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Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news") Transgender issues IV (excised from "In other news")

01-23-2023 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Although the word "proud" is almost always meant mainly to convey a feeling related to your accomplishment (like uke's son overcoming anxiety where another kid might not have) one of its definitions logically implies that you are glad you are, or did, something as compared to not doing, or being that way. If a gay person does not elaborate that it was not his intention to convey this thought, there will be people who think he is claiming that being gay is superior, rather than equal to not being gay. And unlike most political controversies, I think there are a substantial number of people on the fence who would be turned off, not because of their opinion of gay people but rather because of how they define the word pride.

(Note: What is being left unsaid is that some gay people probably actually DO believe that their group IS in some ways superior. For them this whole discussion is mute.)
'Pride', forty years ago, just meant feeling all right about yourself when some people considered you weren't all right. It's a fairly obsolete notion in Western democracies now and has been largely hijacked by various interest groups, including straight people who like to appropriate the pejorative and violent term 'queer' for hi-fashion woke points on no observable basis whatever.
01-23-2023 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
straight people who like to appropriate the pejorative and violent term 'queer' for hi-fashion woke points
These are the people I'd like to know more about.
01-23-2023 , 04:20 PM
what about and commercials.
should this be allowed?

"The TV commercial, released for the chocolate's 50th anniversay, included a real-life same sex couple sharing the treat
One woman in the video licks an egg while sitting on the sofa and another dips her finger into the gooey fondant.

Not everyone on social media was pleased about the very public display of affection, as one Twitter user wrote: 'I love being gay, but no one needs to see two dudes f***hing a Cadbury creme egg."

I noticed that you see gay couples kissing on tv commercials for dating apps etc. I mean yes... um. I remember that we as guys in highschool and college times were groced out about sights like that very much. even in movies and tv shows, (friends imo) if you can remember the sight of a gay couple kissing was always a groced out moment, unless it was a girl gay couple. then it was fine. the point is that this sight can really be grocing people out and there is a scientific explanation for this imo. you put yourself in the position and then you live that moment if you understand what I am saying. that's the moment which can be groce for a people. I don't really know how this can be handled. and I'm talking frankly here, I don't think that's a good thing in general especially not for the older generation. it can't be healthy either. I imagine my dad seing this and he sees this for sure and feel bad.

what do you guys think? should gay public affection be allowed on media? are there boundaries which should not be crossed? should we, if we are so considerate, be considerate for the old generation?
01-23-2023 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Oh really? Tell me more about these people.
Didn't mean that comment to be controversial. Do you disagree that in the case of male homosexuals there can be molecular things going on that makes them less likely to start wars? And in the case of female homosexuals there can be molecular things going on that makes them less likely to like people who start wars?
01-23-2023 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
what do you guys think? should gay public affection be allowed on media? are there boundaries which should not be crossed? should we, if we are so considerate, be considerate for the old generation?
Are you actually asking if we should ban gay PDA on tv while allowing straight PDA because some people are homophobic? The answer is absolutely not.
01-23-2023 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Didn't mean that comment to be controversial. Do you disagree that in the case of male homosexuals there can be molecular things going on that makes them less likely to start wars? And in the case of female homosexuals there can be molecular things going on that makes them less likely to like people who start wars?
Yes, I disagree. I do not agree that there are biological factors which make gay people superior to straight people.
01-23-2023 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
'Pride', forty years ago, just meant feeling all right about yourself when some people considered you weren't all right. It's a fairly obsolete notion in Western democracies now and has been largely hijacked by various interest groups, including straight people who like to appropriate the pejorative and violent term 'queer' for hi-fashion woke points on no observable basis whatever.
yeah I agree with this. the term is fitting imo. although some people abuse it and feel entitled or are obnoxious about it. other than that feeling proud of yourself and your orientation should be a good thing. I met very nice gays and very mean gays. i went to CSDs (where the majority was straight imo, but you can't tell here it's just a huge party equivalent to the love parade, which had nothing to do with gay)
anyways, I went to these things because all libs go there and then the term is correct imo. there isn't any better alternative imo.
01-23-2023 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
what about and commercials.
should this be allowed?

"The TV commercial, released for the chocolate's 50th anniversay, included a real-life same sex couple sharing the treat
One woman in the video licks an egg while sitting on the sofa and another dips her finger into the gooey fondant.

Not everyone on social media was pleased about the very public display of affection, as one Twitter user wrote: 'I love being gay, but no one needs to see two dudes f***hing a Cadbury creme egg."

I noticed that you see gay couples kissing on tv commercials for dating apps etc. I mean yes... um. I remember that we as guys in highschool and college times were groced out about sights like that very much. even in movies and tv shows, (friends imo) if you can remember the sight of a gay couple kissing was always a groced out moment, unless it was a girl gay couple. then it was fine. the point is that this sight can really be grocing people out and there is a scientific explanation for this imo. you put yourself in the position and then you live that moment if you understand what I am saying. that's the moment which can be groce for a people. I don't really know how this can be handled. and I'm talking frankly here, I don't think that's a good thing in general especially not for the older generation. it can't be healthy either. I imagine my dad seing this and he sees this for sure and feel bad.

what do you guys think? should gay public affection be allowed on media? are there boundaries which should not be crossed? should we, if we are so considerate, be considerate for the old generation?
Would your dad "feel bad" if he say a heterosexual couple kissing?

Broadly speaking I think that social standards for intimacy in things like advertisements or movie ratings should be equivalent.
01-23-2023 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Are you actually asking if we should ban gay PDA on tv while allowing straight PDA because some people are homophobic? The answer is absolutely not.
the question is imo: should we be considerate and not display public sexual affection, exchanging bodily fluids (kissing) in order to be considerate to the older generation. they could and probably will suffer from this healthwise. I'm thinking of heart attacks, no joke, or overall negative reactions. simply put we are putting older people under stress. do you support that?

what if your grandmother sees this and then she dies of a heart attack? good or not good?
01-23-2023 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Would your dad "feel bad" if he say a heterosexual couple kissing?

Broadly speaking I think that social standards for intimacy in things like advertisements or movie ratings should be equivalent.
what is equivalent? can you dismiss people getting upset at the sight up to experiencing health problems?

do you have older people in your family? how do they react to the sight?
01-23-2023 , 04:40 PM
Getting so horned up over a chocolate ad that I die of a heart attack seems like a great way to go.
01-23-2023 , 04:41 PM
I think your homophobic grandmother is going to survive the travesty of seeing two guys kissing on her TV. Instead of a heart attack, you could suggest such options as turning the TV off.
01-23-2023 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Are you actually asking if we should ban gay PDA on tv while allowing straight PDA because some people are homophobic? The answer is absolutely not.
Im rather asking if we should be more considerate.
01-23-2023 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think your homophobic grandmother is going to survive the travesty of seeing two guys kissing on her TV. Instead of a heart attack, you could suggest such options as turning the TV off.
You say homophobic but another interpretation is that she's super into it.
01-23-2023 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I think your homophobic grandmother is going to survive the travesty of seeing two guys kissing on her TV. Instead of a heart attack, you could suggest such options as turning the TV off.
the thing is you can't turn it off, you will see it repeatedly over and over. they are are basically forcing it down your throat. I am observing this for about 5-10 years now. I doubt this is a good thing thinking about older people in my family.

are you thinking of your family or do you simply not have older people there? I somewhat doubt that because I read some of your posts.

so again can you admit to something here or not?

and I'm not thinking about my grandmother she is dead. think about my father who imo should not be forced to see that and make him feel bad. 2 guys kissing does not freak you out yes? you can have dinner over this?
01-23-2023 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Yes, I disagree. I do not agree that there are biological factors which make gay people superior to straight people.
They are almost certainly either slightly superior or slightly inferior. Since you said it is not a choice it means that there are physical factors that almost certainly have "side effects". Side effects that objective observers would deem superior or inferior.

Meanwhile my original statement was not about whether they are actually superior but rather whether some of them think they are. Like chess masters or Jews or people willing to get through graduate school.
01-23-2023 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
2 guys kissing does not freak you out yes? you can have dinner over this?
Correct, I am not deeply homophobic.

Originally Posted by washoe
the thing is you can't turn it off, you will see it repeatedly over and over. they are are basically forcing it down your throat
The double entendres just write themselves with this one.
01-23-2023 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Correct, I am not deeply homophobic.

The double entendres just write themselves with this one.
I knew I wouldn't get an honest answer from you. of course you had to say you are not homophobic. (polically correct as a prof) but at least I got you thinking. you know this has nothing to do with being homophobic, it has to do with being considerate. and you do want to qualify as considerate, I am pretty sure of this.
01-23-2023 , 05:39 PM
I'm not quite sure what you think I'm being dishonest about. I'm not "freaked out" at the sight of two people of the same sex making out. At all. I also don't believe at all your wild claims that seeing this is causing heart attacks - that seems like empty fear mongering. And I think banning intimacy scenes between same sex partners that is otherwise equivalent to common intimacy scenes between opposite sex partners in the name of "being considerate" requires any deep thought at all to reject.
01-23-2023 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
They are almost certainly either slightly superior or slightly inferior.
Definitely more open minded.
01-23-2023 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm not quite sure what you think I'm being dishonest about. I'm not "freaked out" at the sight of two people of the same sex making out. At all. I also don't believe at all your wild claims that seeing this is causing heart attacks - that seems like empty fear mongering. And I think banning intimacy scenes between same sex partners that is otherwise equivalent to common intimacy scenes between opposite sex partners in the name of "being considerate" requires any deep thought at all to reject.

make a poll at your school. make it anonymous so you get better results. do it right and I guarantee you that you will get at least 50% who find it offensive, dont feel comfortable and think its inappropriate. and now what? what do you do? you forget that we are talking about group that makes up 90% and the other one only 10% , which you again somehow try to accommodate. I'm all for accommodation but not when offending the majority of people.

and then go to a nursing home and rinse repeat. you will fall off your socks at the results. guaranteed.
01-23-2023 , 05:53 PM
you can't even talk to a lot of older people about gay sex, without making them uncomfortable.

how do you think you make them feel when forcing them to watch it?
01-23-2023 , 06:06 PM
washoe i'm actually super impressed you spelled gross not the natural way it sounds in german ie you guys have gross yourselves but sounded it out in english like groceries and opted for groce

not trolling you - while the spelling was incorrect, the process by which you arrived there in a foreign language is really impressive
01-23-2023 , 06:28 PM
haha, thats funny. thanks man, I had gross first but then changed it to groce. it must be groce because it sounds like groce I thought. so it's grossed? it must be grossed. why does it sound like groced? lol
grocery store and groceries
yeah makes sense.

maybe the friends that said just didn't pronounce it properly. I have a French Canadian friend from whistler who always said groce. maybe it was the French accent.

Last edited by washoe; 01-23-2023 at 06:37 PM.
01-23-2023 , 06:35 PM
after reading this I kinda changed my mind. let them have it. why not? there are tons of things on TV people don't enjoy. but I would keep it private personally.

here is what partly changed my mind.

and again it's quora.
good for questions imo.

cliffs: you also switch the channel when other folks kiss.

so gays: keep kissing it's all good.

Last edited by washoe; 01-23-2023 at 06:47 PM.
