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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

01-19-2021 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
so as you learn in poker - just play one level above your opponent.
I am.
01-19-2021 , 09:16 PM
“Expert covfefe” as a stylized verb just wins this thread hands down.

I mean A++++ Goofy would read again.
01-19-2021 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
A lone sole!
Did you ever use voice text on your phone, and never proof read it, hence the word sole instead of soul. Glad I put a smile on your face.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So PB, where does the space war fit into all of this? Seems like just announcing that the US won would've been an election game changer - any idea why they held off?
Just trying to paint the bigger picture. It's a long story. Basically a group of families who've been in control for decades and were the ones pulling the strings and holding onto life changing technology. If I went any futher I'll just be accused of being a lunatic. But I know it's going to all come out so just be patient.

Trump needed to exhaust all of his legal options, which he did, and the corrupt judges (it's rumored that some supreme court judges are also tied to the CCP and they will be arrested) just turned their back, as well as a lot of both left and right wing law makers. They certified an election even after the DNI John Ratcliffe sent his report to them on Jan. 7th showing they have evidence the election was influenced and changed by foreign powers. All the law makers that the CCP owns and controls were given instructions to certify it anyway at all costs. I don't know, of course, all the details. I just poke my nose into things I'm not really supposed to.

If this is true that they may show the whole take down on live television, it's going to be a show no one will wanna miss. I never thought it would go that far, Biden is already in town and it looks like it's gonna happen.

There are so many crimes on that hard drive that even the smallest of the crimes would be enough to put both Bidens away for a long time.
01-19-2021 , 09:27 PM
trotting out the oldies but goodies
01-19-2021 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Just trying to paint the bigger picture. It's a long story. Basically a group of families who've been in control for decades and were the ones pulling the strings and holding onto life changing technology. If I went any futher I'll just be accused of being a lunatic. But I know it's going to all come out so just be patient.
I have my doubts that it will come out, but I'll wait to see. I assume that it would come out in the next 16 hours, so if it doesn't, hopefully you'll come back and share.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
If this is true that they may show the whole take down on live television, it's going to be a show no one will wanna miss. I never thought it would go that far, Biden is already in town and it looks like it's gonna happen.
What do you mean by "it" here? The take down on live television, or the inauguration (which would mean there's some other plan to keep Trump/put Trump back in power)?

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
There are so many crimes on that hard drive that even the smallest of the crimes would be enough to put both Bidens away for a long time.
I see.
01-19-2021 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
nd share.
What do you mean by "it" here? The take down on live television, or the inauguration (which would mean there's some other plan to keep Trump/put Trump back in power)?
The planned inauguration. But I cant see Trump allowing him to be sworn in. They have evidence of treason. And I think by doing it that way (possibly showing the arrests on live TV) will only agitate violence around the country.
01-19-2021 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
The planned inauguration. But I cant see Trump allowing him to be sworn in. They have evidence of treason.
Well, the thing is, once he's sworn in, that's it. Trump has no power.

Originally Posted by Playbig2000
And I think by doing it that way (possibly showing the arrests on live TV) will only agitate violence around the country.
Oh wait, when you say "allowing him to be sworn in", I guess you must mean simply allowing the ceremony to start, and then stopping it before he is actually sworn in - which would mean that it all becomes a public spectacle as you say, as opposed to being done quietly before the events start.
01-19-2021 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Did you ever use voice text on your phone, and never proof read it, hence the word sole instead of soul. Glad I put a smile on your face.
*Proof red* it.
01-19-2021 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Just trying to paint the bigger picture. It's a long story. Basically a group of families jews who've been in control for decades and were the ones pulling the strings and holding onto life changing technology. If I went any futher I'll just be accused of being a lunatic. But I know it's going to all come out so just be patient.
01-19-2021 , 09:58 PM
DB200 I’m glad you’re back and writing the gospel. You’re the sole of 2+2.

I’m really not one to criticize anyone’s grammar, mine is atrocious.
01-19-2021 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Trump needed to exhaust all of his legal options
And why did Trump need to exhaust all his legal options before blowing the cover off this thing?
01-19-2021 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
If I went any futher I'll just be accused of being a lunatic.
Of all things, this is your primary concern? I think we're a little past this point.
01-19-2021 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
DB200 I’m glad you’re back and writing the gospel. You’re the sole of 2+2.

I’m really not one to criticize anyone’s grammar, mine is atrocious.
I mean, it's not great. All those words end in "-ise", not "-ize". And it's "colour", ****head. Don't make us come back over there to teach you seditionists how to ****ing spell.
01-19-2021 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Basically a group of families who've been in control for decades and were the ones pulling the strings and holding onto life changing technology. If I went any futher I'll just be accused of being a lunatic.
I know you don't want to reveal all your secrets just yet, but can you at least confirm that the Rothschilds were one of the families? And can you also confirm that you believe the Rothschilds are controlling the weather?
01-19-2021 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I know you don't want to reveal all your secrets just yet, but can you at least confirm that the Rothschilds were one of the families? And can you also confirm that you believe the Rothschilds are controlling the weather?
01-19-2021 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
I’m really not one to criticize anyone’s grammar, mine is atrocious.
There is no better way to make your point than with a run-on sentence.
01-19-2021 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Don't worry. He will post again, as long as the mods permit it. Consider that a specific prediction.
Easiest specific prediction ever. Shame that guy will never make one, but not everyone has confidence in their beliefs to make specific predictions of the future.

Still, I hope the space force defeating the CCP before their Supreme Court judges do a secret plan as found on Hunter's laptop will solve the problems of the world, because if he goes any further with that story he may (as he suggests) run the risk of being called a lunatic. Math checks out.
01-19-2021 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Easiest specific prediction ever. Shame that guy will never make one, but not everyone has confidence in their beliefs to make specific predictions of the future.

Still, I hope the space force defeating the CCP before their Supreme Court judges do a secret plan as found on Hunter's laptop will solve the problems of the world, because if he goes any further with that story he may (as he suggests) run the risk of being called a lunatic. Math checks out.
You're a total tit. Which is probably why I kinda like you.
01-19-2021 , 10:26 PM
I knew you would say that.

I will also make the bold prediction that Biden's inauguration will go through without incident, and without any dramatic take down of him and his family from secret forces for treason. As I said to Trumpderps for most of 2020 - guess we will see who is right on that one. I also predict Trump will do some golfing soon, though perhaps as a break from leading dozens of armies or something.
01-19-2021 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Well, the thing is, once he's sworn in, that's it. Trump has no power.

Oh wait, when you say "allowing him to be sworn in", I guess you must mean simply allowing the ceremony to start, and then stopping it before he is actually sworn in - which would mean that it all becomes a public spectacle as you say, as opposed to being done quietly before the events start.
Yes, allowing everyone to come in, have a cocktail, while the gates are being locked behind them, and then the bad ones are apprehended before the actual act of swearing in before a judge (he's probably one of the dark ones).

A lot of poker players are great chess players. Trump is playing chess.

In order for Trump to win, he had to lose. If he won, how can he expose a dark evil empire? There would be nothing to overturn and show the courts. He had to trap them. He slow played his hand.

Now, he can show the REAL evidence, and not have the fake courts and FAKE NEWS say "No, it's just russian disinformation". Now they can show the world who these horrible people really are. Faking an election is nothing compared to the bigger picture. Sorry if I'm not the best at writing and putting my thoughts into words. This is a WORLD WIDE operation. Forget everything you've been taught in the past. Trump is the President and will be the "George Washington" of the New United States Republic. It's time for everyone to pray for the USA. This also affects everyone all over the world. It's the biggest story ever to be told.
This is a time to Pray for our country and President. No one knows what the next steps are. It depends how China and Iran react. If this evidence was presented prior to the certification, then the dark side would have conceded and let Trump win, but they would just go to their plan B. But this way, Trump takes down the whole ring. He's a true master chess player.
I heard some operations possibly in Philly. If you get an EBS on your phone, stay calm and follow instructions. We're winning.

Last edited by Playbig2000; 01-19-2021 at 10:49 PM.
01-19-2021 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I mean, it's not great. All those words end in "-ise", not "-ize". And it's "colour", ****head. Don't make us come back over there to teach you seditionists how to ****ing spell.

Yeah I wish it was just me misspelling the Queens English but it’s much worse than that.

01-19-2021 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
There is no better way to make your point than with a run-on sentence.

I remember one semester of school I took Eng101, Calc III, University Physics II, Thermodynamics and C++ programming. I received all As and Bs and one C-. Guess which glass i received the C- in. Yeah there’s a reason I stuck with engineering.
01-19-2021 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Yes, allowing everyone to come in, have a cocktail, while the gates are being locked behind them, and then the bad ones are apprehended before the actual act of swearing in before a judge (he's probably one of the dark ones).

A lot of poker players are great chess players. Trump is playing chess.

In order for Trump to win, he had to lose. If he won, how can he expose a dark evil empire? There would be nothing to overturn and show the courts. He had to trap them. He slow played his hand.

Now, he can show the REAL evidence, and not have the fake courts and FAKE NEWS say "No, it's just russian disinformation". Now they can show the world who these horrible people really are. Faking an election is nothing compared to the bigger picture. Sorry if I'm not the best at writing and putting my thoughts into words. This is a WORLD WIDE operation. Forget everything you've been taught in the past. Trump is the President and will be the "George Washington" of the New United States Republic. It's time for everyone to pray for the USA. This also affects everyone all over the world. It's the biggest story ever to be told.
This is a time to Pray for our country and President. No one knows what the next steps are. It depends how China and Iran react. If this evidence was presented prior to the certification, then the dark side would have conceded and let Trump win, but they would just go to their plan B. But this way, Trump takes down the whole ring. He's a true master chess player.
I heard some operations possibly in Philly. If you get an EBS on your phone, stay calm and follow instructions. We're winning.

See, this stuff is a tad better in that while it hints at some specific things (that will LOL never happen) it also allows the "he is still playing chess" thing to carry on after Biden is sworn in without any drama, because Trump (playing chess) will have allowed that to happen. He will even allow Biden to be President, with all the powers, including the executive orders to gut some of the Trump stuff. All of that losing is part of the plan to win, and as Biden continues to be President, and Trump faces legal issues and golfs, we all know that this is a big act all along, much like how Hulk Hogan seems to be down but suddenly the power of the fans (and steroids) brings him back to life with his eyes bulging! This is all about continually losing in order to win as part of Plan B and Plan C and eventually Plan 9 from Outer Space (we won that battle).

Writing wacky fringe Trumpderp stuff is actually kind of fun!

All the best.
01-19-2021 , 10:53 PM
Why would trump need to be President to expose everything--why couldn't he just do it from wherever he's standing? And wth was he doing the last 4yrs?

I'm sure thatpillowguy's done a real high level investigation bashing around the forums
01-19-2021 , 11:00 PM

I think DB2000 has to be an awesome troll no way there’s people that actually believe this.
