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Vaccine passports (excised from Covid-19 thread) Vaccine passports (excised from Covid-19 thread)

04-29-2021 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
If the heart medication could have an adverse effect of someone else, why would that not be a fireable offense?
Originally Posted by lagtight
Wearing a facemask is quite harmful to my health. But, I wear one anyway out of respect for others.
Dr. Lagtight will see you now.
04-29-2021 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Personal anecdote:

Wearing a facemask is quite harmful to my health. But, I wear one anyway out of respect for others.

If someone wants to fire me because I won't wear a mask at work, they can fire me, even though wearing a mask is very bad for my health.
People should be able to appeal to a tribunal if they dont think it's reasonable.

Shouldn't just be left to employers to sack someone because they think vaccinated staff cause others to have menstral problems
04-29-2021 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Dr. Lagtight will see you now.
I'll take my chances with death thanks
04-29-2021 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
If someone can lose their job because they refuse to get a vaccination, then it shouldn't be problematic if someone can lose their job because they get a vaccination.
No, you are assuming the only issue here is procedural. To say that companies should be allowed to fire someone for not being vaccinated is not to say that they should do so. Similarly, to say that companies should be allowed to fire someone for being vaccinated doesn't imply that they should do so. There are many good reasons to fire people if they aren't vaccinated, but none for firing someone for being vaccinated.
04-29-2021 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Dr. Lagtight will see you now.
Glad I’m not sick
05-03-2021 , 12:26 AM
New zealand fires border workers who refused vaccine
05-17-2021 , 08:17 PM

Where does fascist 2p2 stand on what sorts of privileges these merely antibody possessing people should have?
I say ship them off to the slave mines with the rest of the unvaxxed.
05-17-2021 , 08:35 PM
So those slave mines have Walmarts?

Oh, if you're in Walmart, maybe you can pick up a dictionary!
05-17-2021 , 08:46 PM
Sorry...."far right authoritarian 2p2"
05-17-2021 , 09:26 PM
Seems in the USA you can just pretend you are vaccinated and no one can really check, so your anti-vaxxer ways will not have any consequences for your Walmart shopping needs, except of course with Covid who will be happy to become your friend if introduced. Harder to lie to a virus.
05-17-2021 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Seems in the USA you can just pretend you are vaccinated and no one can really check, so your anti-vaxxer ways will not have any consequences for your Walmart shopping needs, except of course with Covid who will be happy to become your friend if introduced. Harder to lie to a virus.
Have you had to show your papers yet in Canada?
05-17-2021 , 09:45 PM
No. There is no fantasy world you hope exists to back your paranoid view of humanity, though no doubt some things have been proposed that you would be all over for your psy op fetish.

In Ontario they did propose that the police could stop anyone walking around to ask them why they were not at home a few weeks ago as part of the lockdown. That lasted under a day as many police departments and mayors correctly said they were never going to follow those idiotic rules.

The guy who announced it ran pre-covid on a platform including buck a beer, so feel free to create any psy op operation featuring Doug Ford that you like. Safe to say, not many put him in the psy op capable category, although to be fair he actually has empathy as part of his personality, but that has not stopped you before so go for it!
05-17-2021 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
to be fair he actually has empathy as part of his personality, but that has not stopped you before so go for it!
I'll assume this is just projection.
05-17-2021 , 09:50 PM
I have yet to create a psy op fanstasy. You have done it as a lifestyle choice. Seems that Ontario announcement, even one that got blasted and dropped quickly would be an easy target for you to consider when you are done with UFOs, but that was merely a suggestion as it would be fun to see Canadian stuff built into one of your psy op fantasies, much like Canada has yet to really see one of its cities blown up in any of the disaster movies like 2012, Independence Day etc. Probably is a psy op reason for that. Perhaps you should investigate.
05-17-2021 , 09:53 PM
But seriously: should people with antibodies have the same privileges as the vaccinated?
05-17-2021 , 09:57 PM
Seriously, since no one will ever really check its a moot point that people like you use to try to create fantasy worlds around.

USA basically said it is going with the honor system, because that is a nice way of saying - aint no real way to check. Feel free to find some cherry picked links of random stand alone stores demanding to see vaccine proof as you like for your psy op dystopian world need, but in a macro sense - your question does not matter since nobody is checking. Sure, that puts anti vaxxers who lie at greater risk, but in the end what else can you do with that bunch anyway other than let math be the one in charge once they make their choice. If people with antibodies who choose no vaccine have better math then the non antibody anti-vaxxers - then good for them. Their status will not be something ever asked in a macro sense.
05-20-2021 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I often experience nausea after wearing a mask for over about twenty minutes.

Many others have had similar experiences.

Last edited by lagtight; 05-20-2021 at 06:09 AM. Reason: added link
05-20-2021 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think the word 'of' there is supposed to be 'on' but even with that adjustment I cannot understand what you mean?

Are you parroting the idea that people who get vaccinated put those not vaccinated at risk of miscarriages and other reproductive problems just by standing in proximity to them?
I have no reason to believe that a vaccinated person can adversely affect a third party.
05-20-2021 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
And the vaccine affects someome else?
I have no reason to think so.
05-20-2021 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
I'll take my chances with death thanks
Wise decision!
05-21-2021 , 09:16 AM
Is Covid-19 Vaccine safe?

-No monetary repercussions if vaccine is harmful, this gives vaccine makers incentives to cut corners in order to meet deadlines
-First mRNA vaccine that tricks body into producing virus, not gonna lie this freaks me out
-Vaccines generally take 10 to 12 years to produce

So if I understand correctly, whereas it normally takes nearly a decade to create a vaccine, two companies were able to create vaccines in a year that manipulates mRNA which has never been done before. If this screws you up, neither company is held liable (I don't think a company should be able to profit in scenarios like this. It does not build good incentives). It feels as though the public are guinea pigs in an experimental treatment. I hope for all our sakes that nothing bad happens long term.
05-21-2021 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Have you had to show your papers yet in Canada?
It will be very difficult to implement in Canada as that would require provinces to share their health information with the feds. As well it would have to meet the standards of the privacy commission. Not a hope of Conservative provinces cooperating with a Liberal federal government. And not a chance with Quebec
05-21-2021 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
Is Covid-19 Vaccine safe?

-No monetary repercussions if vaccine is harmful, this gives vaccine makers incentives to cut corners in order to meet deadlines
-First mRNA vaccine that tricks body into producing virus, not gonna lie this freaks me out
-Vaccines generally take 10 to 12 years to produce

So if I understand correctly, whereas it normally takes nearly a decade to create a vaccine, two companies were able to create vaccines in a year that manipulates mRNA which has never been done before. If this screws you up, neither company is held liable (I don't think a company should be able to profit in scenarios like this. It does not build good incentives). It feels as though the public are guinea pigs in an experimental treatment. I hope for all our sakes that nothing bad happens long term.
You misinterpret data like a good conspiracist.

One with enough brain cells would know that current technology allows for faster vaccine research than let's say 1953.

The polio vaccine had taken decades to research due to lack of technology, and only when the epidemic of 1953 where over 3,000 people died, did Salk expedite his process to develop the IVP and have it ready for use in 1955.

mRNA technology has been around for decades (there's your 10-20 years). mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine.

Last edited by King Spew; 05-21-2021 at 12:29 PM. Reason: removed personal attack.
08-13-2021 , 03:51 PM
Bump for NYC and San Francisco? Assume more to follow...

In NYC, minorities are by far the lowest vaccinated residents. They were also the hardest hit by the huge covid wave in the city so there were a lot of deaths as well as high percentages of people who've recovered from covid.

So it's hit the real world USA when OP was first ridiculed for fighting a mythical fight. What does everyone think about this?
08-13-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Bump for NYC and San Francisco? Assume more to follow...

In NYC, minorities are by far the lowest vaccinated residents. They were also the hardest hit by the huge covid wave in the city so there were a lot of deaths as well as high percentages of people who've recovered from covid.

So it's hit the real world USA when OP was first ridiculed for fighting a mythical fight. What does everyone think about this?
i think the mandate in NYC is absurd but equally absurd is people calling it racist when black and Hispanic people have chosen not to get vaccinated at a high rate despite having plenty of access to vaccines.

As for the bolded, Asians in NYC are by far the HIGHEST vaccinated group and whites are barely more vaccinated than Hispanics.
