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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

09-18-2021 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Interesting post. When I asked after Mueller was appointed what the reaction would be if the investigation did not do much with regard to Trump - that question (at the time) was taken as clueless trolling by the past squatters that were shown the door from here by the prior owners.
Other then the first two words, there is no part of your post that is accurate.
09-18-2021 , 09:21 PM
Sadly that whiny bunch was celebrating when the probe was announced and nothing could be said otherwise. Hopefully they found a second life to enjoy each others company, though I still chuckle at the concept of them monetizing it at all. I assume if anything happened that the how to spend all the money they would make thing got dropped pretty quickly and they settled into a nice little group to comfort each other. Gen-X/Boomer male support group of sorts. If they created it and sustained it then good for them, and I of course wish them all the best. They were definitely slightly better humans than the current batch of Trumpderp anti-vaxxers.
09-18-2021 , 11:06 PM
Son of billionaire(when bill/hillary were nobodies) needs to get in with the Clintons to learn how it all works. So he can take it down. LOL
09-19-2021 , 06:54 AM
Wasn't some sort of protest to support the derps from Jan 6 supposed to happen around now? I want to see if the Pope will be arrested at the event, so updates from those in the know would be appreciated.
09-19-2021 , 11:21 AM
There are certainly some parallels between riggiegate and russiagate. Both of these narratives were pushed by mainstream media of the respective parties and independents largely thought they were both BS.
09-19-2021 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
There are certainly some parallels between riggiegate and russiagate. Both of these narratives were pushed by mainstream media of the respective parties and independents largely thought they were both BS.
Again distinctions are important.

Russiagate 'the investigation' was not at all BS. The factual findings absolutely captured that it was real and very serious and that investigation needed to be done.

Don't get caught up in the propaganda whipped up to drive MSM and website views and conflate that. The propaganda is a separate issue.

The Riggie stuff was complete BS from a propaganda standpoint but it was even worse from an Investigation stand point. The factual findings (court submissions, etc) showed it to be complete garbage. Not a single shred of anything they could submit as evidence or as a finding.
09-19-2021 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The factual findings absolutely captured that it was real and very serious and that investigation needed to be done.

From The Atlantic

5 paragraphs in the allegation is clearly revealed:
Throughout their filings, Mueller’s team referred to Manafort’s Kyiv-based aide-de-camp, Konstantin Kilimnik, as an active Russian agent.

Understatement of the Century:
One of the great disappointments of the Mueller Report is that it fails to provide narrative closure after building so much anticipation for the Kilimnik story line.
09-19-2021 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Pretty much this. Your argument is:

I can demonstrate parallels between allegations of election rigging in 2020 and allegations related to Russia and the 2016 election.

If you vigorously reject the former, then you must vigorously reject the latter. Otherwise, you are a sheep or hypocrite.

Purely as a matter of formal logic, that's a bad argument. And as others have noted, your parallels are shallow and mostly confined to comparing the dumbest and most extreme theories and statements about Russian interference in 2020 to the theories and views advanced repeatedly by the former POTUS about election rigging in 2020.
You're the hypocrite - heres the evidence that you flatly refuse to address
09-19-2021 , 11:33 PM
There are never before seen statistical anomalies with the 2020 election that statisticians say shows fraud. No statistician has yet been able to explain these statistical anomalies, absent fraud.
More than 85% of US counties voted for Trump and he won all but 1 out of 27 bellweather counties. He is the first President in history to lose an election with that voting pattern.
The only canvas thus far reported showed a 34% disenfranchisement rate *crickets*
Cell phone data and drop box video surveillance footage sent to the FBI and others shows a massive, coordinated ballot harvesting operation in swing states using drop boxes. If the FBI doesn’t act in a timely manner, this data will be released online
The AZ audit is coming next Friday. Insiders say it shows fraud on a shocking scale, backing up the cell phone and video surveillance data that has been sent to the FBI and others
The MCBOE thumbed their noses at a subpoena for routers until put in legal jeopardy
Routers will show IP addresses of voting system intrusions, if they exist
The head of Dominion lied to congress when he said voting infrastructure couldn’t connect to the internet.
The DNC and Perkins Coie left no stone unturned to try to stop the AZ audit from taking place…dispatching close to 100 lawyers to Arizona
One of Perkins Coie top lawyers has just been indicted by Durham for lying to them by denying he was representing the Clinton campaign/DNC when he injected the now debunked Russia hoax into the now disgraced FBI.
Audits and recounts are massively different. Recount - You have 12 gold bars. Audit - you have 3 gold bars and 9 lead bars painted in a gold colour). You clearly don’t understand the difference between these 2 things.
There is no limit to how many times a ballot can be scanned in US elections using Dominion machines
The Federal guidelines for vote adjudication is 1 in 250,000. In some places, more than 65% of votes were adjudicated
Democrats don’t want election audits and are trying to federalise US elections
Democrats are being harangued on foreign trips by people who believe they stole the election
F**k Biden signs and Trump Won signs are popping up like dandelions after a spring rain
Trump has never conceded the 2020 election

Now…those are all facts and this fact pattern creates a very disturbing picture for anyone with critical thinking ability (obviously not dimwits)

To you and all the other shills on this thread - get your talking points ready for next Friday when the first ever US forensic audit drops in AZ. See CNN and Rachel Maddow for their no doubt hilarious instructions on how to counter the audit findings and to know exactly who you should baselessly smear and defame to distract the other gullible clowns/useful idiots/paid shills.

You deserve everything you’re about to get.

Now *** off and I’ll see you next Saturday after the audit drops.
09-19-2021 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
There are never before seen statistical anomalies with the 2020 election that [s]statisticians[/s] people with no qualifications say shows fraud. No statistician has yet been able to explain these statistical anomalies, absent fraud.
whenever ther is any doubt, there is none.
More than 85% of US counties voted for Trump
people vote, land does not. Ignore that LA County (that's in California) had 10+ million votes for Biden and only 3 million for trump. You're trying to count counties with 5,000 people as a comparison. You seem to forget,, when the slaves [s]left[/s] were freed, those counties shrank

Anyway, glad to see you didn't get arrested at yesterday's "freedom protest"
09-19-2021 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
You're the hypocrite - heres the evidence that you flatly refuse to address
Lol ….great evidences .

Fwiw , in 2016 :

« US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said the election is "absolutely rigged" by the "dishonest media" and "at many polling places" ».

Same tactics but I guess since Trump lost the second one , NOW it’s true .
But the best thing about all your crap is ….as if all the cheating would favour Trump only in the states Trump lost ?
As if Democrats knew in advance which states would need to be cheated by what miracles ?

Why the hell it is only about democrat Frauds possible and never republicans -> gore vs bush…
But even then, democrats accepted the results !
09-20-2021 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Lol ….great evidences .

Fwiw , in 2016 :

« US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said the election is "absolutely rigged" by the "dishonest media" and "at many polling places" ».

Same tactics but I guess since Trump lost the second one , NOW it’s true .
But the best thing about all your crap is ….as if all the cheating would favour Trump only in the states Trump lost ?
As if Democrats knew in advance which states would need to be cheated by what miracles ?

Why the hell it is only about democrat Frauds possible and never republicans -> gore vs bush…
But even then, democrats accepted the results !
Sorry, I don't argue with people unless they specifically refute evidence with facts. Start there, prove you're not a complete clown.

There are a lot of claims to choose from.
09-20-2021 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
whenever ther is any doubt, there is none.
people vote, land does not. Ignore that LA County (that's in California) had 10+ million votes for Biden and only 3 million for trump. You're trying to count counties with 5,000 people as a comparison. You seem to forget,, when the slaves [s]left[/s] were freed, those counties shrank

Anyway, glad to see you didn't get arrested at yesterday's "freedom protest"
Refute the statistical anomalies. I'll wait. Also, glad you accepted every single item I listed.

Last edited by bingobazza; 09-20-2021 at 12:44 AM.
09-20-2021 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Refute the statistical anomalies. I'll wait.
Okay here's my refutation of your statistical anomalies: more people voted for Biden (this is proven by the 2020 election) the only illegal votes that have been proven were Republicans voting for Trump. I'll give you my evidence when the wifi bios is unlocked.
09-20-2021 , 12:48 AM
Lotta this ITT

09-20-2021 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Now *** off and I’ll see you next Saturday after the audit drops.
Sweet, we have a new target date!
09-20-2021 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
Anyone who thought the Mueller investigation was ever going to amount to anything was really not paying attention.
What percentage of posters ITF indicated they they thought the investigation would result in impeachment? 95%?

My sense is people were enthralled with the prospect of overturning the election and ousting Trump. They thought the ends justify the means. A lot of hopes from that thinking were placed in the Mueller report. I am the only poster I remember posting back then on this who set it was a nothing burger from the start. It was the wrong way to challenge Trump and the outcome only further reinforced the cultural divides tearing this country apart.
09-20-2021 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
Okay here's my refutation of your statistical anomalies: more people voted for Biden (this is proven by the 2020 election) the only illegal votes that have been proven were Republicans voting for Trump. I'll give you my evidence when the wifi bios is unlocked.
Clown ignore list
09-20-2021 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
What percentage of posters ITF indicated they they thought the investigation would result in impeachment? 95%?

My sense is people were enthralled with the prospect of overturning the election and ousting Trump. They thought the ends justify the means. A lot of hopes from that thinking were placed in the Mueller report. I am the only poster I remember posting back then on this who set it was a nothing burger from the start. It was the wrong way to challenge Trump and the outcome only further reinforced the cultural divides tearing this country apart.
see that is what i do not understand...
If trump would of been condemn, the VP would of took his place right ?
now how is that overturning an election ?

Now trump did actually tried to overturn an election ...

He used the same tactic in 2016 but since he won....
what happens from his, again, rigged election allegation?

"President Trump on Wednesday abruptly shut down a White House commission he had charged with investigating voter fraud, ending a brief quest for evidence of election theft that generated lawsuits, outrage and some scholarly testimony, but no real evidence that American elections are corrupt."

he himself close it down !!!
only him to blame to stop problems of election fraud .
So even if it was real, he his responsible for not finishing it (like everything else...) and solve the problem!

but more importantly, again they could not find any evidences...
a common recurrent events in all his fake conspiracy theories.
09-20-2021 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
There are never before seen statistical anomalies with the 2020 election that statisticians say shows fraud.
Trump has never conceded the 2020 election
[x] Anomaly
[ ] Statistical
09-20-2021 , 04:49 AM
This whole thread is just more proof of the fact that it is far easier to con someone than to persuade them that they have been conned. I swear Trump could go on TV tomorrow and tell all the derps that he's been lying about everything and that they are all idiots, and they would be like "no way, the lizard people killed Trump and put his skin on, that's not him" or some **** like that.
09-20-2021 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
You deserve everything you’re about to get.

Now *** off and I’ll see you next Saturday after the audit drops.
Is this a reference to the court case or something else? Have you figured out who the plaintiff will be, why that plaintiff has standing, and what remedies you believe the court has authority to order?
09-20-2021 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Is this a reference to the court case or something else? Have you figured out who the plaintiff will be, why that plaintiff has standing, and what remedies you believe the court has authority to order?
I wonder if the fact that Trump refused to concede the 2020 election will be cited as evidence supporting the assertion that he did not in fact lose the 2020 election in bingo's amicus brief.
09-20-2021 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

He used the same tactic in 2016 but since he won....
what happens from his, again, rigged election allegation?
All The Elections Trump Has Claimed Were Stolen Through Voter Fraud

- Nov. 2012Trump, who had endorsed Republican nominee Mitt Romney, tweeted about apocryphal reports of “voting machines switching Romney votes to Obama” after previously warning supporters in October to “be careful of voter fraud!”

- Feb. 2016Trump repeatedly chalked up his narrow loss to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) in the Iowa caucus to voter fraud, pushing vague, unsubstantiated claims Cruz “cheated” and “stole” the election and demanding, “either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.”

- Nov. 2016Despite defeating Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College, Trump tweeted baseless allegations of “millions of FRAUD votes” and claiming, “Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.”

- Dec. 2017Trump subtly pushed doubts about the legitimacy of Alabama’s special Senate election, which Democrat Doug Jones won in an upset, conceding “a win is a win,” but adding, “The write-in votes played a very big factor.”

- Nov. 2018Trump took aim at Senate elections in Arizona and Florida and a gubernatorial race in Georgia – the latter two of which Republicans won – falsely claiming Florida counties “miraculously started finding Democrat votes” and proposing a new election in Arizona because of unexplained “electoral corruption.”

- Aug. 2020A rare example where Trump lacked a direct personal stake, he called to re-run the late-decided Democratic primary in New York’s 12th District, pointing to it as a prime example of the failings of mail-in voting – though analysts argue such examples serve better as a display of New York’s subpar election administration.

- Nov. 2020Trump has made some of his most outlandish voter fraud claims yet in an effort to hang onto power despite Democrat Joe Biden’s clear win, repeatedly pushing claims about voting machines changing votes that even his own officials rebuked.
09-20-2021 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
All The Elections Trump Has Claimed Were Stolen Through Voter Fraud

- Nov. 2012Trump, who had endorsed Republican nominee Mitt Romney, tweeted about apocryphal reports of “voting machines switching Romney votes to Obama” after previously warning supporters in October to “be careful of voter fraud!”

- Feb. 2016Trump repeatedly chalked up his narrow loss to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) in the Iowa caucus to voter fraud, pushing vague, unsubstantiated claims Cruz “cheated” and “stole” the election and demanding, “either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.”

- Nov. 2016Despite defeating Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College, Trump tweeted baseless allegations of “millions of FRAUD votes” and claiming, “Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.”

- Dec. 2017Trump subtly pushed doubts about the legitimacy of Alabama’s special Senate election, which Democrat Doug Jones won in an upset, conceding “a win is a win,” but adding, “The write-in votes played a very big factor.”

- Nov. 2018Trump took aim at Senate elections in Arizona and Florida and a gubernatorial race in Georgia – the latter two of which Republicans won – falsely claiming Florida counties “miraculously started finding Democrat votes” and proposing a new election in Arizona because of unexplained “electoral corruption.”

- Aug. 2020A rare example where Trump lacked a direct personal stake, he called to re-run the late-decided Democratic primary in New York’s 12th District, pointing to it as a prime example of the failings of mail-in voting – though analysts argue such examples serve better as a display of New York’s subpar election administration.

- Nov. 2020Trump has made some of his most outlandish voter fraud claims yet in an effort to hang onto power despite Democrat Joe Biden’s clear win, repeatedly pushing claims about voting machines changing votes that even his own officials rebuked.
Originally Posted by d2_e4
[ ] Anomaly
[x] Statistical
