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Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower?

10-22-2019 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I do not support Trump
I do not support Trump
I do not support Trump
I do not support Trump
I do not support Trump
I do not support Trump
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:36 AM
Screw the Trump ****, lets see how honest YOU are...

Originally Posted by MrWookie
The Civil division doesn't open investigations into people.

U.S. Code § 3733.Civil investigative demands
Whenever the Attorney General, or a designee (for purposes of this section), has reason to believe that any person may be in possession, custody, or control of any documentary material or information relevant to a false claims law investigation, the Attorney General, or a designee, may, before commencing a civil proceeding under section 3730(a) or other false claims law, or making an election under section 3730(b), issue in writing and cause to be served upon such person, a civil investigative demand requiring such person—
You can read this too (it talks about the DOJ doing both civil and criminal investigations):

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-22-2019 at 12:44 AM. Reason: and you damn right I'm going to hammer your ignorance when it comes to how the world works....
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:49 AM
Congratulations, you found the word "investigation." The context you quoted plainly has nothing to do with opening investigations into people for perceived conflicts of interest.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Congratulations, you found the word "investigation." The context you quoted plainly has nothing to do with opening investigations into people for perceived conflicts of interest.
It's cool, I never expected you to say you were completely wrong, even though it's clear as day you said something that was flat out wrong. Now, the way the world works, someone unwilling to acknowledge their mistake is indicative of a person with no integrity.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:04 AM
You have never shown anything that says you are remotely correct.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You have never shown anything that says you are remotely correct.
The Department of Justice does not open civil investigation.
So, you stand by this? If so, you are standing by a false statement. This all ties back to you incorrectly interjecting "criminal" into your questions. Once again, your ignorance on how the world works has led you to stonewall the conversation, becasue you can't admit you were completely wrong.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-22-2019 at 01:20 AM. Reason: Hint: This is proven false just by pointing to civil anti-trust investigations conducted by the DOJ
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yes it does. That you choose not to understand this sentence is your own failing, not mine. "Though" and the context of the conversation make it abundantly clear, if you wish to understand. Everyone knows you have no interest in that.
I understood the sentence fine. It still doesn't answer my question and you know it doesn't. And it's patently obvious you have no interest in answering the question truthfully.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:54 AM
I thought this was interesting, and somewhat relevant to Trump's issues:
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by AnotherMakiavelli
President Zelenskyy: Yes you are absolutely right. Not only 100%, but actually 1000% and I can tell you the following; I did talk to Angela Merkel and I did meet with her I also met and talked with Macron and I told them that they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as they should work for Ukraine. It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner than the European Union and I'm very grateful to you for that because the United States is doing quite a lot for Ukraine. Much more than the European Union especially when we are talking about sanctions against the Russian Federation. I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

This is directly from the transcript released by the WH. You can find it here:

On a side note: EU pays 10 times (1000%) of what the US pays. The javelins are needed to destroy the old WW2 era tanks Putin is sending into Ukraine, while building new ones.
Nowhere in that did Trump mention withholding aid. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not evidence of quid pro quo. Not even close.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The way it is supposed to work is that the Department of Justice opens an independent investigation of Hunter Biden potentially being in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. It is, in fact, improper and potentially illegal for the President to order that any individual be investigated for anything.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Which presidents have ordered criminal investigations into one or more political opponents or their families? Which presidents have ordered criminal investigations into anyone? Which presidents have asked a foreign power for a criminal investigation into anyone?

There's some irony here that this proposed norm reshaping for America is so closely tied to the Ukraine. Under Yanukovych and later through corrupt prosecutors, a major tool of corruption was executed by smearing political opponents by opening well publicized investigations of them. It was hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys as calls for investigations into the bad guys were met by ongoing investigations of the good guys, opened by corrupt prosecutors bribed with Russian directed money.

This is how it works in a corrupt country. And "lock him up" is more than a chant as we see in Russia with Putin's political opponents. This is why, as MrWookie points out, in America we have a DOJ that handles such investigations independent of political influence and without publicity,to protect the rights of the investigated from abuse of power and unfair smearing of their reputation. This is the "norm" we've established to prevent our systime of justice from turning into the system of corruption seen in Ukraine.

It's ironic that Mulvaney and Mike Pompeo this Sunday, used the camouflage of fighting corruption in Ukraine to justify the injection into Ukraine of a new norm of corruption for America.

For those who argue in favor of this new system of corruption for America because your side is now in power to take advantage of it, just realize that will not always be the case. And think twice before you run for office because you may someday find your name smeared on the front pages as being "under investigation".

Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Nowhere in that did Trump mention withholding aid. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not evidence of quid pro quo. Not even close.
Watch the SNL sketch I sent you the other it watch it once every hour.


You have to read that transcript and put it into the whole context, using other information, to get the whole picture of it.

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 10-22-2019 at 08:35 AM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 08:46 AM
Today: Top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine set to testify in impeachment inquiry
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 08:50 AM
A good read-up on what D&D is......
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
I understood the sentence fine. It still doesn't answer my question and you know it doesn't. And it's patently obvious you have no interest in answering the question truthfully.
If I'm buying a used car, and the conversation with the salesman goes like this,

"So, are you going to take the car?"
"I'm want free oil changes for a year, though."

Does it mean,

A) I want the car with no conditions or additional considerations
B) I don't want the car at all
C) I want the car conditionally on free oil changes for a year being included in the deal
D) I am only interested in free oil changes and couldn't care less about the car

Last edited by MrWookie; 10-22-2019 at 11:22 AM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
So, you stand by this? If so, you are standing by a false statement. This all ties back to you incorrectly interjecting "criminal" into your questions. Once again, your ignorance on how the world works has led you to stonewall the conversation, becasue you can't admit you were completely wrong.
You have not demonstrated a single shred of evidence that Presidents order investigations into perceived conflicts of interest. Of anyone, ever. Nothing you have posted demonstrates that, even if you caught me in some poor wording.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 11:39 AM
"Mr. President, we're behind in the polls. Biden is almost certain to defeat you."

"Damn! If only we could investigate him for something, then we could smear the **** out of him and make it front page news for months like Hillary's emails."

"Well yeah, that would be sweet. But how?"

"We could get the DOJ to do it. Call Barr."

"But sir, Barr will have to bring in the FBI to do the actual investigating part, and they'll know it's a bogus investigation and that will leak. Also, it's a tiny bit illegal for you to direct the DOJ to investigate your opponents. It's kind of like that Watergate thing, where Nixon directed ex-CIA guys to break into the DNC headquarters to find dirt on his opponents."

"Hmm you may be right. Nixon. But we need that investigation to change the polling."

"I agree. But you can't use the normal channels to open it. Hey, here's an idea; what if it came from overseas?"

"Interesting. But where? Russia maybe?"

"No, it can't be Russia. People think you're too close to Putin as it is. But maybe we could use Ukraine..."

"What's a Ukraine?"

"It's a country, sire, I mean, sir. They are looking to buy a big shipment of weapons from us."

"Oh yeah that rings a bell."

"They need the weapons or Russia will invade them and kill everyone. So they're motivated to do things to help us if we need them to. The missiles are about to ship but if we hold them up we could condition the release on them doing us a 'favor' and opening the investigation. Since it's an investigation originating over there you won't be tied to it in any way."

"I like it. Let's hold up the shipment, then I'll tell the Ukraine dude, no investigation, no weapons."

"We'll need a conduit to channel the information between us and them. Someone who can be trusted."

"We can use Rudy for that. He'd bury a hooker if I needed him to."

"Excellent idea. And since he's also your lawyer any conversations you have with him are privileged."

"Okay, get the Ukraine guy on the phone."

"But sir, what if the transcript of the call leaks?"

"It's fine, we can just make the call 'classified', then anyone who leaks it is breaking the law. Sweet gig this potus stuff, I gotta say."
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
That's a bullshit argument. It was never a big deal before, or news worthy, such as the Clinton/Blair thing. There is an inherent challenge with the tools available to find something that did not even register as news. I would have to read through endless amounts of minutia to find an examples, and it's not worth the effort to get a "gotcha" on this forum.

It was never a big deal before, so it was never reported on, so there is not going to be much "evidence".
See you're missing the point. The difference is there is a way to leverage relationships in a way that's legal, and a way that's illegal. Let's explore the difference.

President wants the UK Prime Minister to buy more peanuts. This will be good for USA peanut farmers. They will make more money and as a result perhaps vote for the President who made the deal in the next election. Then he says, hey buy more peanuts from us, we'll buy more potatoes from you. Perfectly legal.

Second example President wants UK Prime Minister to buy more peanuts from his peanut farm. So now it's not farmers who benefit, it's his farm in particular. That's the illegal one.

You can believe forigen leaders don't leverage their relationships for personal political purposes, but I would continue to assert this is naive, and when the left nominates H. Clinton, then want to talk about ethics....I call bullshit on the "principled" argument the left is trying to make. As evidence, you all have hand waved away SecState Clinton and the Clinton foundation. When for the longest time the left supported the Clinton's and all their ethical bullshit, you don't get to cry foul on something like this.
Well first of all 'the left' didn't nominate Clinton, the center did. The left wanted Sanders, remember? But there are more centrists than leftists so he lost.

Second the Clinton stuff is essentially an unfounded conspiracy theory, since you can't produce an iota of evidence that Clinton is corrupt (other than Trump saying so very loudly). And we all know you can't or you or someone like you would have posted it by now.

The lady was investigated by the right for 25 years by their most dedicated muckrakers and at the end of the day they came back with nothing. Over and over again. She either ins't corrupt or she's the most ingenious criminal in the history of the world.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 11:55 AM

good explanation of Crowdstrike/server conspiracy.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Nowhere in that did Trump mention withholding aid. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not evidence of quid pro quo. Not even close.
LOL well done. Hey, here's a version for his racism.

Originally Posted by joe6pack
Nowhere in that did Trump say the n-word. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not evidence he's racist. Not even close.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:22 PM
From that article I linked...

The theory’s proponents accuse Democrats of planting evidence that their servers were hacked during the 2016 election — a breach that, arguably, contributed to Hillary Clinton’s loss that November.
It entered the scene in April 2016 after the DNC was hacked, one of several intrusions that ended with Democratic operatives’ stolen emails being published by the thousands online, where they became fodder for news cycles and then-candidate Donald Trump’s stump speeches. In the DNC’s case, the theft also included strategy documents, fundraising data, and opposition research, the Mueller report later confirmed.

The saga culminated on July 22, when Wikileaks published emails stolen from the DNC that tore the party apart and led DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) to resign that position
Although I havent followed this conspiracy at all until recently when Trump brought it up on the phone call, this is my favorite part of it. "let's leak this personal stuff, frame Trump by framing the Russians, suffer poltically for the damaging info we release, and sure why not murder Seth Rich, lie to FBI, and, well...profit!"
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
From that article I linked...

Although I havent followed this conspiracy at all until recently when Trump brought it up on the phone call, this is my favorite part of it. "let's leak this personal stuff, frame Trump by framing the Russians, suffer poltically for the damaging info we release, and sure why not murder Seth Rich, lie to FBI, and, well...profit!"
That's not how I read that, it seems like they think Rich leaked the materials, so Democrats murdered him as retribution and framed Russia for the leak as damage control.

Last edited by stringbettor; 10-22-2019 at 12:46 PM.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:47 PM
oh lol. you're no doubt right. i sort of laughed my way through the whole thing. ok so, revenge murder and then a crime of opportunity.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 12:59 PM
Going to the well again. It worked great with Vince Foster. Why not try it with Seth Rich. As far as his family's feelings - **** em. Putrump needs the propaganda.

Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:03 PM
Could you imagine the theories if a the chairman of the house oversight comittee died while conducting an impeachment inquiry into Obama?
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
10-22-2019 , 01:59 PM
I will let you know who I think the whistle blower is....I will put it in if you don't want to know it now, you can come back any time later and find it here. Am wondering why no one came up with it by now in this thread, it is quite obvious.
Trump-Ukraine Imbroglio: Who Is That Whistleblower? Quote
