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The Syrian War Thread The Syrian War Thread

07-01-2023 , 11:28 PM
Let’s talk about it.

Whose fault was it? How many people died? Did those people need to die? Was the war necessary? How involved was the Us? How involved was Russia?

Let’s discuss this forgotten war
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 04:24 AM
when u say those people , are u talking about Syrians ?

Wernt those people dying already under assad regime to begin with anyway, before US got involve ?
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 05:03 AM
it was assad's fault and his forces that killed and tortured most of the victims

if there was any justice in the world he would have been droned a long time ago
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 07:49 AM
For sure, the US government didn't do anything wrong because they are the good people. Everything the media says about Assad is true. He gassed his own people and none of this was about oil but just about Assad being a monster.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 08:08 AM
I see what you did there. Since nobody places any value on your opinion you stated something that is the opposite of your opinion to be tricky! Will not work in this case because everyone knows this issue was all Hunter's fault. Just look at these headlines

"Hunter Biden talks to ABC, Syria worsens"

Hunter! Hunter!

All the best.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I see what you did there. Since nobody places any value on your opinion you stated something that is the opposite of your opinion to be tricky! Will not work in this case because everyone knows this issue was all Hunter's fault. Just look at these headlines

"Hunter Biden talks to ABC, Syria worsens"

Hunter! Hunter!

All the best.
Good post Monte. You're right. It is about Hunter but I didn't want to say. Nice find.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 08:30 AM
Thank you, and good luck with your dry sarcasm schtick. My guess is that it will get as much traction as your other routines (such as answering questions with questions), but you never know until you try. Perhaps you can say it was inspired by one of the Avril Lavigne doppelgangers, though of course the question would then be which one.

All the best.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
For sure, the US government didn't do anything wrong because they are the good people. Everything the media says about Assad is true. He gassed his own people and none of this was about oil but just about Assad being a monster.
obviously none of this was/is about oil. syria barely produced any of it in the first place. you cant just repeat your script about iraq

the main thing the us did wrong was not killing assad the moment it became clear that his response to protesters wanting freedom and democracy was going to be violent suppression
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 09:29 AM
When you say protesters demanding freedom you're talking about ISIS aka al-qaeda, right?
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
When you say protesters demanding freedom you're talking about ISIS aka al-qaeda, right?
no im talking about all the people that took to the streets the first year of this. isis and al qaeda are very very small fraction of the people that hate assad. and before the 10+ years of civil war he created they barely existed in syria at all
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
when u say those people , are u talking about Syrians ?

Wernt those people dying already under assad regime to begin with anyway, before US got involve ?
I was referring to people that were killed by the Syrian war conflict.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by daca
no im talking about all the people that took to the streets the first year of this. isis and al qaeda are very very small fraction of the people that hate assad. and before the 10+ years of civil war he created they barely existed in syria at all
Well anyone that hated Assad could fight for isis, not fight at all, or potentially get killed by Assad.

I’m sure that after a few months, if you were against Assad you were helping ISIS/ISIL, Al nustra etc.

That’s how it worked for the US govt at least

So let’s figure out who the major players were and when

We have Assad, we have ISIS, we have unorganized civilian resistors, Obama administration/ western help(which does whatever US says anyway, and we have Putin with Wagner.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 11:03 AM
What is the evidence that there was actually some sort of organic uprising against Assad as opposed to the typical US supported color revolution?
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What is the evidence that there was actually some sort of organic uprising against Assad as opposed to the typical US supported color revolution?
even if it started organically and not because hillary wanted a war to help her win an election, doesnt mean they wouldnt have allied themselves with ISIS/ISIL after their initial rebellion.

I will go some googling and see what I can find about the beginning of the war.

From early on, the uprising and the regime’s response had a sectarian dimension. Many of the protesters belonged to the country’s Sunni majority, while the ruling Assad family were members of the country’s ʿAlawite minority. ʿAlawites also dominated the security forces and the irregular militias that carried out some of the worst violence against protesters and suspected opponents of the regime. Sectarian divisions were initially not as rigid as is sometimes supposed, though; the political and economic elite with ties to the regime included members of all of Syria’s confessional groups—not just ʿAlawites—while many middle- and working-class ʿAlawites did not particularly benefit from belonging to the same community as the Assad family and may have shared some of the protesters’ socioeconomic grievances.

heres the good stuff

In 2013 Islamist militants began to take centre stage as the non-Islamist factions faltered from exhaustion and infighting. The Nusrah Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate operating in Syria, partnered with a variety of other opposition groups and was generally considered to be one of the most-effective fighting forces. But it was soon overshadowed by a new group: in April 2013 Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, declared that he would combine his forces in Iraq and Syria under the name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria [ISIS]). He evidently intended for the Nusrah Front to be part of the new group under his command, but the Nusrah Front rejected the merger, and the two groups ended up fighting with each other.

In eastern Syria, ISIL seized an area in the Euphrates valley centred on the city of Al-Raqqah. From there, ISIL launched a series of successful operations in both Syria and Iraq, expanding to control a wide swath of territory straddling the Iraq-Syria border.

Last edited by PointlessWords; 07-02-2023 at 11:16 AM.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 11:23 AM
Initially FSA groups were not averse to the existence of, nor co-operation with, ISIL as a fellow armed group working to remove the Assad regime. Conditions varied in different times and places, but one example of conditional co-operation in the form of joint operations was the 2013 capture of Managh Air Base.[311] After the battle, Col. Abdul Jabbar al-Okaidi, the head of the United States-backed opposition's Aleppo military council, appeared in a video alongside Abu Jandal, a leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.[312] FSA groups were also engaged in conflict and clashed violently with ISIL in other regions during the same period. During the capture of Managh Air Base the Northern Storm Brigade had been in clashes with ISIL as recently as the month before the base was captured and put their differences to the side to co-operate for the final battle.[311]

Locals near the Turkish border complained in November 2013 that, in contrast with al-Nusra Front, the groups aligned with FSA were becoming increasingly corrupt.[313] Also in 2013, U.S. senior military officials speaking on condition of anonymity indicated that the Pentagon estimates that "extreme Islamist groups" constitute "more than 50 percent" of rebel groups that identify as the Free Syrian Army with the percentage "growing by the day"
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What is the evidence that there was actually some sort of organic uprising against Assad as opposed to the typical US supported color revolution?
there's probably nothing in the world that can convince you that the people of syria didnt want to live under a violent dictatorship

but that isnt even the important part here. the important part is that the assad regime could have avoided all this by just accepting to implement some democratic measures but instead chose violent suppression. this war was all the regime's fault
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What is the evidence that there was actually some sort of organic uprising against Assad as opposed to the typical US supported color revolution?

“ Syria’s government has passed a bill lifting the country’s emergency law, in place for 48 years, just hours after security forces fired on protesters.

U don’t seem to remember the particular Arab spring momentum that had took already couple dictators in the region and the Syrians wanted freedom as well .

The mistake of the US is they didn’t act fast enough to finally get ride of Assad dictatorship .
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 02:05 PM
I remember the Arab spring I'm just wondering how much of it was sponsored by the US state department and amnesty international
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 02:11 PM

And of course this didn't come to complete fruition but one wonders if that isn't because Russia came back a lot stronger than anticipated and put a stop to their plans.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by daca
there's probably nothing in the world that can convince you that the people of syria didnt want to live under a violent dictatorship

but that isnt even the important part here. the important part is that the assad regime could have avoided all this by just accepting to implement some democratic measures but instead chose violent suppression. this war was all the regime's fault
the US doesnt get involved with overthrowing every dictatorship, why this one?
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by daca
obviously none of this was/is about oil. syria barely produced any of it in the first place. you cant just repeat your script about iraq

the main thing the us did wrong was not killing assad the moment it became clear that his response to protesters wanting freedom and democracy was going to be violent suppression

While Syria might not have a lot of oil, what they do have, the US is continuing to steal.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
the US doesnt get involved with overthrowing every dictatorship, why this one?
at this point there are no good options and it's hard to do anything. though assad absolutely deserves a drone strike because he's probably the most evil person alive today

but at the start of all this you might have avoided a horrible civil war with hundreds of thousands killed, most of them in regime prisons, if he had been assassinated
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by daca
it was assad's fault and his forces that killed and tortured most of the victims

if there was any justice in the world he would have been droned a long time ago
The only real point to be made here.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I remember the Arab spring I'm just wondering how much of it was sponsored by the US state department and amnesty international

Lol ……

I suggest u read what the Syrian emergency law implied just in Syria and ask yourself if it was a great place to live in …..
Now if u want to equate US = freedom then ok I agree with you .

It always amazes me some posters here think that dictatorship are great place to be in and the democratic way like the US and many other democratic countries are so terrible …

I guess east Germany was a great place to live in after ww2 to 1980s ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 07-02-2023 at 04:44 PM.
The Syrian War Thread Quote
07-02-2023 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by daca
obviously none of this was/is about oil. syria barely produced any of it in the first place. you cant just repeat your script about iraq

the main thing the us did wrong was not killing assad the moment it became clear that his response to protesters wanting freedom and democracy was going to be violent suppression
Worked out swimmingly in Libya
The Syrian War Thread Quote
