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US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

05-16-2021 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You're being deliberately obtuse or at least I hope it's deliberate. A child can see the point I'm making, so you're either in denial or else you have a darker side to you than I thought.

He is not in denial, this is what he does. That is why I have no problems chatting with him about UFOs or Mandela effects or even a rando murder in Portland that he creates his fantasy psy op worlds around. Those are generally harmless topics in the macro sense, but once you start getting to things that do matter - safe to say if he ever said he real beliefs - it would not be pretty.

He found himself a little home here to essentially have his crate to stand on to preach on his virtual street corner. They even gave him his own little thread, essentially his virtual megaphone. Odds are he would be booted out of most other non-conspiracyderp forums by now.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You're ignoring the point re dog whistles as you ignore everything else and don;t gimme that all in French not my fault bruv bollocks as again I was able to find out this about the guy in no time, ad again stop being deliberately obtuse as it's really really f_ ucking annoying, so quit it because you're coming across as a troll and an apologist for anti Semitism and you really don;t want to go there so again give it a rest.
The book title is anti-Semitic.
I agree with that. I agree that it was a mistake to call it only 'problematic' earlier. It's worse than that. I have no ill-will towards any people of any religious or ethnic groups.
You are the one trying to use Serge Monast, a Canadian I have never read, to try attack me as antisemitic when the very Wikipedia you use claims that he is alluding to a secretive Masonic group, and the Masons are Christians.
So it's the title alone that is the issue until we can learn more about him.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-16-2021 at 10:57 AM.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 10:54 AM
I'm not attacking you I'm accurately using him as an example on how your sources are dubious, as you mentioned a specific CT originating from him. Again check your sources out before using them, we leave it at that
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
I'm not attacking you I'm accurately using him as an example on how your sources are dubious, as you mentioned a specific CT originating from him. Again check your sources out before using them, we leave it at that
Serge Monast is not a source. I only know the idea
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
He is not in denial, this is what he does. That is why I have no problems chatting with him about UFOs or Mandela effects or even a rando murder in Portland that he creates his fantasy psy op worlds around. Those are generally harmless topics in the macro sense, but once you start getting to things that do matter - safe to say if he ever said he real beliefs - it would not be pretty.

He found himself a little home here to essentially have his crate to stand on to preach on his virtual street corner. They even gave him his own little thread, essentially his virtual megaphone. Odds are he would be booted out of most other non-conspiracyderp forums by now.
I try to not have any beliefs.
It's better to focus on things that can be justified.
And it's not a belief that something is up with UFOs.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
With UFOs in particular and especially with what is happening, a psy-op I would think should be one of the first things that people should consider.

Like you have to consider the non-psy-op alternatives. What are they? That it's all real? Or just a bunch of Navy pilot grifters with some help from Harry Reid?
"they" are a change in policy to avoid the CT's that spawned from the perception of 'secrets' when the gov't would not comment.

That is the easiest and most reasonable answer and not a PsyOp.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
'They' is more like the rhetoric that's coming from official sources in this instance. It's the collective effect of the propaganda on the zeitgeist surrounding UFOs.
So by "they" we mean no one specific, and by a change in rhetoric we mean "It's not specifically a weather balloon, but it's something"? This is meaningless to me. I already gave you a list of articles written in the 40's showing this kind of talk about how it could be foreign technology.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It's different not because I need them to be different but because it is different.
Bladesman seems to have this weird idea that UFO rhetoric just has never changed and that from the late 40s on it's been consistent. And I don't even know what to do with that.
It's like arguing that liberals and conservatives have not changed since the 40s or something. I'm sure someone could make some arguments how they haven't but it wouldn't make it true.
Different to what? With respect, we've already established that you formed this view before knowing anything about the past.

And my position isn't that it's "consistent" in the sense that this kind of talk is always happening all the time. It's that every few years or so we get a spike in interest because it looks like we might have something new to look at. And every time it comes up we get some former military/intelligence agents coming out with their stories.

But when it comes to being able to point to a single bit of tangible evidence that something other than the same old crap is in the skies...nothing. we get videos where people go "Wow, look at that manoeuvre it pulled" when it's a camera shake that you can literally read on the screen display. We get audio of pilots going "What the hell is that massive thing?" and then when you calculate its size using the focal length of the camera (again, displayed on screen) it turns out to be bird sized.

Nothing the Pentagon or elsewhere has released actuall gives us any reason to think these aren't purely natural phenomenon from birds to balloons to optical illusions. Nothing about "What if it's Russia?" hasn't been said before. Nothing.

But you say it's "different" even though you have absolutely nothing to compare it to. It's a bit like seeing a hippo for the first time and saying "This hippo is really different to the other hippos around here". It doesn't make any sense. You have no frame of reference.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
"they" are a change in policy to avoid the CT's that spawned from the perception of 'secrets' when the gov't would not comment.

That is the easiest and most reasonable answer and not a PsyOp.
Do you think a part of this policy change is to allow fighter pilots to go on CBS news to talk about they saw UFOs every day?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile

An absolute $hit ton of evidence has roundly debunked and disproved your claims, never mind "disputed."

You asserted something was amiss re MSM coverage and the pentagon releasing footage. This was disproved.

You asserted that this time around it was different This was also disproved.

Every vague example you gave was met with counter examples disproving your claims again.

That you keep insisting otherwise despite your claims being disproved several times over, is why you've had claims of cognitive dissonance leveled at you
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
No CV it hasn't. All arguments you've made against me have been specious.
The cognitive dissonance is coming from your team.
You have gone full nutter LB in claiming 'everything provided to you is specious and cognitive dissonance'.

You can agree to disagree with those who look at all the other evidence and conclude 'nothing is different' despite your claims but to deny it is even credible evidence of such is nutty.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You have gone full nutter LB in claiming 'everything provided to you is specious and cognitive dissonance'.

You can agree to disagree with those who look at all the other evidence and conclude 'nothing is different' despite your claims but to deny it is even credible evidence of such is nutty.
The cognitive dissonance is the people like CV and Bladesman-- who can't at all dispute that UFOs are very much in the news, just wanting to hand-wave it all away as business-as-usual.
Clearly there are fundamental differences between what is going on now vs in the past, and I no longer care to argue this point with them.
One thing people have to know is that when it comes to issues of politics or more social science in general-- it's that there are almost always counter examples. They've found them to make their arguments that nothing has changed. And that's fine. Fortunately we'll get to see who is correct and who isn't.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What basic concept exactly?
For Monast's ideas to be correct, he would have to be believe in something like that I would assume-- that there is a group working behind the scenes. I have no idea if he is an anti-semite but the titling of that work of his is problematic.
Project bluebeam as a concept is definitely one of the more interesting ones though. And it's basically the Reagan UN bit. It is the Independence Day idea.
There are plenty of other more grounded psy-op possibilities I would think though.
The Protocols is one of the most well known antisemitic works of recent times. And one of the most debunked. Still, it remains a favourite among Neo-Nazis. No exaggeration. I suppose technically this is a genetic fallacy but inductively we can be pretty safe ignoring anything that comes from that source.

Tbh i didn't think you needed to be into CTs for that one. Just have seen a fascist go on a rant on the internet.

Edit: As another point, the fact official channels now often use the term UAP is actually a step back, because they aren't even calling them "objects" any more or even recognising they "fly". UAP is a much broader to term to incorporate just how much this absolutely real footage might not even be looking at something concrete. It's basically the difference between seeing an oasis and a mirage. You see something, and you can even video that something, but that something isn't even an object.

Last edited by Bladesman87; 05-16-2021 at 11:28 AM.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Do you think a part of this policy change is to allow fighter pilots to go on CBS news to talk about they saw UFOs every day?
YES. 100%.

Again, I think that over time enough leaks had come out that many of these videos we were seeing were ACTUALLY taken by US service personnel and the videos were not created in some ones basement.

Again I think they realized that their prior policy of 'not commenting on something we (US INTELLIGENCE) cannot explain lest it spawn CT's' that if US Intelligence cannot explain it then...zomg!''

And they realized that 'many were taking their non comment as affirmation they had buried very real info PROVING they had UFO and alien bodies, etc they were hiding'.

It created the belief 'if they will not even affirm they took these videos and they are not faked...what else are they hiding from us'.

So they changed their policy to better align with their original intent (that failed) and that is to dispel CT's.

Show what we actually filmed and cannot identify (the UFO) and let people see that in many cases they can now be explained in and in others it is nothing more than 'unidentified' at this time. (No need to run to CT's yet)

And allow the personal to talk about. To show they are normal humans questioning what they have seen, a natural thing to do when they see something they cannot explain that astounds them at the time.

If they only released the footage and commanded the personal who took it 'say nothing' or 'restricted them to a tight script' it would again, amongst CT nutters create the exact same problem as their initial decision to not confirm or comment on it, when it was taken did.

In fact it would be worse. CTers would say 'they are now acknowledging they have taken these videos but are afraid to allow the persons with first hand knowledge speak...WHY???'

And down that rabbit hole CTers would run.

This is the best way to dispel the CT's to anyone rationale who will take ALL the new data and simply see the Military is in the same position, I, as an average citizen seeing a UFO over head would be and explaining it on the News at 11. 'We see things, we cannot explain, and it confounds us'. Nothing more and nothing less.

I speak from my own perception here. When I had seen all those prior videos they did give me pause. Not to believe the CT's but to move my needle more towards 'ok, maybe'. I have always been in the 'ok maybe' camp but I moved more away from the 'likely nothing burger side' 'to maybe something camp'. I am not back to 'likely nothing burger' camp.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The cognitive dissonance is the people like CV and Bladesman-- who can't at all dispute that UFOs are very much in the news, just wanting to hand-wave it all away as business-as-usual.
Clearly there are fundamental differences between what is going on now vs in the past, and I no longer care to argue this point with them.
One thing people have to know is that when it comes to issues of politics or more social science in general-- it's that there are almost always counter examples. They've found them to make their arguments that nothing has changed. And that's fine. Fortunately we'll get to see who is correct and who isn't.
But you don't get to that.

You are taking on to yourself a sole authority to make declarative statements as fact in the face of everyone else, EVERYONE ELSE, who is reviewing the same material provide by CV as very comparable and thus nothing new is happening now.

You can agree to disagree on that point and say 'we will never agree', but you show yourself as blind to your own BS ('if i declare it thus it becomes truth').

Do you believe that EVERYONE agreeing with CV really does not think that and they are just playing devils advocate or worse are lying for some reason to simply take sides with against you?

How do you reconcile that people who came in admittedly pretty uninformed on this topic are reviewing what you put forth and what CV puts forth and concluding his info and presented conclusions are more believable then yours?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Edit: As another point, the fact official channels now often use the term UAP is actually a step back, because they aren't even calling them "objects" any more or even recognising they "fly". UAP is a much broader to term to incorporate just how much this absolutely real footage might not even be looking at something concrete. It's basically the difference between seeing an oasis and a mirage. You see something, and you can even video that something, but that something isn't even an object.
You're right about that. I consider it a rebranding as UFO has stigma associated with me. I'd prefer to just use the old school flying saucer.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:43 AM
So even changing the name with the explicit purpose of making it clear that not all of the things are even flying let alone objects is a sign that they want people to take it more seriously?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:46 AM
All part of the never ending psy op that has no explanation or purpose.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
But you don't get to that.

You are taking on to yourself a sole authority to make declarative statements as fact in the face of everyone else, EVERYONE ELSE, who is reviewing the same material provide by CV as very comparable and thus nothing new is happening now.

You can agree to disagree on that point and say 'we will never agree', but you show yourself as blind to your own BS ('if i declare it thus it becomes truth').

Do you believe that EVERYONE agreeing with CV really does not think that and they are just playing devils advocate or worse are lying for some reason to simply take sides with against you?

How do you reconcile that people who came in admittedly pretty uninformed on this topic are reviewing what you put forth and what CV puts forth and concluding his info and presented conclusions are more believable then yours?
Few people here would want to give anything I say any sort of credence. They're comfortable with what they think currently and the idea that I might be onto something about something happening with UFOs is a threatening thought. Someone like me is not allowed to know things for a person like Monteroy.
Everyone is smarter than me and knows more about the world and knows that the world is totally normal. UFOs have to be accommodated into that view.
But 2p2 politics posters are certain not "everyone". That's a mistake you keep making here. Bladesman and CV have made interesting points for sure but they are ultimately specious and looking at UFOs in the news today does not require a person to be a UFOlogist.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Serge Monast is not a source. I only know the idea
You don't check the source of an idea? Really? Stop playing dumb LB it makes you look suspect and considering this specific context, again really not a good suspect look for you.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
So even changing the name with the explicit purpose of making it clear that not all of the things are even flying let alone objects is a sign that they want people to take it more seriously?
It would not be, although I do think there can be arguments for why they'd do it. But they are esoteric.
Pushing contradictory ideas isn't unheard of through when it comes to propaganda and psy-op stuff. I think part of that can be just trying to sow confusion and cognitive breakdown. We saw some of this with the Epstein stuff.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You don't check the source of an idea? Really? Stop playing dumb LB it makes you look suspect and considering this specific context, again really not a good suspect look for you.
I am near fluent in Spanish and especially Portuguese which means I can also read French and Italian and I can pretty much understand like 75% of a French text. But I have not read any Serge Monast and have found trouble even finding anything written by him. It's not a topic that I've ever worried about.
So **** off with this 'not a good look stuff".
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:13 PM
Dude...I was able to find him within two effin seconds just by googling "project bluebeam" which you proactvely mentioned. He has a wiki page ffs. And you're telling me with a straight face that you couldn't do this too? You didn't get the same results I did??

And no I won't xxxx off this is really not a good look for you and not a hill you want to die on. Playing cute word games re Protocols is equally not a good look.
The source of your"idea" absolutely sucks balls and citing Protocols as a source for one's beliefs is never justified or defensible under any circumstances at all whatsoever and if you refuse to see this then that's your problem not mine or anyone else who's sane and normal.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Dude...I was able to find him within to effin seconds by googling project bluebeam. He has a wiki page ffs. And tyou couldn't do this too?US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

And no I won't xxxx off this is really not a good look for you and not a hill you want to die on. Playing cute word games re Protocols is equally not a good look.
The source of your"idea" absolutely sucks balls and if you refuse to see this then that you're problem not mine or anyone's.
I've already said it's a bad title.
What more am I supposed to say? I have not read the book and just started watching a video I found on it-- which is in French.
Like I don't get what your issue is here? The very wiki page says he's talking about masons and no one considers the masons a Jewish organization.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Few people here would want to give anything I say any sort of credence. They're comfortable with what they think currently and the idea that I might be onto something about something happening with UFOs is a threatening thought. Someone like me is not allowed to know things for a person like Monteroy.
Everyone is smarter than me and knows more about the world and knows that the world is totally normal. UFOs have to be accommodated into that view.
But 2p2 politics posters are certain not "everyone". That's a mistake you keep making here. Bladesman and CV have made interesting points for sure but they are ultimately specious and looking at UFOs in the news today does not require a person to be a UFOlogist.
So you have created a CT that everyone here is simply against you and thus not truly considering what is being portrayed and they are just 'taking sides'.

I don't say that provocatively or as a slight or 'get'.

I think that is what you are saying. Do you agree?
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
So you have created a CT that everyone here is simply against you and thus not truly considering what is being portrayed and they are just 'taking sides'.

I don't say that provocatively or as a slight or 'get'.

I think that is what you are saying. Do you agree?
UFOs need to be accommodated into worldviews. And that's what's happening here.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
05-16-2021 , 12:19 PM
Still with the cute word games re Masons and ignoring that this was already counterpointed? Again not a good look for you.
US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel. Quote
