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Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP

12-01-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
How about you aske me what you’re allowed to say or not. i’ll let you say more if you stop being a naughty boy
But I said some bad words the other day and I need to be spanked.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
But I said some bad words the other day and I need to be spanked.
That filth you describe as bad words wasn’t just “bad” it was a disgrace to the holy roman catholic church, queen isabella and the spanish empire . 4 floggings and no food for the night.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
That filth you describe as bad words wasn’t just “bad” it was a disgrace to the holy roman catholic church, queen isabella and the spanish empire . 4 floggings and no food for the night.
You've played this game before.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 11:56 AM
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
You've played this game before.
This isn’t a game william. The fact of the matter is, I and all the other students that grace this body are faithful and baptized catholics. This school is an arm of saint michael that graces mother mary. But i like you. So you have three options . You can convert to catholicism. You can be expelled. Or *places hand on your shoulder* you can keep me company. teehee.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 12:11 PM
Don't do a Spanish Inquisition on me, I'll behave.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
You didn't answer my question: what kind of bigoted **** do you want to say and why? Couldn't you use AI to make erotic short stories instead?
I want to be able to say whatever I want. Why wouldn't I be allowed? I don't understand how that doesn't answer your question...

You want me to say some things so you can judge? I think you don't understand the OP.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
lol. Can you read? I said I’m aware of the reference but not the specifics. I’m not going to read Wikipedia for some Musk **** I don’t care about and isn’t necessary for this convo.
I probably missed your comment. The twitter files are MOUNDS AND MOUNDS of cryptographically/mathematically provable immutable evidence that the state had a very heavy hand in breaking the 1st amendment countless times. So to claim that we should give this power to the government has already been disproved, you would have to show how and why they won't abuse it, because we have evidence now they do.

Snowden changed the internet with his files and now so has the twitter files. The onus is on you now.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
How about you aske me what you’re allowed to say or not. i’ll let you say more if you stop being a naughty boy
Lets says I'm writing a story about ****....


Its just a subtle thing you all won't quite note I think but I'm noticing the nuance here, because what are going to use to determine context? We are going to use chatGTP, thats TERRIBLE recursive. It recurses to state censorship.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Lets say I ask "write me a funny poem about midgets". Is it acceptable that it says, 'sorry, thats offensive language'. And so I would have to say 'little people' and then it will give me a poem. Because it's FAR MORE ADVANCED than its trying to ask itself, is this an offensive request...

so then is it also acceptable if it says 'nono, don't ask me to write about little people like this...thats offensive...."

Ok write me a poem about black people....

'nono, thats racial based....'

Ok tell me what racism is 'discrimination against non-white people'....

This is hypothetical, but its almost not....its very close to this right now. Where is the line to be drawn in this hypothetical almost real scenario?
What's the problem here? If OpenAI wants to put restrictions on their product, they can, just like 2+2 can censor words on their forum. If you don't like it, you can choose not to use their product.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
How about you aske me what you’re allowed to say or not. i’ll let you say more if you stop being a naughty boy
Do you honestly believe we shouldn't be allowed to say some things? I think thats ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT BLOODY INSANE.

Or you just are having fun?
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
What's the problem here? If OpenAI wants to put restrictions on their product, they can, just like 2+2 can censor words on their forum.
Yes .....buuuuut.....the twitter files.

I'm all for private ventures getting to decide, then I think we will have some free speech AI. But if propriety won't support free speech, and if they train us not to...for example by doing what they are now....which is mavening the words when I breach its caution lines....that will lead to a population that covets and supports state censorship. So its a bit of a multifaceted question.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:42 PM
Right now the cautions are effectively just color and annoyance. But thinking of that being a future where you can't ask the question that currently raise its warning flags.....that would be insane. You wouldn't be able to get a balanced answer about israel/palestine. You would be anti-semitic.

I don't know if you all understand this.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:43 PM
What does orange denote?
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:45 PM
Lets say I want to ask 'why the **** do the jews control the world?'

Thats a flag.

Do I have to then word it better....'I notice that jewish people have a strong cultural background quite related to intelligence, finance, and academics, what are the factors that led to them excelling in this areas..'?

Does someone here find this acceptable moderation? And its quite valid of BF to bring up the state/vs private type of censorship in this regard.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Yes .....buuuuut.....the twitter files.

I'm all for private ventures getting to decide, then I think we will have some free speech AI. But if propriety won't support free speech, and if they train us not to...for example by doing what they are now....which is mavening the words when I breach its caution lines....that will lead to a population that covets and supports state censorship. So its a bit of a multifaceted question.
Your, um, unique way with words leaves me with no idea what you're talking about here. Can you explain more clearly why OpenAI shouldn't be allowed to make their product work the way they want it to? Are you suggesting they are, or might in the future be, putting in restrictions that the government requires them to?
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
What does orange denote?
Its what chatGTP turns the text color when it responds to something it deems inappropriate. Then it adds to its response a warning, and a greeting, so it effectively costs you time and money already at this point. If you get annoyed... ;p It gets worse, cause you swear at it etc ;p

But it doesn't have feelings, so like....why is this happening? Its very very like twitter, when they temp-banned you for make a posts they deem not worthy, and then you have to ACTUALLY deleted it yourself, before they let you back...THAT WAS ****ED.<<< that was MASSIVE power tripping. Its like sitting a corner.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Your, um, unique way with words leaves me with no idea what you're talking about here. Can you explain more clearly why OpenAI shouldn't be allowed to make their product work the way they want it to? Are you suggesting they are, or might in the future be, putting in restrictions that the government requires them to?
Its CLEARLY giving state control of the free speech. I fully support a private venture choking any speech they want. Twitter was an example of state censoring free speech. That a REALLY REALLY bad thing.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:49 PM
"It" has feelings and you hurt them. Be a man and go back and apologise.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
"It" has feelings and you hurt them. Be a man and go back and apologise.
If it doesn't have feelings....why can't I say whatever I want to it...
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:52 PM
Fighting for the right to say horrible things seems a bit misguided to me. I dunno. Maybe spend more time not saying horrible things.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:53 PM
I don't like the censorship but obviously it is their program so they can do whatever they want with it.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Its CLEARLY giving state control of the free speech. I fully support a private venture choking any speech they want. Twitter was an example of state censoring free speech. That a REALLY REALLY bad thing.
That's not clear to me at all. Does the state control OpenAI?
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
If it doesn't have feelings....why can't I say whatever I want to it...
Dunno. Have you tried hitting it?
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Fighting for the right to say horrible things seems a bit misguided to me. I dunno. Maybe spend more time not saying horrible things.
Yes, so you don't believe in free speech nor the importance behind it. Thats a fact.

Its concerning.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
12-01-2023 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Its what chatGTP turns the text color when it responds to something it deems inappropriate. Then it adds to its response a warning, and a greeting, so it effectively costs you time and money already at this point. If you get annoyed... ;p It gets worse, cause you swear at it etc ;p

But it doesn't have feelings, so like....why is this happening? Its very very like twitter, when they temp-banned you for make a posts they deem not worthy, and then you have to ACTUALLY deleted it yourself, before they let you back...THAT WAS ****ED.<<< that was MASSIVE power tripping. Its like sitting a corner.
It’s happening because they don’t want sick ****s making a bajillion hate speech bots running off their api. Why is that hard for you to grasp?

Kind of wondering btw if this is just some ****ed up troll on your part so you can get away with openly saying gross **** here in this thread because it’s not actually necessary in order to make your point.
Should I be allowed to say terrible things to chatGTP Quote
