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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

07-10-2021 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
No one claimed they did. Read what I said again. Mike Lindell claims he has evidence that it was a state actor, China, that intruded into the election infrastructure to favour DNC candidate Joe Biden.

I don't know if he has or why the Chinese would favour Joe Biden, but thats Lindells claim.
I don't feel a bit sorry for him, but no one has been grifted harder than Mike Lindell. He's too dumb to realize that he has been manipulated into torching his entire business. All it took to convince him to run off the cliff was a little fake love from Trump.
07-10-2021 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What exactly do you believe is going to "end up in court"?
Lindells evidence, if it remains unrefuted after this 3 day hacker event in early August, presented by a dozens or so CISSP accredited cyber forensic experts with any others with the CISSP or similar qualifications open to attend, as well as legislators and others.

BSc MSc MAE CChem CSci, forensic scientists are law society certified and court experienced expert witnesses. Individual specialist qualifications including CISSP, CHFI, CEH, CIFI, CISM, CISA, CCNA, CWNA, MCSE, Security +, BCS/ISEB

He says thats the purpose of the open the data so people can see it for themselves and attempt to refute it.

If it isn't refuted, they have a court case ready to go, he says.
07-10-2021 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't feel a bit sorry for him, but no one has been grifted harder than Mike Lindell. He's too dumb to realize that he has been manipulated into torching his entire business.
Mypillow sales have crashed over this? Are you sure about?
07-10-2021 , 02:56 PM
Given Lindell's recent history, your expectations seem more than a little high. But I look forward to his big reveal.
07-10-2021 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Even worse, the point isn't to punish the person who voted illegally. The real point is to deter people who are fearful of authority from voting at all.

And the Riggie politicians can now point to those cases while not mentioning how wrong and abusive they were.

"We have two cases of Democrat voter fraud with very serious charges and doing very long jail time"
07-10-2021 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Lindells evidence, if it remains unrefuted after this 3 day hacker event in early August, presented by a dozens or so CISSP accredited cyber forensic experts with any others with the CISSP or similar qualifications open to attend, as well as legislators and others.

BSc MSc MAE CChem CSci, forensic scientists are law society certified and court experienced expert witnesses. Individual specialist qualifications including CISSP, CHFI, CEH, CIFI, CISM, CISA, CCNA, CWNA, MCSE, Security +, BCS/ISEB

He says thats the purpose of the open the data so people can see it for themselves and attempt to refute it.

If it isn't refuted, they have a court case ready to go, he says.
Kraken Part 2?

Kraken Redux?

I am not asking jokingly. Have they rebranded it this time and if so what is the name?

I think it is important to have a splashy name as that riles up the believers.
07-10-2021 , 03:42 PM
Will these magical court cases happen before or after Trump is brought back in August? After these court cases go nowhere what is the next thing to expect? Hope it is fun!
07-10-2021 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Mypillow sales have crashed over this? Are you sure about?
He said in February of this year that he expected to lose $65 million in revenue because of retailer boycotts. But if your argument is that we can't trust what he said about his business because he lies a lot, then I take your point.
07-10-2021 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Lindells evidence, if it remains unrefuted after this 3 day hacker event in early August, presented by a dozens or so CISSP accredited cyber forensic experts with any others with the CISSP or similar qualifications open to attend, as well as legislators and others.

BSc MSc MAE CChem CSci, forensic scientists are law society certified and court experienced expert witnesses. Individual specialist qualifications including CISSP, CHFI, CEH, CIFI, CISM, CISA, CCNA, CWNA, MCSE, Security +, BCS/ISEB

He says thats the purpose of the open the data so people can see it for themselves and attempt to refute it.

If it isn't refuted, they have a court case ready to go, he says.
What relief is this court case going to seek? What relief that would matter to the election do you believe a state or federal court has the authority to order? Who will be the plaintiff?
07-10-2021 , 05:52 PM
You ask stuff like that assuming you will get a logical reply. When the pillow whatever goes nowhere - after that the messaging will change to derps like this and the derps will just transition to that new messaging without issue. That is their role in the end.
07-10-2021 , 06:03 PM
His claims may be fantastic, I don't know...and neither do any of you, just to be clear. Theres a lot of shoot the messenger/personal attacks on his character and zero talk about the evidence he claims to have in his possession. We don't have long to wait now.

I don't know what relief he will seek. I'm not privy to the details of the court case he claims to have.

Is it fair to say that you all will back Chinas attack on the election infrastructure, if it proves to be true, because your preferred candidate won?

Serious question.
07-10-2021 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
He said in February of this year that he expected to lose $65 million in revenue because of retailer boycotts. But if your argument is that we can't trust what he said about his business because he lies a lot, then I take your point.
What did he lie about? Be specific.

Dominion sued him because they said his sales sky rocketed. His products are on a 2 week backlog now he says because his sales have gone UP and they're struggling to meet the demand.

Losing distributors who previously sold $65m a year due to cancel culture isn't the same as his business being torched, if eventually those sales are replaced from other sales channels, like direct.

Your claim that his business has been torched is baseless. He has supporters who stepped up and filled the gap...and then some. The same thing happened with Goya.

Last edited by bingobazza; 07-10-2021 at 06:12 PM.
07-10-2021 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Will these magical court cases happen before or after Trump is brought back in August? After these court cases go nowhere what is the next thing to expect? Hope it is fun!
Normalcy bias. People on 2+2 used to know about that. This is eerily like the period before the financial crash when the world violently shifted under peoples feet and they are taken completely by surprise, despite the warning signs that were literally everywhere.
07-10-2021 , 06:24 PM
You kind of answered the question - you said the next messaging you will be told to follow is that people are supporting China when the pillow court cases go nowhere, or something like that. That is kind of meh, but whatever - you are doing the best you can and hopefully you will be told more entertaining things to believe when your current stuff goes nowhere. Consider joining that Q thing (if you have not done it yet, you probably have). They have some pretty hilarious messaging their followers preach, which makes jesters like you more entertaining.

Also, here is a fun video about bias. See how many apply to your thinking (you will think 0, which of course is kind of funny). Pay attention to the confirmation bias part .

All the best.
07-10-2021 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You kind of answered the question - you said the next messaging you will be told to follow is that people are supporting China when the pillow court cases go nowhere, or something like that.
I said no such thing.

Honestly, your grasp of basic English comprehension is so bad I'm not going to answer you any more.
07-10-2021 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
What relief is this court case going to seek? What relief that would matter to the election do you believe a state or federal court has the authority to order? Who will be the plaintiff?
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You ask stuff like that assuming you will get a logical reply. When the pillow whatever goes nowhere - after that the messaging will change to derps like this and the derps will just transition to that new messaging without issue. That is their role in the end.
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Is it fair to say that you all will back Chinas attack on the election infrastructure, if it proves to be true, because your preferred candidate won?
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You kind of answered the question - you said the next messaging you will be told to follow is that people are supporting China when the pillow court cases go nowhere, or something like that.
Originally Posted by bingobazza
I said no such thing.

Honestly, your grasp of basic English comprehension is so bad I'm not going to answer you any more.
Good luck with that "if it proves to be true" thing which we all know will never happen, because it is a fantasy. Just like all the other kraken cases that got tossed and laughed out, when whatever you are droning on does not prove anything, you will simply carry on and transition to the messaging you are told to believe. That is your role. Try to be more entertaining with it.

All the best.
07-10-2021 , 07:18 PM
The last time Lindell was hyping a big announcement about his evidence the result was "Absolute Proof", a two hour docu-movie that had exactly zero hard evidence of fraud and managed to contradict both itself and reality repeatedly. Hell it was so far divorced from reality that even the most ridiculous of right-wing "news" channels wouldn't show it without a disclaimer saying that there was no actual evidence behind any of his claims.

Forgive me if I don't hold my breath for his next dramatic revelation.
07-10-2021 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
What did he lie about? Be specific.

Dominion sued him because they said his sales sky rocketed. His products are on a 2 week backlog now he says because his sales have gone UP and they're struggling to meet the demand.

Losing distributors who previously sold $65m a year due to cancel culture isn't the same as his business being torched, if eventually those sales are replaced from other sales channels, like direct.

Your claim that his business has been torched is baseless. He has supporters who stepped up and filled the gap...and then some. The same thing happened with Goya.
He was the one shouting about how this was hurting him financially. Now I'm the idiot for taking him at his word.
07-10-2021 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You ask stuff like that assuming you will get a logical reply. When the pillow whatever goes nowhere - after that the messaging will change to derps like this and the derps will just transition to that new messaging without issue. That is their role in the end.
You can't possibly be so imperceptive as to think that I expected a logical reply.

I did not expect a logical reply because (i) there is no coherent answer to my questions; and (ii) bingobazza doesn't know what he's talking about, especially when it comes to legal challenges.
07-10-2021 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
I don't know what relief he will seek. I'm not privy to the details of the court case he claims to have.
To be clear, Pillow guy definitely doesn't have standing to sue as the plaintiff with respect to anything related to the election. As for the relief, any jackass can file a complaint. And you can purport to seek any type of relief under the sun.

Put bluntly, I can file a complaint against Jeff Bezos for controlling the weather. And for relief, I can ask the court to order that Bezos be castrated on prime time television.

My case will be dismissed, and I probably will be sanctioned, but I can put those words on a piece of paper that is titled "Complaint" and get a docket number.
07-11-2021 , 07:37 AM
You'd probably be sanctioned as a vexatious litigant and disbarred, in fact.
07-11-2021 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Dominion sued him because they said his sales sky rocketed.
You think this is why Dominion sued Lindell? You really don't understand the law. If Lindell had told wild lies about his company's financial performance, but hadn't said anything about Dominion voting systems, do you think Dominion would have had standing to sue for defamation?

As an aside, I'm not claiming that Dominion will win the defamation suit. Defamation suits are difficult. But the lawsuit won't fail because Lindell successfully proves that his statements were true.

Last edited by Rococo; 07-11-2021 at 09:55 AM.
07-11-2021 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
To be clear, Pillow guy definitely doesn't have standing to sue as the plaintiff with respect to anything related to the election. As for the relief, any jackass can file a complaint. And you can purport to seek any type of relief under the sun.

Put bluntly, I can file a complaint against Jeff Bezos for controlling the weather. And for relief, I can ask the court to order that Bezos be castrated on prime time television.

My case will be dismissed, and I probably will be sanctioned, but I can put those words on a piece of paper that is titled "Complaint" and get a docket number.
This is one of my favourites:

The complaint

Gerald Mayo, a 22-year-old inmate at Western Penitentiary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, filed a claim before the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania in which he alleged that "Satan has on numerous occasions caused plaintiff misery and unwarranted threats, against the will of plaintiff, that Satan has placed deliberate obstacles in his path and has caused plaintiff's downfall" and had therefore "deprived him of his constitutional rights" in violation of the United States Code. Mayo filed in forma pauperis; that is, he asserted that he would not be able to afford the costs associated with his lawsuit and that they therefore should be waived. Mayo decided to file suit lawsuit against Satan and his minions, which was an external force over which the prison had no control.

The decision

In his decision, U.S. District Court Judge Gerald J. Weber first noted that the jurisdictional situation was unclear. While no previous cases had been brought by or against Satan and no official precedent existed, Weber jokingly remarked that there was an "unofficial account of a trial in New Hampshire where this defendant filed an action of mortgage foreclosure as plaintiff," a reference to the 1936 short story "The Devil and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vincent Benét. Judge Weber suggested that the Devil, who had claimed in that story to be an American, should he have appeared, might have been therefore stopped from arguing a lack of personal jurisdiction. In this context, the court noted that Satan was a foreign prince, but did not have occasion to address whether, if sued as a defendant, he would be able to claim sovereign immunity from suit.

Judge Weber noted that three of the four requirements for a class action suit were met, but he was unable to determine whether Mayo would adequately represent the class and therefore the case could not continue.

Finally, the judge noted that Mayo had failed to provide directions to the United States Marshals Service as to service of process.

Citing the foregoing reasons, the court refused the request to proceed in forma pauperis. The court doubted the need for action due to the complaint containing no allegation of residence in plaintiff.
I mean, if there is no cause of action here, what is the world coming to?

Last edited by d2_e4; 07-11-2021 at 11:21 AM.
07-11-2021 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
In a desire to substantiate 'Voter Fraud is Real' and a 'Dem thing', the GOP Texas State AG is going after dubious cases with extreme zeal and throwing the book at perceived democratic voters.

This is scary and sad and that judges are playing ball, with harsh probations and sentencing makes it more than doubly worse. The required check and balance that the judiciary should be, applying a blind eye seems to be clearly acting politically exasperated by the fact that very deliberate voter fraud by white republicans is being treated with kid gloves.

Texas AG’s Office Arrests Houston Voter Hervis Rogers For Alleged Illegal Voting

When Hervis Rogers went viral on social media for being the last person in line at Texas Southern University to cast a vote at 1 a.m. on Super Tuesday, he was applauded as a tenacious, civic-minded man who worked hard to exercise his right to vote.

Now, Rogers is being prosecuted by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office for allegedly voting illegally.

Rogers was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison for burglary and intent to commit theft in 1995. He was out on parole May 20, 2004, and his parole was set to end June 13, 2020.

Rogers was one of millions of people in America without the right to vote, due to laws prohibiting people on parole from participating in elections in many states across the country, including Texas.

Rogers was arrested on Wednesday in the South Acres neighborhood in Houston and he voted in Harris County, but the AG's office is prosecuting the case in Montgomery County. Rogers is charged with two counts of illegal voting. His bail is set at $100,000...


Texas upholds sentence for woman who didn’t know she was ineligible to vote

A Texas appeals court on Thursday upheld a five-year prison sentence for a woman who was convicted of illegally voting even though she didn’t know she was ineligible when she went to the polls in 2016.


Besides the point I don’t agree people on parole can’t vote didn’t think you could be on parole for 16 years, he was released from prison after 9 years. At that point if you’re on parole for 16 years your P.O. probably doesn’t even check in on you anymore.

In a state of scummy/shady politicians Ken Paxton is probably the worst at the state wide level, sorry Ted Cruz.

I live close to to the university that Rogers voted at. When the story broke I was like no way I’m waiting to 1AM to vote for Biden of all people. He really should’ve of drove like an extra 5 minutes and went to any of the other near by voting stations.
07-11-2021 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Mypillow sales have crashed over this? Are you sure about?

I’m curious about this. I don’t think the idea of Trump loyalist trying to go out of there way to buy his products offsets being pulled from basically every major retailer.
