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SOS. Ukraine is on fire SOS. Ukraine is on fire

02-26-2022 , 04:00 PM
King Spew I am going to Sticky this thread for a little while. Seems like having access to donation links is important.... as well as current Man-On-The-Street commentary.

Today is the second day without a sleep for my home city. People have been awakened by the sounds of air strike alarms, learning to run and hide in the bomb shelters. On the central street there is a russian missile x-31, two civil multi-storey buildings are burning after being hit by the russian missiles, and no, there are no army objects nearby. Multiple cities are being hit by missiles, civil houses and bridges are burning. Chernobyl nuclear plant has been occupied by the russian diversionists, the radiation levels have increased because of the heavy military machines.

My city has drastically changed. 3 days ago the life was blossoming here, now all you can see is empty streets blocked by Ukrainian military vehicles in order to stop russian tanks. Streets are being patrolled by the united forces of the Ukrainian army, police, veterans and few thousand armed volunteers. Any civilian is eligible to receive a weapon like AK-47 to defend his city, only national passport is needed. Shots are being fired between them and russian forces that got into the city. Ukrainian army is holding on but the situation is extremely difficult…

putin’s tactic is an international terror act. Russian propaganda says that there NATO bases in Ukraine that are threatening russia’s existence, but unfortunately the only place you can find them is inside their heads. No NATO troops will fight for Ukraine, no one will defend us except our army – this was officially stated by NATO officials many times.

This is not just a war against the united forces of putin and his servant, known as the “last european dictator”, or so-called president of Belarus lukashenko. Both have been ruling their countries for 20+ years killing their political rivals and destroying the freedom of speech. It is now officially prohibited to call today’s events a ‘war’ in russia – if media does so, they risk going to prison.
This is the war of values, it is about the future of our world. On the one side are propaganda, censorship, lies, dictatorship, killings, the contempt to human rights or freedom, police lawlessness. The only law that works in these two countries is a law of force and prison’s conduct. On the other side are freedom of speech, peace, very weak, but still, a democracy, the freedom of choice, respect of human rights and everything that is called European values. No, I don’t want to idealize my country – it has many inner problems like corruption or oligarchs power. Ukraine moves very slowly and very weakly but it does so in the right direction, but this is another story.

These days Ukraine have been fighting for it’s rights and the rights of the whole Western world trying to stop putin’s terror. The governments of the Western countries have been imposing sanctions and helping with weapons but the pace is too slow, with each hour adding more and more unneeded deaths and destroyed families.

Do you know how does it feel like to talk by phone with your close friends knowing that this could be the last time you hear them? What happens inside, when you hug your father, who stays in the fighting city, because you know that there is a possibility that it may not happen again? When your girlfriend’s mom calls in tears telling that her husband, who has some health issues, has joined the local defense to protect their small town? Well I do know and I wish you all to never experience anything like that.

Everyone who is reading this message can join this battle. Being apolitical and staying aside will not work – if Ukraine falls – the EU is next. Putin’s wet dream is to divide and conquer the whole Europe and to recreate USSR and he’s been quite successful in it so far. Being indifferent is alike staying still on the street watching a man getting beaten to death by thugs and doing nothing. Everyone, absolutely everyone can do something to stop this madness!

You can join your country’s meetings supporting Ukraine and pressuring your government to increase economical sanctions against russia – they are just not severe enough, not enough countries are eager to loose money by stopping business with the aggressor, but if people scream, they will listen, let’s hope it won’t be too late. You can spread this information among your friends and neighbours, you can help financially Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers, who are giving their lives to stop the KGB maniac. There are several organizations that accept financial help, the official government’s army account, multi currency fiat:
or you can donate crypto to the most well-known volunteer organization “Return alive”

I don’t believe in god but I believe in the Ukrainian army and volunteers who are willing to die for my and your freedom. This is the only force that is holding a much larger and stronger army led by the crazy dictator.

I am now donating and writing this post during the stops in my journey from Kyiv to the western Ukraine, driving my girlfriend and my mom to the safe place, of course, if you can call it ‘safe’, given the airstrikes that happen in all major Ukrainian cities. Once they are safe – my plan is to help local defense doing whatever I can - I’ve never hold an AK-47 in my arms, with my shooting experience being limited to the few visits of the shooting range.
Glory to Ukrainian warriors. Justice will prevail.

*edit at OP's request*
How to help financially:

1) Official governmental army’s multi-currency bank account:

2) Helping army with Crypto:

This is the biggest charity fund and its being DDOSed by russians atm, they have also created a fake site with similar address. Please double check!

Their btc address:

*at the moment of writing their wallet had around 5.5m$ in btc. You can check it here:

Also official governmental crypto wallets:

3) Helping Ukrainian doctors who work 24/7 saving lives. Crypto:!

4) Charity fund in crypto that helps all suffering Ukrainians BUT they dont help the army at all.

5) You can donate to army by skrill of my close friend who is outside of Ukraine now. We will post a detailed report

6) you can also buy NFTs, 100% of money go to army.

I personally believe in only one type of donation atm which is Ukrainian army. This is the only force fighting for your and my freedom snd willing to die for it against a MUCH stronger enemy.

I’ve donated 5k$ by crypto that i had and requested a 100k euro payment from my EU bank with signed (but not verified in the consulate because it has moved out of Ukraine). Bank promised to my lawyer that they will do whatever they can to make it, waiting for them to contact me.

P.S. Today’s video of russians bombing 2nd biggest Ukrainian city with 2 million civilians, while NATO is being “deeply concerned” but not sending a single soldier.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 03-01-2022 at 06:02 AM.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-26-2022 , 04:36 PM
God speed.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-26-2022 , 05:07 PM
I don't want to say empty words jayser, but our thoughts are with you and your nation at this terrible time.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-26-2022 , 05:09 PM
So for those looking for an alternate path to donate this is what my family member by marriage who is Ukrainian and whom I mentioned in the other thread, is directing those who ask him to the Canadian Red Cross Ukrainian fund raising site.

He just said to me via text that people should be very weary of any Ukrainian sites now as Russians may have control of much of the routing and Russian entities within Ukraine may set up many fake sites to capitalize on the worlds desire to help as they profit.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-26-2022 , 05:33 PM
In addition to being a legitimate charity, Red Cross donations will be matched by the Canadian government - if you're going to donate, might as well do it there.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-26-2022 , 08:28 PM
Donations to Human Rights Watch also are very safe for people trying to help. HRW won't feed Ukranian refugees, but the organization does play a role in documenting the abuses of war in real time.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 01:43 AM
^Thank you guys!

Also there are more legit links to donate with crypto now:

My friends have created the NFT donation fund, that i can vouch with my 11~ years of reputation in mid and highstakes poker world.

Also, Ukrainian ministry of digital transformation has added btc, eth, usdc and usdt donation links. They are 100% legit.

Huge thanks to Elon Musk for answering in their request to open Starlink for Ukraine! Now putin wont be able to block our internet and soon it is also going to reach russian territory with their controlled internet as well!

Another link by multi crypto donations. I dont know these guys but my close friend says they are totally legit and known in crypto wold.

The world is united and we will win. Stick it Ukrainian army!
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 02:05 AM
I'll tell you one thing if Ukraine somehow holds off Russia and makes it out of this in one piece, they will be revered as heroes across the globe for the rest of time. Your president ignoring the US offer to leave the country and instead bearing arms with his army is probably the most legendary thing by any leader in centuries.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 02:30 AM
not judging one way or another, but did you get a rifle? and are you going to fight?

if so, how? like is there any organization to that kinda civilian resistance or is it just “see russian/shoot russian”?

if not, why not?

hope this is appropriate, i’m just curious i guess.

be safe
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
I'll tell you one thing if Ukraine somehow holds off Russia and makes it out of this in one piece, they will be revered as heroes across the globe for the rest of time. Your president ignoring the US offer to leave the country and instead bearing arms with his army is probably the most legendary thing by any leader in centuries.

bro, “i need ammunition, not a ride” is all-time, history textbook stuff.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
not judging one way or another, but did you get a rifle? and are you going to fight?

if so, how? like is there any organization to that kinda civilian resistance or is it just “see russian/shoot russian”?

if not, why not?

hope this is appropriate, i’m just curious i guess.

be safe
Right now im in the midst of the road trip to the western Ukraine.
There I will go to the local defense and ask how can i help. I have no military skill at all.

Currently trying to donate 100k euro from my EU bank account, might not work without my verified signature, so sending crypto instead and spreading the word

And yes, anyone can get a rifle now. See russian occupant - shoot. This is an official order
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 04:38 AM
Stay strong, Ukraine!
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 11:41 AM
Русский корабль иди нахуй
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jayser1337
There I will go to the local defense and ask how can i help. I have no military skill at all.
I don't have any military skill either, but I thought most men in Ukraine did because military service is mandatory. Is that incorrect?

In any case, I hope you and your family come through this OK.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't have any military skill either, but I thought most men in Ukraine did because military service is mandatory. Is that incorrect?

In any case, I hope you and your family come through this OK.
I think there were always exemptions and loopholes - that's why I wasn't sure even if conscription still existed de jure, that there were now so many ways to avoid it that it actually didn't really exist de facto. But I'll obviously defer to someone more knowledgeable, that's just a wild guess on my part.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jayser1337
Right now im in the midst of the road trip to the western Ukraine.
There I will go to the local defense and ask how can i help. I have no military skill at all.

Currently trying to donate 100k euro from my EU bank account, might not work without my verified signature, so sending crypto instead and spreading the word

And yes, anyone can get a rifle now. See russian occupant - shoot. This is an official order

go get ‘em
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't have any military skill either, but I thought most men in Ukraine did because military service is mandatory. Is that incorrect?

In any case, I hope you and your family come through this OK.
I've mentioned my family member via marriage, who is a young Ukrainian man age 29 who married my close cousins daughter.

He was in the midst of trying to get his father approval to emigrate to Canada and was hopeful for that greenlight at any time when this all broke out.

His dad is 48 or 49 years old and did have prior military training but is a skilled carpenter by trade. He is also an outdoors men and hunter as most are in his village. They apparently are right off one of the main routes the Russian convoys are using to move troops and equipment through and all the men who remained behind have retreated to the nearby mountains and hilly regions to live like they do when they go on extended hunts. They only are traveling back to the village when they need something but then getting out as they feel it is likely to draw some Russian soldier attention.

He told his son, before he said they would lose communication in the mountains that they would not be engaging any Russians directly but would be looking to kill any that they felt they could isolate and take on.

His son, my family member, is beside himself in anguish right now. Desperate to get over and to try and support his dad, and its hard to reason with him how near futile that would be. That even if he could get in to Ukraine, his ability to travel to where his dad is and find him would be near zero.

it is terrible seeing someone grapple with such a helpless feeling and then a lack of all contact.

If he is intent to go and to 'try' and it seems reason cannot break thru do you switch to then just being as supportive as you can? Or do you try to break thru the futility of it all telling him he has a wife here and she is also family who needs him?

Not asking looking for an answer but just to point out the question I have grappled with as other family members believe I am one of the ones that could maybe break thru to him. He is very entrepreneurial and smart and always looked up to me and my business successes and thus always engaged in much longer discussions with me than others generally.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 04:14 PM
Upd. Arrived to the destination point, now I can feel a little bit safer about my mom and gf, however even here the local airport has been destroyed by russian missiles few days prior.

By now you cant feel safe in any Ukrainian city, there are officially 352 deaths among civilians, 14 children. More than 1800 are wounded. This is the biggest war crime since ww2 in the Europe.

I came to sign up for the local defense and got told that there are too many applications by now and they dont accept anyone without a military experience. In the last two days more than 100k people have signed up. Also, foreign soldiers are now officially welcomed by the government to join our fight.

My day has been alright. Well, I couldn’t do the regular things I enjoy like books, sports or poker but today I’ve been working on my cooking skills. I learned a recipe of a famous Ukrainian cocktail - together with the local guys we have prepared more than 500 of those and will warmly welcome our occupant neighbors. Russia is being ****ed by economic sanctions, all world is against it now.
Freedom will win. Glory to our fighters!

[Uploading Image...]
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 04:25 PM
I can't even imagine...Putin has destroyed himself, his regime, and his economy with this foolish and evil invasion - but I'm sure that's no consolation to you and all Ukrainians.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-27-2022 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I've mentioned my family member via marriage, who is a young Ukrainian man age 29 who married my close cousins daughter.

He was in the midst of trying to get his father approval to emigrate to Canada and was hopeful for that greenlight at any time when this all broke out.

His dad is 48 or 49 years old and did have prior military training but is a skilled carpenter by trade. He is also an outdoors men and hunter as most are in his village. They apparently are right off one of the main routes the Russian convoys are using to move troops and equipment through and all the men who remained behind have retreated to the nearby mountains and hilly regions to live like they do when they go on extended hunts. They only are traveling back to the village when they need something but then getting out as they feel it is likely to draw some Russian soldier attention.

He told his son, before he said they would lose communication in the mountains that they would not be engaging any Russians directly but would be looking to kill any that they felt they could isolate and take on.

His son, my family member, is beside himself in anguish right now. Desperate to get over and to try and support his dad, and its hard to reason with him how near futile that would be. That even if he could get in to Ukraine, his ability to travel to where his dad is and find him would be near zero.

it is terrible seeing someone grapple with such a helpless feeling and then a lack of all contact.

If he is intent to go and to 'try' and it seems reason cannot break thru do you switch to then just being as supportive as you can? Or do you try to break thru the futility of it all telling him he has a wife here and she is also family who needs him?

Not asking looking for an answer but just to point out the question I have grappled with as other family members believe I am one of the ones that could maybe break thru to him. He is very entrepreneurial and smart and always looked up to me and my business successes and thus always engaged in much longer discussions with me than others generally.
Under the circumstances, the message to stay home may need to come directly from his dad.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-28-2022 , 10:13 AM
Are you alright man ? how was the night ?
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-28-2022 , 10:29 AM
Unfortunately his dad has now been radio silent since their last discussions. I suspect they are off grid and away from cell service hoping the Russian forces see little value in travelling in so deep into wooded areas looking for scant targets.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-28-2022 , 12:20 PM
How to help financially:

1) Official governmental army’s multi-currency bank account:

2) Helping army with Crypto:

This is the biggest charity fund and its being DDOSed by russians atm, they have also created a fake site with similar address. Please double check!

Their btc address:

*at the moment of writing their wallet had around 5.5m$ in btc. You can check it here:

Also official governmental crypto wallets:

3) Helping Ukrainian doctors who work 24/7 saving lives. Crypto:!

4) Charity fund in crypto that helps all suffering Ukrainians BUT they dont help the army at all.

5) You can donate to army by skrill of my close friend who is outside of Ukraine now. We will post a detailed report

6) you can also buy NFTs, 100% of money go to army.

I personally believe in only one type of donation atm which is Ukrainian army. This is the only force fighting for your and my freedom snd willing to die for it against a MUCH stronger enemy.

I’ve donated 5k$ by crypto that i had and requested a 100k euro payment from my EU bank with signed (but not verified in the consulate because it has moved out of Ukraine). Bank promised to my lawyer that they will do whatever they can to make it, waiting for them to contact me.

P.S. Today’s video of russians bombing 2nd biggest Ukrainian city with 2 million civilians, while NATO is being “deeply concerned” but not sending a single soldier.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
02-28-2022 , 11:12 PM
God speed Jayser. The Ukranian people are incredibly brave. Stay strong.
SOS. Ukraine is on fire Quote
