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06-26-2023 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords

they are owned by state, sexually abused by the state and by state property, in state facilities, they are tortured regularly, often for no reason, often for refusing to work.
That's funny, I have never heard of the state sexually abusing anyone.

Also, of course they are not owned by the state, they have to serve a certain term before release.

But neither of those have anything to do with being forced to work.
06-26-2023 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
That's funny, I have never heard of the state sexually abusing anyone.

Also, of course they are not owned by the state, they have to serve a certain term before release.

But neither of those have anything to do with being forced to work.
Have you heard of the church abusing people?

The state allows the abuse to happen. They are complicit. Not everyone gets released so already your example doesn’t work
06-27-2023 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Five states – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas – force prisoners to work without pay. The report concluded that the labor conditions of US prisoners violate fundamental human rights to life and dignity.

here you go. now you will never say that slavery is eradicated or illegal in the US because you have know learned otherwise.
That's not the same as slavery as well you know. All I've seen from you here and on other threads is bs hyperbole.
06-27-2023 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
That's not the same as slavery as well you know. All I've seen from you here and on other threads is bs hyperbole.
Nah you’re in denial. It’s so similar that it’s essentially the same. Instead of slave markets we have courts. Instead of slave catchers we have cops and bail bonds men. They still have to work for free and are almost killed if they don’t.

You can justify it whoever you want, and if that morally makes you feel ok then that’s your problem. I can assure you that if you have any religious beliefs, they do not reconcile with someone that supports humans being treated this way

All the best
06-27-2023 , 08:27 AM
No really, all you do is engage in hyperbole, in another thread you stated the police were engaging in "!genocide against African Americans" ffs. I like now how you amend things to "essentially" the same. I won't bother engaging with you any more, you're simply dishonest and I strongly suspect you're trolling. If not, then you have serious issues.
06-27-2023 , 09:40 AM
By my standards you're both arguing in bad faith, but him far moreso than you, and it feels like he's doing in a 'I'm right so I don't have to argue in good faith' attitude. He does the entirety of the left a disservice and seems to be engaging with no interest in learning nor actually convincing anyone, just feeling superior at your expense. He is exactly the sort of person who would swing right in 20 years.
06-27-2023 , 10:03 AM
Forcing people to work without pay sure seems like slave labor, Hoss.
06-27-2023 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
That's funny, I have never heard of the state sexually abusing anyone.
Did you try googling for it?
06-27-2023 , 10:29 AM
I'm confused by people who think they are being terribly clever by using the same word to describe things that share some characteristics but which are fundamentally different in kind or different in degree.

It's fine to object to incarceration as a punishment. It's fine to object to forcing incarcerated prisoners to work for no pay or minimal pay. It's fine to object to the treatment of prison inmates.

But it still isn't close to the same thing as chattel slavery.

Using the same word for both things is exactly the same tactic that the "taxation is theft" idiots used in this forum back when AC-ists ruled the roost.

I guess it's a lazy way to be provocative, but no should confuse linguistic sleight-of-hand with profundity.
06-27-2023 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I'm confused by people who think they are being terribly clever by using the same word to describe things that share some characteristics but which are fundamentally different in kind or different in degree.
It's because the things that are similar (working without pay, being confined in a prison) seem more relevant that the nice little legal distinctions between prison labor and chattel slavery. I agree there's nothing really clever or profound about it. I don't see how anyone can claim to oppose slave labor and yet be okay with forcing prisoners to work. What moral principle is guiding someone there?

It only makes sense if you say that slavery is punitive, intended to be part of the sentence. Then why not call it what it is?

There's a reason the rest of the civilized world views prison labor as a barbaric practice.
06-27-2023 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I'm confused by people who think they are being terribly clever by using the same word to describe things that share some characteristics but which are fundamentally different in kind or different in degree.

It's fine to object to incarceration as a punishment. It's fine to object to forcing incarcerated prisoners to work for no pay or minimal pay. It's fine to object to the treatment of prison inmates.

But it still isn't close to the same thing as chattel slavery.

Using the same word for both things is exactly the same tactic that the "taxation is theft" idiots used in this forum back when AC-ists ruled the roost.

I guess it's a lazy way to be provocative, but no should confuse linguistic sleight-of-hand with profundity.
They are functionally the same.

[x] chains
[ ] choice

That there are differences between them doesn't remove what makes them the same. There's no linguistic sleight of hand, nor is there any claim to profundity. The constitution even says 'no slavery EXCEPT as punishment'. So there becomes an incentive to incarcerate more people in order to get slave labour. Which leads to the USA having the highest incarceration rate in the world, I believe? At least the 'developed world' or whatever term you're comfortable using (leftist circles say 'global north' these days to avoid anything like 'western world' which has white supremacist implications, and first world which suggests we're doing better than the third world in world rankings).
06-27-2023 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
No really, all you do is engage in hyperbole, in another thread you stated the police were engaging in "!genocide against African Americans" ffs. I like now how you amend things to "essentially" the same. I won't bother engaging with you any more, you're simply dishonest and I strongly suspect you're trolling. If not, then you have serious issues.
Oh the genocide ended? When did it end? Cause it was still going strong in 1960.

I mean it’s really simple to see how there’s a genocide against black people. Just like there was one against the Irish, the Palestinians, the Jews, the native Americans , the Filipino people, the Muslims Uigars in China.

The list goes on.

Go do some research on genocide and then come back here. You are so wrong it’s kinda laughable. You don’t even have a counter argument. All you do is attack me and say I’m silly. Why don’t you try a debate for once? And that’s the problem with movies and cinema that uses the N word. It desensitizes people to the struggles that black people have and in that way it encourages violence to continue against blacks. There is physical and verbal violence, the N word is clearly verbally violent.

I look forward to debates instead of these silly ad hominem attacks.
06-27-2023 , 11:42 AM
Oh boy did this go off topic
06-27-2023 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
I look forward to debates instead of these silly ad hominem attacks.
Then stop making ad hominem attacks.
06-27-2023 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
Then stop making ad hominem attacks.
Are you implying that these ad hominem attacks are justified and began with me?

Saying someone is racist because they do racist things is not an unjustified attack.

Saying I’m an idiot cause you don’t like my arguments and then not using any logic to debate, seems unjustified.
06-27-2023 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Do people actually try to emulate characters?

And what about the people who aren't racist?

Do people try to emulate them? How could someone emulate a non-racist person if there weren't also racists, and what evidence is there that people emulate the racists over the non-racists?

You never addressed this.
06-27-2023 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's because the things that are similar (working without pay, being confined in a prison) seem more relevant that the nice little legal distinctions between prison labor and chattel slavery. I agree there's nothing really clever or profound about it. I don't see how anyone can claim to oppose slave labor and yet be okay with forcing prisoners to work. What moral principle is guiding someone there?

It only makes sense if you say that slavery is punitive, intended to be part of the sentence. Then why not call it what it is?

There's a reason the rest of the civilized world views prison labor as a barbaric practice.
I am not defending prison labor. That is an entirely separate question.

Let me put it this way. If you were a white person who just finished a three year prison sentence in Alabama, would you feel comfortable referring to yourself as a "former slave"? I highly doubt it, and that's because you recognize in your gut the vast distinctions that you obscure when you use the word "slavery" so broadly.
06-27-2023 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's because the things that are similar (working without pay, being confined in a prison) seem more relevant that the nice little legal distinctions between prison labor and chattel slavery. I agree there's nothing really clever or profound about it. I don't see how anyone can claim to oppose slave labor and yet be okay with forcing prisoners to work. What moral principle is guiding someone there?
Can you really not imagine how a person could make a distinction there?
06-27-2023 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
So there becomes an incentive to incarcerate more people in order to get slave labour. Which leads to the USA having the highest incarceration rate in the world, I believe? At least the 'developed world' or whatever term you're comfortable using (leftist circles say 'global north' these days to avoid anything like 'western world' which has white supremacist implications, and first world which suggests we're doing better than the third world in world rankings).
The reasons for current levels of incarceration in the United States are complex and not flattering to the United States. But a desire for free or nearly free labor is wayyyy down on the list of explanations imo.
06-27-2023 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

You never addressed this.
I addressed it twice you just missed it
06-27-2023 , 12:13 PM
Just saw this thread just now. A few thoughts:

(1) Seriously, wtf has happened to this forum? Why are trolls allowed to just run amok and make this place a toilet?

(2) I find it hard to believe that there are college aged people still posting here.

(3) There may be a slim chance that OP is legit. If so, this clip is directed at you. BTW, this show swept the Emmys and uses the N word quite liberally.

06-27-2023 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am not defending prison labor. That is an entirely separate question.

Let me put it this way. If you were a white person who just finished a three year prison sentence in Alabama, would you feel comfortable referring to yourself as a "former slave"? I highly doubt it, and that's because you recognize in your gut the vast distinctions that you obscure when you use the word "slavery" so broadly.
Has this guy taken any classes on slavery? He would prob correct them and add prison to the slave label.
06-27-2023 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
Just saw this thread just now. A few thoughts:

(1) Seriously, wtf has happened to this forum? Why are trolls allowed to just run amok and make this place a toilet?

(2) I find it hard to believe that there are college aged people still posting here.

(3) there may be a slim chance that OP is legit. This clip is directed at you. BTW, this show swept the Emmys and uses the N word quite liberally.

What’s that supposed to prove?
06-27-2023 , 12:19 PM
Just watched a clip produced prob by a non black person, a clip where black people are denigrated and made to fight amongst one another for the enjoyment of the audience and the profit of the companies owners.

And at the end, a bit of racism was thrown in as well.

Congratulations. You posted a video that highlighted the issues I was referring to.
06-27-2023 , 12:24 PM
A white person who just finished 3 years of prison in Alabama. Assumed to be doing slave labor as that’s what the topic is.

Last edited by PointlessWords; 06-27-2023 at 12:39 PM.
