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Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies??

07-09-2022 , 08:33 PM
And perhaps more importantly is this the first of many developing economies to crash?

I follow a Twitter account called Doomberg, which I found through Haralabob, and he has long been arguing that Western green energy policies are completely unreasonable and untenable given the energy demands of the world as a whole. And if half the governments/economies of the world fail because they cant meet energy demands, the policies will actually become counterproductive and lead to worse environmental destruction than the status quo.

Anyways, things certainly seem to be going in a direction indicating him and others like him might have been right.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-09-2022 , 09:41 PM
The rise of the US dollar is good for no one , emerging market are the ones suffering the most since a lot of their economy stems from commodities , losing value in a rising U.S. dollar environment.

And if those emerging market have US dollar debt denominated ( which often they do) , they get even more problems and will have to default , provoking even more problems by foreigners losing confidence and retrieving their cash from those countries .

A rising US dollar is the worst outcome around the planet but the US are flexing their muscles by rising interest rates .

Yes , transitioning into a greener energy would create inflation , who knew …..
But the US do not want to pay it through inflation , so they raise the US dollar .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 07-09-2022 at 09:57 PM.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:50 AM

Sri Lanker has run out of foreign currency because of mismanagement of its economy and failure to develop any export economy that would earn it foreign currency. It imports 3BN more than it exports and could not sustain that discrepancy.

The government tried to cut imports by banning imports of fertiliser which lead to wide spread cop failure which has made need for imports of food more pressing, but they have no way of paying for them. It also damaged exports of tea and rubber.

It also has huge debts to China.

Obviously the corona virus has also hurt tourist income a big source of foreign currency and general economic activity.

War in Ukraine has also obviously made imports more expensive and caused inflation, as it has done nearly universally across all economies.

Its cool story bro what some guy on twitter said if your going to be too lazy to offer any chain of causality on why green policies of the West have caused any of the above.

So yea supply some actual content to your argument would make this a lot more interesting.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 07-10-2022 at 07:55 AM.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

Sri Lanker has run out of foreign currency because of mismanagement of its economy and failure to develop any export economy that would earn it foreign currency. It imports 3BN more than it exports and could not sustain that discrepancy.

The government tried to cut imports by banning imports of fertiliser which lead to wide spread cop failure which has made need for imports of food more pressing, but they have no way of paying for them. It also damaged exports of tea and rubber.

It also has huge debts to China.

Obviously the corona virus has also hurt tourist income a big source of foreign currency and general economic activity.

War in Ukraine has also obviously made imports more expensive and caused inflation, as it has done nearly universally across all economies.

Its cool story bro what some guy on twitter said if your going to be too lazy to offer any chain of causality on why green policies of the West have caused any of the above.

So yea supply some actual content to your argument would make this a lot more interesting.
Well the point is that with developing economies (along with developed) actually needing fossil fuels more and more to function, the Western Worlds decision to "go green" has contributed heavily to massive fuel shortages. And this is contributing heavily to Sri Lankas problems, with many more countries to follow.

It cant be great that countries like Sri Lanka are having to compete on the global market with countries like Germany for coal right now.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:22 AM
How has it lead to fuel shortages?
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:24 AM
As an aside it is amusing that in all the articles on Sri Lanka in the MSM, you wont see/hear the word insurrection once.

I suck at memes, but I suspect there are already quite a few floating around the internet juxtaposing Jan 6 vs what happened in Sri Lanka, and noting the very different descriptions of what happened being floated by the MSM.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
How has it lead to fuel shortages?
Your asking how the conscious decision of several large developed countries to dramatically reduce production (including our own) has led to worldwide fuel shortages? That seems self obvious. How has it not?

Anyways, I was presenting an argument I have been seeing on Twitter, and even sourced it. Clearly you are not persuaded that the Western world going green is (and will continue to) contribute towards energy instability and ensuing social collapse, especially in the developing world.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:29 AM
lol at comparing them in anyway, just no words for how dumb that is.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
Your asking how the conscious decision of several large developed countries to dramatically reduce production (including our own) has led to worldwide fuel shortages? That seems self obvious. How has it not?

Anyways, I was presenting an argument I have been seeing on Twitter, and even sourced it. Clearly you are not persuaded that the Western world going green is (and will continue to) contribute towards energy instability and ensuing social collapse, especially in the developing world.
Meaningless statement without numbers, upto the pandemic which lowered demand, coal production was rising year on year.

Im not persuaded because I saw on twitter is not an argument.

Some actual numbers + chain of causality + supposition is required and all we have is I saw on twitter.

Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 06:21 PM
If western policies are the direct cause of what's happening in Sri Lanka, why isn't this going on in more countries?
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If western policies are the direct cause of what's happening in Sri Lanka, why isn't this going on in more countries?
A. Maybe it is and the powers of be just aren't letting us know. (From the aforementioned Twitter feed (Doomberg) I know there has been recent social unrest of various magnitudes related to energy shortages in Italy, Albania and Netherlands)

B. Maybe this is just the beginning.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
A. Maybe it is and the powers of be just aren't letting us know. (From the aforementioned Twitter feed (Doomberg) I know there has been recent social unrest of various magnitudes related to energy shortages in Italy, Albania and Netherlands)

B. Maybe this is just the beginning.
Better add Argentina to the list. Public uprising in Buenos Aries leading towards Economy Minister resigning.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-10-2022 , 10:09 PM
I blame AOC for this. /s
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-11-2022 , 12:30 AM
[QUOTE=TheNoGod2;57742788]A. Maybe it is and the powers of be just aren't letting us know.

And who are those powers ?
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-11-2022 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
A. Maybe it is and the powers of be just aren't letting us know.

And who are those powers ?
You know who it is...

Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-11-2022 , 03:57 AM
Sri Lanka's politics and economy has been has been a mess for decades, with civil war and genocide being key components.

Finding out about the current culmination of the country's woes and shoehorning it into some joint grievance towards prosecuting Capitol rioters and green energy probably says plenty, but it says very little about Sri Lanka.

Generally when trying to figure out the reasons behind some big current political event in a country, I recommend studying that country's political history.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 07-11-2022 at 04:04 AM.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-21-2022 , 09:48 AM
Large riots in Panama and US warships spotted in the Canal. Probably something to do with Panama's unique political history and completely coincidental that so much govt instability going on in the world all at the same time.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-21-2022 , 09:57 AM
Its almost like there is a war after a pandemic or something.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-22-2022 , 11:36 AM
You won't see it on the evening news, because it isn't convenient to the narrative. But massive protests and government instability across the entire developing world. Its almost like intentionally making energy scarce would affect developing countries the hardest if such a fragile system was ever compromised. Who could have ever saw this coming?
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-22-2022 , 12:04 PM
Its on the evening news all the time.

When we started embargoing Russia I think everyone saw it coming.

Where are you getting these complete trash narratives from?

Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-23-2022 , 04:37 PM
Emboldened by the success of Sri Lanka and Netherlands, Canada is throwing its hat in the ring and mandating significant decrease in use of fertilizer for its farmers. Its expected this move will bankrupt a lot of small farmers, but luckily large banks will be waiting to buy the land at a distressed price.

It will be interesting to see how the Canadian farmers respond, as the government has already established they will freeze bank accounts and arrest anyone who doesn't toe the party line and accept the lot they are given.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-23-2022 , 05:30 PM
Man You love extrapolate into conspiracy theory nonsense ……
90% of your narrative in all you post are tied to right vs left , rep bs dem , good vs evil , fiction vs facts , etc .

One day I guess u will open your mind and realize the world ain’t binary , it’s painted in grey all over ….
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-23-2022 , 06:07 PM
Damn hippies--first they stole the gas then they broke sri lanka.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-26-2022 , 04:32 AM
You want a New World Order you need to destroy the current one first. You want the serfs to "own nothing and be happy" you need to steal what they currently own.
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
07-26-2022 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

Sri Lanker has run out of foreign currency because of mismanagement of its economy and failure to develop any export economy that would earn it foreign currency. It imports 3BN more than it exports and could not sustain that discrepancy.

So not even tea?
Is the Sri Lankan descent into anarchy the direct result of Western green energy policies?? Quote
