Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
In 1954, the US government finally outlawed the practice of allowing states to set their own racial policies for public schooling, i.e., ending school segregation. Our involvement in Korea (already a minor war in terms of US boots on the ground) had ended the year before; and the 50s were known as a time of relative peace. It took however much longer after that to get rid of all the segregated bathrooms, restaurants, etc.
But no, wonderfully brilliant point you've made, tell us more about how the practice of disallowing people to travel around in freedom and infecting the planet with a severe and contagious airborne disease is comparable or even WORSE than codified-by-law racism and segregation.
USA didn't have militarily enforced lockdowns, but yes militarily enforced lockdowns (Italy, Spain, France, some state in Australia, and other places) are a lot worse than racial segregation , like orders of magnitude worse, to begin with because a violation of fundamental rights of every single citizen is a lot worse than the violation of some rights of only a group, and because not going to school is a lot worse than going to a segregated school and so on and on.
Racism can never be as bad as fascism against the whole population, because the entirety of the population matters definitionally more than any subgroup that is only a part of the population.
A black person during a militarily enforced lockdown lives a lot WORSE than a black person in segregated Texas. His fundamental, unalienable rights are violated more with lockdowns than with segregation, by a huge margin.