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So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani)

01-03-2020 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Huskalator
Really hard to tell whether this is good or bad but it’s definitely provocative as ****. It feels like I would need a doctorate in ME studies to actually suss the ramifications. I guess we’ll see. Seems like there’s a lot of bad takes floating around on the inter webs though from people talking out their ass. I guess I should start getting used to that.

I don’t really have an issue with the President making this kind of call though. Are we really to expect the President should consult with Belgium before making a drone strike?
If you're looking at a high likelihood of hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and still thinking, "Yeah, this could turn out great!" you've gone wrong way, way before your thinking on this conflict.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:03 PM
And idiots who think this is going to turn into some sort of force-on-force engagement in Iraq are just that. Iran's military apparatus is built around subversive actions, not force-on-force conflict.

Who the f*** is the fear monger now?

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 01-03-2020 at 12:24 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:16 PM
mike pompeo: the world is a much safer place now
state department: every US person that is in iraq GTFO as quickly as possible, take an aircraft if available, or run to another country(??), it's not safe..
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:17 PM
But itshot, World War 3 is top trending on Twitter. Everyone can't be wrong!

Slighted, both of those statements can be true. DUCY?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:19 PM
Well Republicans have been consistently right about wars, let’s hear them out.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:20 PM
Here's a hint for all you folks reading the Democratic Congressional reaction and parroting that b*******...

There will only be a war if Iran starts it, and they will not start it.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
But itshot, World War 3 is top trending on Twitter. Everyone can't be wrong!

Slighted, both of those statements can be true. DUCY?
no. they really can't. america is possibly safer.. but you've probably solidified the regime in iran that was considered to be making the world unsafe, they have vowed retaliation and have to follow through to save face and they will be redoubling their efforts to get nuclear weapons because it's clear that they need nuclear weapons to be treated like NK.

trump groveled and begged to shake kim jong un's hand because he as nukes. we've shown Iran that they must do absolutely everything in their power to get them as quickly as possible.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bakes
so is the deal that the US president, with no input from Congress or our allies abroad, gets to just decide who lives and dies in foreign countries via drone strike?

i don't like that
British and Chinese were informed per Pompeo. What their feelings were is unknown but pretty sure they would not back It.
Originally Posted by Huskalator
Really hard to tell whether this is good or bad but it’s definitely provocative as ****. It feels like I would need a doctorate in ME studies to actually suss the ramifications. I guess we’ll see. Seems like there’s a lot of bad takes floating around on the inter webs though from people talking out their ass. I guess I should start getting used to that.

I don’t really have an issue with the President making this kind of call though. Are we really to expect the President should consult with Belgium before making a drone strike?
Belgium is a strange take but it is highly unorthodox and against international agreements to assassinate high ranking officials. Not that the US has ever seen itself as beholden to intl law, but still. This is highly provocative.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Well Republicans have been consistently right about wars, let’s hear them out.
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Here's a hint for all you folks reading the Democratic Congressional reaction and parroting that b*******...

There will only be a war if Iran starts it, and they will not start it.
The US commited an act of war.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:29 PM
I don't know the ratio of Iranian sponsored attacks on US forces/interest, and vice versa, but it Is undoubtedly heavily slanted toward the Iranian side. I mean, are you going to keep pacifying somebody who keeps attacking you?

Iran has a long history of subversive actions in the Middle East, they control the Straits of Hormuz. Iran does the subversive actions to gain influence in these other countries. They don't operate like a diplomatic country. Stop treating them like one. The world has an interest in protecting the strait of Hormuz from a theocratic and subversive government.

To restate:

The world isn't all about the US. Iranians do this to gain influence in these other countries. It is there diplomacy.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:36 PM
I don't think I really have to explain how stupid it is to think killing an enemy combatant in a designated war zone is somehow an act of war.

The lefties that are parroting this s***....I'm telling you, it's going to backfire. You are trying to find a political argument against this attack, and you've chosen a really, really bad one. That s*** you're pedaling is pushing Trump's approval skyward.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't think I really have to explain how stupid it is to think killing an enemy combatant in a designated war zone is somehow an act of war.
we get it, you dont think.

we aren't(weren't) at war with iran.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Slighted, he was a military officer engaged in coordinating attacks against Americans. A Private in the US Army would not need Congressional approval.

It's almost offensive to the dead Americans you don't think the US military does not has a right to attack combatants who are killing our people, without a Congressional approval. I'll give you a pass, because you are just ignorant.

It's like you don't even know Iraq is designated as a war zone since 1991, and that EO survived multiple administrations.
Bolded is just pure Soviet-style propaganda.

"our people" - a bunch of mercenaries and volunteer killers are not "my people".
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
Bolded is just pure Soviet-style propaganda.

"our people" - a bunch of mercenaries and volunteer killers are not "my people".
Sure they are. By thinking that not responding to Iranian aggression is the smart play, makes you complicit to that Iranian aggression.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
we get it, you dont think.

we aren't(weren't) at war with iran.
We are at war with terrorists and the US and it's commander and chief has every right to protect itself against threats. What the f*** is your point? Because he is a member of the iranian military, despite being a terrorist, he can't be attacked without Congressional approval?

Being in the Iranian military doesn't give you carte blanche to commit acts of terror unchecked, and it certainly doesn't give you diplomatic immunity. The power to kill a threat to US interest is well within a potus's discretion.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
Bolded is just pure Soviet-style propaganda.

"our people" - a bunch of mercenaries and volunteer killers are not "my people".

Delta is ready when you are...
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by bacalaopeace
Bolded is just pure Soviet-style propaganda.

"our people" - a bunch of mercenaries and volunteer killers are not "my people".
Careful, kiddo; don't cut yourself on that edge!

Unserious discussions for unserious people.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:16 PM
The famous Wesley Clark "7 countries in 5 years video".
The 5 years has long since passed but Iran was listed as one of those 7 countries (along with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya, and Sudan). It looks like a couple of them might have been skipped as Iran was supposed to be last--but the point is that US political/military establishment has always had Iran in its crosshairs and Trump literally campaigned on war with Iran.
But he's also still a Russian agent of course and the establishment hates him.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:29 PM
Well, okay, but the nice thing about having 10,000 hours of new video uploaded to the internet every second of every day is that you can comb through it all and craft whatever reality you want.

I do look forward to upcoming photos of Trump and GWBush playing foosball together with Putin in the basement of Trump Tower, tying the whole narrative together nicely.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Well, okay, but the nice thing about having 10,000 hours of new video uploaded to the internet every second of every day is that you can comb through it all and craft whatever reality you want.

I do look forward to upcoming photos of Trump and GWBush playing foosball together with Putin in the basement of Trump Tower, tying the whole narrative together nicely.
I doubt that pic will emerge although the one with Ross Perot, Clinton, and GHWB all together at a barbecue I've always enjoyed.
My point though was that Iran has (apparently) been in Washington's sights for a long time and that Trump campaigned on war with Iran. So nobody should be too surprised if it happens.
But unfortunately, instead of understanding it for what it is, people will ascribe idiotic personal motivations to Trump or something.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:54 PM
But the TWEETS! Trump tipped his future hand back when Obama was in office.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:54 PM
Consequently, I understand the psychological impulse to set aside years worth of Trump fact-checking and put men with suits on television to explain what’s happening with their secret intelligence. But this is a poor forecasting principle. Back in May of 2018 there was a sudden outburst of enthusiasm about Trump’s nuclear diplomacy with Iran, complete with media scolding of churlish liberals who refused to give credit where due for a breakthrough.*I was skeptical, based on the general principle that you shouldn’t trust liars,*and I was right. Now the latest is that*Trump’s Korean diplomacy has completely collapsed, but it’s being overshadowed by Iran news.

The sad fact of the matter is that the world is a scary place. Powerful people lie, including about important matters. They sometimes don’t get caught and even when they do, they don’t always suffer for it. I hope there was some kind of good reason to bomb that Baghdad airport and some kind of plan to deal with the aftermath. But all we really know about it is that the people in charge of explaining to us what happened and why aren’t worthy of our trust.
Glad to see Yglesias admitting his Iraq mistake and coming around to the liars lie approach
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
My point though was that Iran has (apparently) been in Washington's sights for a long time and that Trump campaigned on war with Iran. So nobody should be too surprised if it happens.
But unfortunately, instead of understanding it for what it is, people will ascribe idiotic personal motivations to Trump or something.
Exactly, Iran has been drawn up for at least a decade... and the players that benefit have been trying their hardest to get it on. If you were looking at the attacks in the strait this summer you can see how any one of those provocations could have made Iran jump and give the West excuse for all out war. They wont jump on this because they have the actual feet on the ground and upper hand because they control the critical straits.... we are begging for retaliation so we have excuse to go the next mile.

We were banking on China to be aggressive on HK like we were here with Iraq... which we really have no claim to. The Chinese are not going to give in to the obvious bait but we seem to think they will.

Raise Raise All-in - fold and and you look like you overplayed the hand in the end

Last edited by JodoKast; 01-03-2020 at 02:02 PM.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If you're looking at a high likelihood of hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and still thinking, "Yeah, this could turn out great!" you've gone wrong way, way before your thinking on this conflict.
Do you believe that this will result in hundreds of thousands of dead civilians? If so, how do you think that will play out?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
here's what you need to know about the situation internally..

if a country assassinated our vice president or secretary of state while he was abroad, do you believe that would be an act of war?

trump should have went through congress for this act. he effectively started a war with iran because he wanted to say benghazi a bunch..
A general who, from all reports, was actively directing attacks on Americans is way different than the VP.

I will reiterate that this is as far as I know an unprecedented strike and the 2nd and 3rd order effects are likely unknown.
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
01-03-2020 , 02:21 PM
Is the coming war with Iran going to be bigger or smaller than the one everyone predicted we would have with North Korea a while back?
So, Iraq... (Update: US kills Iranian military leader Soleimani) Quote
