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Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news") Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news")

02-09-2023 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
cliffs on lags newest ban?
According to browser in another thread, "associating pedophilia and minority groups".

Although I imagine him bringing up the Bible again after being warned not to do so didn't help.

Last edited by chillrob; 02-09-2023 at 04:07 AM.
02-09-2023 , 06:16 AM
Was looking forward to the King James debate
02-09-2023 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Using gender-affirming treatment for individuals whose gender dysphoria would resolve itself over time is just as harmful as not offering gender-affirming care to individuals whose gender dysphoria would not resolve itself, if not more so.
Is this your opinion or do you have a citation?
02-09-2023 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Is this your opinion or do you have a citation?
Keira Bell: My Story
02-09-2023 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Rocco taking luckbox for a ride in the wayyy back machine to introduce philosophy
Yes. This was a standard discussion point in intro philosophy courses.
02-09-2023 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
According to browser in another thread, "associating pedophilia and minority groups".

Although I imagine him bringing up the Bible again after being warned not to do so didn't help.
I really don't understand that guy. He loves posting in this forum. He has been given exceptionally clear guidance about which topics he should avoid. But he seemingly cannot help himself.
02-09-2023 , 10:15 AM
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle

A piece from a lady who worked at a gender clinic in Saint Louis that makes all of the same sorts of points that every other article like this makes-- that lots of these kids are being influenced by their peers and have no history of dysphoria, that they don't understand the risks of blockers and hormones, and that the doctors and therapists are rubber-stamping the approvals.
02-09-2023 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle

A piece from a lady who worked at a gender clinic in Saint Louis that makes all of the same sorts of points that every other article like this makes-- that lots of these kids are being influenced by their peers and have no history of dysphoria, that they don't understand the risks of blockers and hormones, and that the doctors and therapists are rubber-stamping the approvals.
Based on the British lawsuit there may 1000's of cases like this. When there is profit involved I'm sure pharma and doctors will capitalize on it .

That's why doctors that mutilate children should be outlawed or there must be clear strict federal conditions that must be followed prior .
02-09-2023 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Is this your opinion or do you have a citation?
This post made me cringe a bit because I honestly hope that you believe with absolute certainty that what you quoted isn't up for debate. I assume you do? Because a pharmaceutical company's #1 job is to make money not to make the world a better place for transgender folk.
02-09-2023 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
This post made me cringe a bit because I honestly hope that you believe with absolute certainty that what you quoted isn't up for debate. I assume you do? Because a pharmaceutical company's #1 job is to make money not to make the world a better place for transgender folk.
Gender affirming care involves things that aren't medications or surgeries, so the goals of pharmaceutical companies aren't necessarily relevant. Also, just because a company's goal is to make money doesn't mean it can also do good at the same time.

So yes, this is absolutely up for debate. I think treating people with respect and providing them with the education and therapy they need while not telling them that their transgender identity is false can do good even if they later realize they aren't trans. If the alternative to gender affirming care is gender non-affirming care, then I do believe this can cause harm.
02-09-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I really don't understand that guy. He loves posting in this forum. He has been given exceptionally clear guidance about which topics he should avoid. But he seemingly cannot help himself.
Just to clarify a little, it's not against the rules to bring up the bible per se. If it is a valid reference used to support a particular point made in the current topic, that's fine. It has the same status as any other book that may have influenced someones action.

But it's when we get into a back and forth about what the bible says and what those verses "really" mean that it tends to derail the actual thread topic and becomes a bible interpretation discussion. That is better suited for the religion forum.

As to the ban, it had nothing to do with the bible. It was about suggesting that pedophiles are in the same category of minorities as the lgbtq community. That's bigoted as hell and is not permitted.

One other thing about the bible or other religious or similar type writings. Just because a book you may think is a divinely inspired, the word of god, etc doesnt make it a free pass to post bigoted, racist or other inappropriate slurs against a group of people or community. A book is a book. Someone may feel it has special meanings, but it's still just a book. So stating that homosexuals should be put to death is as unacceptable as posting that people of color are less than fully human. Just because you can quote a book that says so doesnt make it less hateful.

Last edited by browser2920; 02-09-2023 at 06:01 PM.
02-09-2023 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
As to the ban, it had nothing to do with the bible. It was about suggesting that pedophiles are in the same category of minorities as the lgbtq community. That's bigoted as hell and is not permitted.
I didn't see the post in question, but this seems reasonable. One of the challenges for really religious people is that biblical text DOES put pedophiles and lgbt people on rather equal footing, but obviously that is completely at odds with modern social values.
02-09-2023 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Just to clarify a little, it's not against the rules to bring up the bible per se.
I didn't think that the the Bible was the topic that got lagtight in trouble. lagtight's insistence on airing his Old Testament views on human sexuality are what constantly gets him in trouble with the mods.
02-09-2023 , 06:24 PM
Fwiw I don't think Browser's interpretations of Lagtight's post is quite correct but I do understand how it could have come off that way. It felt to me like he was saying that the next step/logical progression would be the normalization of pedophilia, but I don't take that to mean that he is putting them (the pedophiles) in the same category as the LGBTs. He can speak for himself though once he is unbanned.
02-09-2023 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I didn't think that the the Bible was the topic that got lagtight in trouble.
It very clearly wasn’t, people are trying to confuse the matter.
02-09-2023 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Gender affirming care involves things that aren't medications or surgeries, so the goals of pharmaceutical companies aren't necessarily relevant. Also, just because a company's goal is to make money doesn't mean it can also do good at the same time.

So yes, this is absolutely up for debate. I think treating people with respect and providing them with the education and therapy they need while not telling them that their transgender identity is false can do good even if they later realize they aren't trans. If the alternative to gender affirming care is gender non-affirming care, then I do believe this can cause harm.
I took "treatment" in regards to gender affirming care as heavily involving meds and surgery as opposed to education and therapy - which I would assume is heavily needed and better than the "non-affirming care" or a lack of education and therapy that would lead to more harm for the community.

I remember Uke making a good point that some trans people are in dire need to transition and can't afford to "wait it out" and I assume that's true so maybe we don't need a super high success rate for this to be the right option. But I will emphatically disagree that pharmaceuticals aren't relevant with their objectives.
02-09-2023 , 08:36 PM
I don't remember the Bible having anything to say about pedophilia.

I do think it's bad the way recent culture misuses the word pedophile though. It's not a synonym for child sexual abuser, and it doesn't apply to the teachers having sex with their high school students. It certainly has nothing to do with teaching children about sexuality.
02-09-2023 , 08:47 PM
look at that chillrob, this is a 16 y old on testosterone.
whats going on here? do they all look like that or is this an exception?

02-09-2023 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It very clearly wasn’t, people are trying to confuse the matter.
I wasn't trying to confuse anything but I speculated about that before I saw browser's post about it in a new thread.
02-09-2023 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
look at that chillrob, this is a 16 y old on testosterone.
whats going on here? do they all look like that or is this an exception?

Not sure why you're asking me, but I have no idea. Have only seen a few trans minors previously and don't remember what they looked like.
02-10-2023 , 01:25 AM
Did anyone actually read the link to the "whistleblower" report on the Trans clinics? That is some real scary ****. I say with no hyperbole that in a sane world if what the whistle blower said is true, Levin (and A LOT of others involved) should probably be fired immediately and probably put in prison. And all those clinics should be immediately shut down.

My opinion of the "woke" medical establishment is about as low as they come, and this is even lower and more evil than I suspected.

As a corollary, I have a close relative who became an OB who did a rotation at a late term abortion clinic and what she described is ethically pretty similar*, so probably not too surprising. When activism meets medicine, really ethically disturbing things can and often do happen.

*For example the OBs would often tell 2nd trimester patients that the fetus didn't yet have a beating heart or look human, which was just a straight up lie. And under no circumstances would the OBs let the patients see the ultrasounds. That is the dirty secret that both abortion and pro-life clinics understand, is that the key to getting your way (abortion or allowing the fetus to live) is to control whether or not the patient (and often her mother who is with her) sees the ultrasound. Because if they do see it the chance of them consenting to an abortion plummets dramatically.
02-10-2023 , 01:32 AM
It's really kind of weird how things have gotten. I know several women who will make deriding comments and s****** endlessly about beauty pageants, actresses that show too much cleavage, how they hate reality tv women cause they are always showing titties, etc etc and meanwhile throw watch parties for Rupaul's Drag Race - if those people strutting about and flaunting were women they'd be judged and despised as cheap and without class but throw in the penis and suddenly it's all just people being fun and fabulous and when you call them out on this inconsistency you are called a bigot.

BTW uke, still awaiting your response to that question.
02-10-2023 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
It's really kind of weird how things have gotten. I know several women who will make deriding comments and s****** endlessly about beauty pageants, actresses that show too much cleavage, how they hate reality tv women cause they are always showing titties, etc etc and meanwhile throw watch parties for Rupaul's Drag Race - if those people strutting about and flaunting were women they'd be judged and despised as cheap and without class but throw in the penis and suddenly it's all just people being fun and fabulous and when you call them out on this inconsistency you are called a bigot.
That sounds like the women you know are pretty nuts.
02-10-2023 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Gender affirming care is not necessarily medical, and I'm surprised you didn't know this. .
Lol reading comprehension fail. I said "medical" because that was what you quoted from the NHS. I obviously didn't suggest all gender affirming care was necessarily medical. Not that the NHS quote was at all related to any of the three posts of mine you quoted at the time, just an all round comprehension screw up there. Yikes.
02-10-2023 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle

A piece from a lady who worked at a gender clinic in Saint Louis that makes all of the same sorts of points that every other article like this makes-- that lots of these kids are being influenced by their peers and have no history of dysphoria, that they don't understand the risks of blockers and hormones, and that the doctors and therapists are rubber-stamping the approvals.
Thanks for sharing - confirms what anyone with an ounce of common sense has known since the start of the trans epidemic among teenage girls.
