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Kamala Harris Kamala Harris

09-19-2024 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Lol. You're a shrink's wet dream. Well, you would be if you had any money.
Why do you think I have no money? The fact that I have the time to post here whenever I feel like indicates I have the leisure time to do so. So it's likely have money or like I'm typing this from an institution. But if I'm in an institution there is a good chance I have access to a shrink.

But yeah we've established we don't think highly of each other. I don't think you are nuts per say but I think you have extremely poor social skills and some emotional problems. Are you institutionalized? Retired?

Needing money for a shrink isn't something that would occur to most people even when projecting it outward. Honestly it's you who give this forum vibes from the group therapy session from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, not me. I've been involved in politics well before I started posting here. You can see that in my history of posting on the I/P thread where I'm saying things thought to be wild takes then which all the younger activists are saying today. My activism started from my family. I'm not in here to make personal attacks on people. It happens in self defense but that's not my purpose here like it is for you. Figuring out why I don't want my taxes supporting a genocide is pretty straightforward, Figuring out why you need to make yourself a pest online is more of what a shrink is for.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I've already been adjudicated to be less intelligent than you, so what would that accomplish?
legit lol
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Why do you think I have no money? The fact that I have the time to post here whenever I feel like indicates I have the leisure time to do so. So it's likely have money or like I'm typing this from an institution.
If posting frequency is a proxy for wealth, then Victor and Luciom must be stinking rich. (I don't think either one of them is in an institution.)
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Why do you think I have no money? The fact that I have the time to post here whenever I feel like indicates I have the leisure time to do so. So it's likely have money or like I'm typing this from an institution. But if I'm in an institution there is a good chance I have access to a shrink.
Ah, the king of logic strikes again. "Regularly posting here that means I have money or I'm in a psych ward" is some A+ reasoning, Holmes. Seems not dissimilar to the feat of logical deduction that led you to your conclusions about what really happened (or didn't happen, rather) on 9/11.

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
But yeah we've established we don't think highly of each other. I don't think you are nuts per say but I think you have extremely poor social skills and some emotional problems.
Au contraire mon ami, I'm a people person.

Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If posting frequency is a proxy for wealth, then Victor and Luciom must be stinking rich. (I don't think either one of them is in an institution.)
We're all pretty old here I've been told. I'm in my mid forties and someone had schooled me that that is actually below the average age of a politics poster. Unless you think people live with their parents and post from the proverbial mom's basement I think we can at least say that people who post all day don't have one of those low level jobs where you have to actually do work. I haven't lived at home since I was 18.

I mean, you say that you expect a chunk of building to decelerate as it crushes through the remaining building and that means you are a homeless schizoid? With that kind of reasoning I can see why the country is in the state it's in. It's like people can't think. Maybe you think buildings naturally collapse at freefall when a few structural elements reinforced with multiple redundancies fail. Ok. In my mind that doesn't make you insane, just either not very bright or, more likely, just wired to obey authority to a greater extent than am I.

Maybe being a homeless schizoid is what people like d2 fear will happen to them if they challenge the state so they project that onto me.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I mean, you say that you expect a chunk of building to decelerate as it crushes through the remaining building and that means you are a homeless schizoid?
I don't think you're a homeless schizoid because you're a conspiracy loon. I think you're a homeless schizoid because I can't imagine anyone having the patience to deal with your insufferable pompous ass, let alone pay you for the privilege.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I don't think you're a homeless schizoid because you're a conspiracy loon. I think you're a homeless schizoid because I can't imagine anyone having the patience to deal with your insufferable pompous ass, let alone pay you for the privilege.
It's an internet character. In real life most can't be that embarrassingly wrong and not be humbled.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It's an internet character. In real life most can't be that embarrassingly wrong and not be humbled.
I've had the misfortune of meeting a couple of people IRL who are as pretentious and aggressively boneheaded as this guy. They're not common, but they certainly exist.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
We're all pretty old here I've been told. I'm in my mid forties and someone had schooled me that that is actually below the average age of a politics poster. Unless you think people live with their parents and post from the proverbial mom's basement I think we can at least say that people who post all day don't have one of those low level jobs where you have to actually do work. I haven't lived at home since I was 18.

I mean, you say that you expect a chunk of building to decelerate as it crushes through the remaining building and that means you are a homeless schizoid? With that kind of reasoning I can see why the country is in the state it's in. It's like people can't think. Maybe you think buildings naturally collapse at freefall when a few structural elements reinforced with multiple redundancies fail. Ok. In my mind that doesn't make you insane, just either not very bright or, more likely, just wired to obey authority to a greater extent than am I.

Maybe being a homeless schizoid is what people like d2 fear will happen to them if they challenge the state so they project that onto me.
You should direct your thoughts on 9/11 to someone who is actually participating in those discussions. I haven't waded into that abyss and have no plans to do so.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I don't think you're a homeless schizoid because you're a conspiracy loon. I think you're a homeless schizoid because I can't imagine anyone having the patience to deal with your insufferable pompous ass, let alone pay you for the privilege.
I don't believe you never talked with a public employee.

Deuces in France or Italy would be the very normal municipality employee who claims sick leave 15-20 times per year, works very little in a job that is mostly made up, and is very involved in politics, especially public union politics, to get wage increases in their made up jobs, more vacation days, and in the rare occasions they actually work, more power to **** with normal people just for the fun of it.

He is the normal "actually leftist" here in Europe. 15-20% of adults are like this in the EU, if not more
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It's an internet character. In real life most can't be that embarrassingly wrong and not be humbled.
no, irl people aren't aggressive and don't seek conflict with others

neither does deuces proudly state his beliefs irl without properly testing the waters beforehand, nor do people confront him when he does but rather just kind of ignore it, nod their head passively, or find a non-confrontational way to say "i don't know about that"
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:08 PM
Please stop with the insults and off-topic posting, friends
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:09 PM
just the same way we've all heard people we just met casually drop an n-bomb in the midst of a story or joke and nobody says anything (never seen it in rural new england but on the west coast and midwest have witnessed it plenty)

even at the poker table with black players present, i've seen casually say the n word and nobody calls them out on it, not even the black person because nobody wants to escalate and if you just ignore it then it'll just resume being a regular game

even played once where a white guy won a huge pot off a black guy and won a whole bunch of black chips and he kept saying "yeah stackin the blacks" out loud repeatedly as he very slowly and methodically piled up those black chips, the black guy even said "excuse me?" to which without missing a beat he responds with "yeah stacking the n words just like they did on the slave ships" and of course nobody says a word in response and the game just resumes

the "omg you terrible person you need to leave" or getting punched in the face stuff are outliers mostly propagated by viral videos and movie tropes - i've witnessed stuff like that well over a hundred times and not once have i seen anyone called out for it
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:10 PM
You heard the boss Deuces, back to your little quarantine thread for you. Warned you this would happen if you drew attention to yourself.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:11 PM
Guys, this is the Kamala Harris thread
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
no, irl people aren't aggressive and don't seek conflict with others

I feel like you should come here or to Greece or Spain like a month to change your mind in general about this.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
just the same way we've all heard people we just met casually drop an n-bomb in the midst of a story or joke and nobody says anything (never seen it in rural new england but on the west coast and midwest have witnessed it plenty)

even at the poker table with black players present, i've seen casually say the n word and nobody calls them out on it, not even the black person because nobody wants to escalate and if you just ignore it then it'll just resume being a regular game

even played once where a white guy won a huge pot off a black guy and won a whole bunch of black chips and he kept saying "yeah stackin the blacks" out loud repeatedly as he very slowly and methodically piled up those black chips, the black guy even said "excuse me?" to which without missing a beat he responds with "yeah stacking the n words just like they did on the slave ships" and of course nobody says a word in response and the game just resumes

the "omg you terrible person you need to leave" or getting punched in the face stuff are outliers mostly propagated by viral videos and movie tropes - i've witnessed stuff like that well over a hundred times and not once have i seen anyone called out for it
Man you play in some ****ed up games. Is this a home game with your conservative blue collar buddies that you keep telling us about?

ETA: Sorry xnerd, won't derail any more.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Guys, this is the Kamala Harris thread
It will be a long 6-7 weeks
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It's an internet character. In real life most can't be that embarrassingly wrong and not be humbled.
There are plenty examples of me being "wrong" when the issue later resolved to me being right. That's the more established pattern. It's not that difficult really, in politics. Part of my fascination with you people (the classic liberals) is you being halfway there to seeing things but then, no, for some reason you can't. Like you acknowledge the influence of corporations on our government. You acknowledge their motives. But then you just believe everything they say at face value even though they are proven liars over and over.

I should have studied group psychology. Of course if you want to get paid in such a field you would need to use it for thought control via media. But we need that field to solve problems, including the problem of people like you.

Liberals - "We need sensible gun control to stop this ever increasing frequency of mass shootings"
Conservatives - "If we don't have guns the minorities will come kill us. That's what I would do if I were them."
Me - Let's figure out why we are mass producing insane people so we can stop doing it.

Do I see my recommendation totally absent from the public discourse? Yes. Do I think it's obviously the route we need to go? Yes. Do I think I'm brilliant for seeing what is needed? Nope. I'm just objective. It's not IQ it's just freedom of thought. I don't really know where it comes from or why you don't have it.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:39 PM
Deuces, if you keep derailing this topic with personal posts then I’m going to ask you to leave the thread. Please stop. Thank you
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Man you play in some ****ed up games. Is this a home game with your conservative blue collar buddies that you keep telling us about?

ETA: Sorry xnerd, won't derail any more.
no, that specific game was in LA back in 2005

was mostly USC med students

the conservative blue collar people i know are from my yut - i can fit in with them better than kamala but the very fact i don't even have an accent when i speak and as you've seen will happily autist away at very esoteric subjects means we don't really mesh well despite that we all enjoy drinking, sports, and fishing

this is how they view me
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:44 PM
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
There are plenty examples of me being "wrong" when the issue later resolved to me being right. That's the more established pattern. It's not that difficult really, in politics. Part of my fascination with you people (the classic liberals) is you being halfway there to seeing things but then, no, for some reason you can't. Like you acknowledge the influence of corporations on our government. You acknowledge their motives. But then you just believe everything they say at face value even though they are proven liars over and over.

I should have studied group psychology. Of course if you want to get paid in such a field you would need to use it for thought control via media. But we need that field to solve problems, including the problem of people like you.

Liberals - "We need sensible gun control to stop this ever increasing frequency of mass shootings"
Conservatives - "If we don't have guns the minorities will come kill us. That's what I would do if I were them."
Me - Let's figure out why we are mass producing insane people so we can stop doing it.

Do I see my recommendation totally absent from the public discourse? Yes. Do I think it's obviously the route we need to go? Yes. Do I think I'm brilliant for seeing what is needed? Nope. I'm just objective. It's not IQ it's just freedom of thought. I don't really know where it comes from or why you don't have it.
I'll respond in the 9/11 thread as this has nothing to do with Harris, but more realated to conspiritards.
Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 03:13 PM
search "yute "


search "yut "


Kamala Harris Quote
09-19-2024 , 03:25 PM
Probably half those results are your posts though.
Kamala Harris Quote
