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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

09-25-2021 , 07:56 AM
They will deal with the Pope in the next report.
09-25-2021 , 11:31 AM
Out of curiosity, was there really a derpy thing about the pope being involved, or was that something you made up for shits and giggles?
09-25-2021 , 12:45 PM
The other Qderp who talked about prisons being built at the white house for Biden and others may have tossed in the Pope in the Derp Jumbalaya recipe back then when the theory was Trump was going to be put back in power on a specific date (that got replaced by other dates, then it went to the pillowman inspired stuff you see with this current Qderp). The first Qderp in this thread vanished after a couple specific dates went by without incident. Before that he got very excited at the thought that Biden had no military escort, would never be let on Air Force One, and posted pictures suggesting modular prisons were being built to contain all the people who were going to be arrested etc.

He also used the standard disprove his stuff approach, much like the current Qderp.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Why not look for yourself to either validate the claim or to find evidence it's false. There are a lot of tid bits out there that do support the "claim" that you won't hear any MSM talk about.

Why wasn't Biden given a military A/C for his arrival to DC? That's a military protocol which has never happened before. Why aren't the Military flags in the Oval Office? Why did the NG turn their backs on him during the motorcade parade on Wed? The word from someone in the upper ranks of the military (a General) is Biden has no control over the military and isn't recognized as their president. There's also claims that he's nothing more than a mayor of DC, a now bankrupt foreign entity. I was also told we will never see Biden on AF1 or even Marine 1 for that matter. And why doesn't the military solute him?

There are more questions than your simple answer of posting a link to a news article saying there's no evidence to support whats going on. What about Don JR and Mayor Rudy who, before the inauguration, were all over TV and the internet screaming out the election was rigged. But now, if you look at all the latest video's from Jr. on his fb page, it's full of jokes, memes, and he seems to be in a good mood - and even Rudy's making videos about how Biden's policies are ruining the country. They both say nothing at all about the election being stolen. Not even a peep. Does that make any sense? Or maybe they know what's planned?

And why did Biden sign an executive order reversing Trumps order that keeps the CCP out of our power grid. Why on earth would he reverse Trumps order in his first few days of being president?? PLEASE give me one logical explanation. It only supports the claim that Biden is owned by the CCP through money and blackmail (along with many many other politicians) and he's just their little puppet.

Also, as mentioned, the troops are being kept in DC through March (which I said from the very start, before ANY of this was found online). Why?

And what are these structures that are being built all around DC (they can be seen on the White house live cam in the link I posted earlier)? Does anyone have a logical explanation?
That type of post, often with pictures presented. You can search his user name here if you really want to see the Qderpiverse messaging toward the end of last year and the start of this year.
09-25-2021 , 12:50 PM
Of course, I was here for Mr. PlayBig. I would be lying if I said I actually ever read any of the riggie posts though (they always seem so long and tedious, I inevitably suffer a bout of narcolepsy after getting a paragraph in), I'm just here for the replies.

Last edited by d2_e4; 09-25-2021 at 12:56 PM.
09-25-2021 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Of course, I was here for Mr. PlayBig. I would be lying if I said I actually ever read any of the riggie posts though (they always seem so long and tedious, I inevitably suffer a bout of narcolepsy after getting a paragraph in), I'm just here for the replies.
bingo's posts are just tedious. PB2000's posts were hilarious and well worth reading.
09-25-2021 , 07:02 PM
High Level Military Intel
09-26-2021 , 03:02 AM
If...the Arizona audit shows 17,000 DUPLICATE ballots (ballots incorrectly counted more than once, I.e. at least twice) in a race won by less than 11,000 votes, should THAT FACT ALONE result in doubt in the certified result, if it an actual fact??

If not, why not?
09-26-2021 , 03:58 AM
It will not show that as a "FACT." That's just you making up stuff you have been told to believe and pass on.

Show proof of the LOLthings you keep saying are "FACTS" instead of saying "if this is true" and asking people to disprove your constantly changing fantasies. Even the company that spent millions of LOLderp donations to try to discover how the election was rigged did not report this apparent "FACT" of yours in the way you suggest. Instead of saying "read the report" made by an agenda based company - point out the specific part of it that says "17,000 DUPLICATE ballots (ballots incorrectly counted more than once, I.e. at least twice) in a race won by less than 11,000 votes."

You lied in your first post here with your "can you guys help me debunk this" routine and you continue to lie. Problem is as stated earlier - you lie in a real boring manner because you are a very low level passive follower Qderp. At least the other guy talking about white house prisons was more fun - he was probably in middle management in the Qderpverse.

All the best.
09-26-2021 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
If...the Arizona audit shows 17,000 DUPLICATE ballots (ballots incorrectly counted more than once, I.e. at least twice) in a race won by less than 11,000 votes, should THAT FACT ALONE result in doubt in the certified result, if it an actual fact??

If not, why not?
Ask the Arizona election people. Are they taking any action? What is their reason if not?

Do you mind linking your sources?
09-26-2021 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
If...the Arizona audit shows 17,000 DUPLICATE ballots (ballots incorrectly counted more than once, I.e. at least twice) in a race won by less than 11,000 votes, should THAT FACT ALONE result in doubt in the certified result, if it an actual fact??

If not, why not?
I think what you actually mean is that if "Dr. Shiva" found 17,322 duplicate ballot envelope images, should we assume that must mean they were counted twice and thus doubt the election results? And the answer to that would of course be no, since it's evidence of nothing other than that there was more than one picture taken of some envelopes, and, well...Dr. Shiva. LOL.
09-26-2021 , 04:32 AM
He did stress it was an "if" situation - hence an alternative fact.
09-26-2021 , 06:04 AM
I'm getting confused with this ever changing cast of characters. Where is pillow man? And who is Dr. Shiva, does he sell duvets? And wasn't the grand denouement supposed to be yesterday? Did we ever find out which one of them did it?
09-26-2021 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm getting confused with this ever changing cast of characters. Where is pillow man? And who is Dr. Shiva, does he sell duvets? And wasn't the grand denouement supposed to be yesterday? Did we ever find out which one of them did it?
I was thinking of that grand denouncement when the investigation of Trump hit the news.

Poor Trump. All he ever wanted to do was be liked.
09-26-2021 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
the grand denouement
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
that grand denouncement
Lol, I'm not sure if this is autocorrect, a pretty decent pun, or an assumption that I made a mistake!
09-26-2021 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm getting confused with this ever changing cast of characters. Where is pillow man? And who is Dr. Shiva, does he sell duvets? And wasn't the grand denouement supposed to be yesterday? Did we ever find out which one of them did it?
How dare you make fun of the guy who invented(in his fantasies) email
09-26-2021 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
the Arizona audit shows 17,000 DUPLICATE ballots
OK, enough of enough.

Show proof or get a perma-ban
09-26-2021 , 11:57 AM
Bingo, tell us how the canvassing discrepancy was calculated and what it shows us.
09-26-2021 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah but if you can earn a fortune that you otherwise couldn't then a part of that being in stock that becomes worthless is hardly a counter argument.

The idea that the products were conceived as a con is ridiculous but no more so than the idea that the 'pros' didn't make a fortune from them.
And it is more than that.

His argument has a substantive component of 'the asset class bounced back'!!! Thus the harm was short term and they recovered.

What you see coming out of 2009 was a substantive loss of the equity built up in the lower middle class in their homes was stripped away and they lost those homes, that were then purchased by these Alt Bank and Private Equity groups at discount prices and rented back to this growing class of renters who were prior owners.

So yes, from the thousand foot view the asset class did bounce back but there was a significant shift such that the bounce back greatly benefited more of the rich.

It has spawned a now growing asset class, which prior to 2009 was not very niche of looking as single family dwellings for rentals as something big business now considers. There is a big shift now to much of the existing inventory being bought up by PE, etc, inflating prices and forcing those who would otherwise buy, to now rent.
09-26-2021 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Lol, I'm not sure if this is autocorrect, a pretty decent pun, or an assumption that I made a mistake!
Nah, I'm just blind.

I thought you were alluding to the claim that a big announcement was coming Friday. I see you were actually looking for more. A believable ending.

I actually thought you made the pun. Mybad.
09-26-2021 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Nah, I'm just blind.

I thought you were alluding to the claim that a big announcement was coming Friday. I see you were actually looking for more. A believable ending.

I actually thought you made the pun. Mybad.
I think I'm past the point of caring if it's believable, any ending will do.
09-26-2021 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I think I'm past the point of caring if it's believable, any ending will do.
Yeah. Me too. But I'm not very hopeful.

What a way to run a country.....
09-27-2021 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
If...the Arizona audit shows 17,000 DUPLICATE ballots (ballots incorrectly counted more than once, I.e. at least twice) in a race won by less than 11,000 votes, should THAT FACT ALONE result in doubt in the certified result, if it an actual fact??

If not, why not?

Originally Posted by King Spew
OK, enough of enough.

Show proof or get a perma-ban

Hey Bingo, glad to see you back again, we’re waiting…

You mentioned I think in July if not earlier to expect AG and others to file charges and said this again a few days ago. We’re still waiting….

Nice little 3 minute audio recap from NPR.
09-27-2021 , 02:45 PM
I do got to hand it the cyber ninja guy. Goes on the interwebz makes a bunch of conspiracy posts on voter fraud and then gets hired to investigate. Don’t even need any expertise to do it. Pretty slick grift.

The guys from the movie The Sting tip there hats.
09-27-2021 , 10:34 PM
Before BingoBazza is permanently banned, I am once again asking to him explain, in his own words, how cell phones were pinged, and what he thinks that means.
09-28-2021 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
But to your larger point, sure, I attach some weight to the reliability of sources. If the BBC reported that hostile aliens had landed a spacecraft in Piccadilly Circus, I'd be a lot more concerned than I would be if some anonymous, self-proclaimed government insider said the same thing on reddit.

Am I doing it wrong in your opinion?
You are doing something wrong if you actually believe any of the main claims about Trump colluding with Russia or Russia interfering with our election to any effect. The claims unraveled along the way mostly and you should acknowledge that. Some are still unraveling.

If you don't believe the claims but you say you do because that's the battlefield we are fighting on then you might or might not be doing it right. I can't claim to know the best strategy to confront our country's nascent fascist movement. I can see ways how just plastering them with lies is harmful to everyone but there is no objective solution to the problem. Lying was the elite's way of projecting blame for the rise of Trump away from themselves and onto a fundraising fear spectacle for the war machine. How people don't see that transparently is puzzling to me.

They went on to scuttle a story about Biden's corruption. Tech companies just brute force censored a story from the NYP detailing evidence showing Biden's corruption, selling our government in order to get his son a sinecure. You put up with Russiagate so why not just take these attempts to control our thoughts a bit further? And what was conveniently right there to use as a pretext? Russia. It was there because you people let them construct that lie in you minds. They said the story about the emails on Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. That was a lie, of course, just another lie.
