe; 05-14-2022 at 09:20 AM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:13 AM
Well definitely not because we trust pharmaceutical companies
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:13 AM

You might be onto something, but it will require more research and YouTube exploration for you to really suss out all the details and have a complete picture. Consider contacting Cuppee via PM as he has many concepts about evil lefties that may fit nicely into your latest theory. The two of you are quite similar, so together you should accomplish things that each of you will not be able to do individually. Keep us updated on your progress.

All the best.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Well definitely not because we trust pharmaceutical companies

who has all the money to make their wishes become true? we know money buys power, we just know that, right?

Through funding research (science) , boards, WHO, CDC, FDA etc,. and buying politicians indirectly or not. Think about it.


Last edited by washoe; 05-14-2022 at 09:27 AM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:40 AM
Chez, you know what discrepancy is? I just had to look it up again. That word perfectly fit here imo.

On one hand we know how these pharmas work. Like a evil company. We know this because they have a long track record and reputation for doing so over and over again. On the other hand we let them completey free and take over in recent times, thats why all the crazyness and un- transparancy.
just look at the recent sackler scandal (deliberately making milliions of people addiced to opiods/heroin) and how they found a loophole again and will walk free most likely.

If pharmas were poker players, they were famous for angle shooting and cheating. And we would never want play with them on the same table, but now we let them play on our table and even worship them becuase they built the pot and some people (many left leaning) received splash overs from that or made thier own dirty pots.

Last edited by washoe; 05-14-2022 at 09:47 AM.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 09:54 AM
If I accepted your line of thought the n I would believe they bought the likes of boris so that the pandemic would be worse and they would sell more product
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
05-14-2022 , 10:12 AM
no, imo thats completely rubbish. johnsons call, at least the last one was good and in the interest of the majority of people. imo the people (and businesses were more suffering under these mandates and restrictions. he did us all a favour in europe. we all followed suit and guess what? nothing happened. it was a very good call imo. uk went first into freedom.

the pharmas wanted to make us all hooked on vaxxes. not a good way to herd immunity imo.

thats why I like the uk. they are always one step ahead of europe.
Washoe takes on Big Pharma (excised from moderation thread) Quote
