Originally Posted by zers
Low EQ.
You remind me of an ex I had. Everything with her had to have a reason. Why don't I like rice? I had to give specific reasons, as in, combinations of flavours that made me dislike it. If I couldn't articulate my reasoning, it was invalid. "Taste" had to be justified. I don't ****ing know, I just don't like the stuff.
She was also heavily into the Meyers-Briggs stuff. Like, she would come home from work and say "my new boss is INTP". Then 2 days later - "I've revised it, he is ENTP". And like this for about a month. Eventually I said "you know the whole point of that is for it to be prescriptive. If you just want to describe someone, you can explain what they are like, you don't have to shoehorn them into a profile. If it has no predictive value and you are just revising your assessment based on observation, it's utterly worthless as a tool, and all you are achieving is blunting your assessment by pigeonholing it into one of 16 categories." She was like "oh". And... yeah, I was super fun at parties.
Anyway, all this is to say "low EQ" is just meaningless words. You felt a certain way, and you want to put a label on it. Why don't you just describe how you felt?