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01-06-2022 , 10:30 PM
Another mind-boggling cuepee argument with a bonus mind-boggling money argument. Trolley is happy
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01-07-2022 , 03:34 PM
If he actually welched then he shouldn't be allowed to post on a gambling forum any longer. Ofc you could all just be trolling him just bc why not
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01-07-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
If he actually welched then he shouldn't be allowed to post on a gambling forum any longer. Ofc you could all just be trolling him just bc why not
they are trolling as that is all truthfully they are interested in.

Candy and I discussed an outline for a bet. That outline was loosely agreed to but not finalized. We both agreed to a potential arbiter and trust agent. That person refused.

Candy then re-summarized his own arguments as the 'proof' and declared them proof and that I needed to pay up or was welching. Literally just his own summary of the very points I disagreed with that I wanted to bet on.

Trolly and uke then jumped on the 'yup you are welching if you don't pay up' bandwagon in an attempt to prompt a 15 page trolling exchange they know I would never relent to but instead I just ignore.

It is beyond the most obvious of trolls to suggest one of the litigants in a bet can be the decider of the outcome when the agreed to arbiter refuses to do it.

The question then begged is 'should a gambling forum not ban people who accuse others of welching with zero merit when such a label, can in fact be considered very negatively in that type of venue?'
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01-07-2022 , 07:21 PM
Considering nobody really answered but you I have to assume it's just trolling
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01-07-2022 , 08:48 PM
Thread recap (warning: this is long, but better than re-reading the whole thread)

I'm baffled by Cuepee's posts and how he's received here, so I make a post (initially in the other thread) asking how he is around here, referencing my previous interactions with him and casually summarizing them:

Originally Posted by candybar
My only other Cuepee experience was in BFI where he was so sure the stock market was going to fall apart (back in August 2020), because the stock market follows GDP and small business failures are going to destroy GDP, which is one of the worst arguments I've ever seen (you can start from here:, one that can only be made by someone who's literally never seen any kind of economic data and as everyone's aware, was also completely proven wrong by the subsequent economic recovery and a steady rise in stock prices.
Cuepee completely flips out and most likely having completely misremembered our exchange, offers $500 to anyone who can show that I'm being truthful:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I'll forward the first person who can show candy is being truthful on that $500 as he is flat out lying there. But hey, free money.
Originally Posted by Cuepee
When people lie so blatantly it is because they know the truth does not serve them. They cannot make a point with the truth
So while I was sure that he won't pay up, I provide the quotes that demonstrate that my summary is accurate:

Originally Posted by candybar
Oh really?

Originally Posted by candybar
My only other Cuepee experience was in BFI where he was so sure the stock market was going to fall apart (back in August 2020)
Originally Posted by Cuepee
To my prior posited position that GDP considerations are not properly priced into the Markets, and the Markets are being propped up and will face a significant adjustment or crash post election...
Originally Posted by candybar
because the stock market follows GDP
Originally Posted by Cuepee
GDP shrink world wide is not being given anywhere near the amount of weight in Market considerations/corrections based on what I have seen.
Originally Posted by Cuepee
i see too many people focused on earnings and quarterly reports which are not as hinged to the markets to the degree GDP is. Earnings and quarterly reports provide base 'forecasts' and 'fluctuations' while GDP is the main indicator of baseline.
Originally Posted by candybar
and small business failures are going to destroy GDP
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Unless you are in a small group who simply believe Small and Medium businesses do not really matter in GDP.

Small and Medium businesses account for slightly over 50% of GDP AND they are the main source of employment and a huge percentage of them are being wiped out now. Projections of 50% gone before years end. They will NOT come back post Covid, and yet that harm NOW is not only NOT being priced but is being swung the opposite way due to the direct gov't payments to citizens masking that. The markets are getting the signal that 'those jobs are still there or don't matter as citizen discretionary spending is still strong'.

That is a completely false signal created by a very unnatural market distortion that WILL go away and will have a devastating impact when it does.

There is a significant GDP correction coming as the loss of those jobs coupled with mass unemployment, and plummeting consumer spending all hit at the same time as the mask is pulled back created by this government stimulation money being paid directly to citizens.
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Unless the US looks to implement a New Deal type recovery plan post the pandemic, that will make up for the massive loss in small and mid level jobs, there is going to be a prolonged period of depression in GDP as the Small and Mid jobs do not bounce back at the pace Large industry does.
Where's my money? Or more accurately, which semantic nits do you plan to use to claim that my summary doesn't exactly capture what you meant?
Cuepee, of course, seeing absolutely no way out beyond picking semantic nits (which I had already predicted!!!), of course, goes there. And ups the offer to $10,000 and offers it to anyone that could find him "doomsaying" that GDP was going to be DESTROYED.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Nothing you posts there supports your lie that I was doomsaying GDP was going to be DESTROYED. You completely made that up.

That is your lie and I will up to free $10,000 and send it to anyone who can find me saying any such thing in your quotes of me.
So Cuepee's contention at this point is that my use of the verb "destroy" to describe what Cuepee thought was going to happen to GDP (i.e. "a significant GDP correction" and "a prolonged period of depression in GDP") is a flat-out, blatant lie:

I was highly amused and thought at this point, well obviously Cuepee is being ridiculous (like what else could the word "destory" mean other than causing a significant correctino or a prolonged period of depression, as applied to GDP) but thought he may never have used the term "destroy" in this sense, so could win, at least in his mind, on semantics. But I did some basic due diligence and found that my case was much stronger:

Originally Posted by candybar
So about that $10,000:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Further to those who forget the lessons of 2008/9 as real GDP and underlying wealth was destroyed in America and the markets propped up but eventually fell, the big Banks who caused the problem all returned to massive profitability almost immediately, some record breaking.
According to this wiki article:

The peak-to-trough drop in GDP was around 4.2%. Now, you described this 4.2% drop in real GDP as "real GDP ... destroyed in America."

In the very same post:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
So if when the dust settles the real GDP is around 1990 levels, expect the Stock index to adjust significantly downward (shed value) to mirror that.
Real GDP in 2012 dollars (inflation-adjusted)

2020 GDP: 18.77T
1990 GDP: 9.32 T

Real GDP settling to around 1990 levels represents about a 50% drop in GDP. So if you had previously used the term "destroy" to describe a 4.2% drop in GDP, I think it's fair to say predicting a 50% drop in GDP corresponds to you "doomsaying GDP was going to be DESTROYED."

So should we look into how to facilitate this transaction?
In other words, Cuepee describes a mere 4.2% drop in GDP with the word "destroy" and in the very same post goes onto predict a ~50% drop in GDP. Which makes it impossible for him to refute the claim that he did predict that the GDP will be destroyed.

Cuepee responds with a complete non-sequitur:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
What you are doing here is arguing you think you are correct in your estimations and you think you can back it up. That is FINE.
Recap so far: Cuepee offered $500 to anyone who would do something for him. I did the exact thing Cuepee asked. He refused to pay up. Then Cuepee offered $10,000 to anyone who would do something for him. I did the exact thing Cuepee asked. At this point I'm clearly owed $10,500 though the acutal probability of collection is rather low.

Then, despite the fact that he owes me money already, he offers some convoluted bet that somehow involves me having to send money to a third-party.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I will send the $10k to Rococo, if he will agree (the lawyer here for escrow if you put up $500) and if anyone can show your lie has merit and I was saying they would be the same they can get that money and Rococo can decide it. If no one can Rococo keeps your $1000 for his trouble and i get my money back.
Obviously from my perspective, it's a massive concession (at best, I go from being owed $10,500 to getting paid $10,000 and somehow have to risk the whole escrow process) but at least this paves the way for me to get paid at all. But Cuepee being Cuepee, his terms are incoherent and don't make any sense. So I restate the terms:

Originally Posted by candybar
So I win $10,000 if "Cuepee was doomsaying GDP was going to be DESTROYED" is a reasonable interpretation/summary of what Cuepee had said in Rococo's opinion (I had already provided the quotes), not a flat out lie.
Cuepee wins nothing if it's a flat out lie.

I guess how it works is:

1) You send Rococo $11,000 and I send Rococo $1,000
2) If I win, Rococo sends me your $11,000 and keeps $1,000
3) If you win, Rococo sends back to you your $11,000 and keeps $1,000

Either way Rococo has to provide a detailed justification of why he decided the way he did.

I'm obviously down for this. Cuepee, Rococo, are you guys good with the above? Btw, once the bet is on, everyone else, feel free to opine, but let's not say anything until everything's escrowed.
Cuepee then balks at the possibility of me getting paid:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
But neither you nor I get paid for it.
Of course I have no interest in any of this nonsense except for the possibility of getting paid:

Originally Posted by candybar
I already provided the evidence, why shouldn't I get the $10,000? Why would I do this if I'm not getting paid?
Cuepee then straight up lies that I was never eligible to be paid and that it's been made clear even though no such conditions were ever applied. It's quite amazing given that Cuepee is trying to win an argument on semantics:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
I never offered the ability for either of us to get paid personally on this. Read it up thread that is clear.
There's of course no reason at this point for me to trade Cuepee owing me $10,500 to me for some weird bet where I cannot get paid. So I refuse to accept this conversion and explain why:

Originally Posted by candybar
so now the bet is off (however you still owe me $10,500)
Originally Posted by candybar
No, the bet is off because I can't get paid. Like, why am I putting up money for no chance to collect anything? I have nothing to gain here. I mean, you already owe me money but we both know you're going to welch. This entire thing is about you using the theatre of risking your own $$$ to mask how badly you got owned way back and how badly you misremembered your own position such that you reacted angrily to my perfectly reasonable summary of your position then. You seem to have this need to escalate this in order to prove (presumably to yourself) that you weren't actually wrong - I have no such need but I really don't mind an extra $10,000 and getting you to pay up for something that had already happened is kind of funny. Hence my indulgence of your nonsense.
Others read catch up on the thread and realize that Cuepee managed to turn a losing internet argument into owing real money:

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don’t have a dog in this fight, but it sure seems like CP owes this guy $10k.
Originally Posted by uke_master
oh wow, reading through the exchange that is a brutal self-pwn for Cuepee. Unless you want to be permanently known as the guy who weasles tiny and insignificant differences as phraseology to welch on a bet, you clearly owe $10k.
Cuepee now offers $50K for, well I really have no idea what the hell he's talking about. At this point, Cuepee is just a bundle of anger:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are just ridiculous uke. And I promise you I will put $50k with Rococo first versus you putting $5k if you want to bet that candy cannot be sole arbiter of this and that I welch if I do not accept his ruling and pay up based on his say so.

Yes, you uke, can get all $50k. I'll make that clear. But I get anything from your portion that Rococo does not want for his service.

You want to take that bet uke? Do you want me to up it with yours proportionally upped? I would really enjoy getting some of your money and exposing how eager you are to be oppose me even when you know you are hopelessly wrong.
I offer a simpler version of the earlier bet that would allow Cuepee to honor his original offers without having to accept my interpretation of his offers:

Originally Posted by candybar
Cuepee, there's a simpler way to do this - you send $10,500 to Rococo and let him decide, based on your initial offer of $500, then $10,000 who is eligible and whether the posts posted so far meet the criteria. If Rococo agrees with you that I'm not eligible or that my posts in this thread do not qualify, then so be it and others can step up. If no one qualifies, you get your money back and get to proclaim that you won the bet or something. Rococo can keep a fixed fee regardless of the outcome, so that he can remain neutral.

You already put up the money and no one else did, so it would be unreasonable for you to ask anyone to put up the money as a condition for you putting up the money.
Cuepee never accepts this offer and hence still owes me $10,500.

Rococo then shows up to say that he wants no part of this:

Originally Posted by Rococo
As you might imagine, I have no interest in being the escrow agent or the arbiter.
With absolutely no sense of shame whatsoever - one might remember a time when Cuepee lashed out at someone for being a liar when he thought the summary had used the wrong word or something, despite being essentially accurate - Cuepee completely rewrites the story, pretending that this started with some sort of a bet between us that was not finalized:

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Candy and I discussed an outline for a bet. That outline was loosely agreed to but not finalized.
Reality: he welched on two offers, then somehow tried to turn those unilateral offers into a bet that wasn't payable to me, which I promptly rejected as ridiculous once I understood his intention.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
We both agreed to a potential arbiter and trust agent. That person refused.
Reality: there was of course nothing for him to refuse at this point.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Candy then re-summarized his own arguments as the 'proof' and declared them proof and that I needed to pay up or was welching.
Reality: my point has always been that he owes me money - the whole negotiation for a bet was simply a way for me to find ways to get Cuepee to honor this. When someone says, do this and I will pay you, when I do what's asked, I expect to get paid.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Literally just his own summary of the very points I disagreed with that I wanted to bet on.
Reality: When Cuepee offered $10,000, Cuepee was relying on the technicality that "destroy" in this context doesn't mean the types of GDP declines that he was predicting. After the challenge was made, I then found quotes clearly demonstrating that Cuepee himself used the term "destroy" to describe a substantial GDP decline (4.2%), then showed that he was predicting a substantially larger decline in GDP (~50%). Which clearly supports the notion that Cuepee's prediction was that GDP will be destroyed.
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01-07-2022 , 09:23 PM
Before I read all that, may I just say lol @ economy depending on small business. Bc we all know wall street titans, whales and actual monsters would put their cocaine funds into John the plumber and co.

All these quotes would need to be independently verified to see any payout or scam accusations fly

I'm not part of this community but enough freaks and geeks are to vet it out
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01-07-2022 , 09:43 PM
Lol. You really must be desperate to get some money from a stupid misunderstanding. Or whatever it was...

Semantics, semantics, semantics.

As you haven't made clear conditions of this bet, all of this is senseless. A bet on the internet isn't binding. A bet on the term 'destroy' when all you have is another post of the definition destroy is also laughable. If you know cuepee like we do, we know what he posts big quantities and the more you shoot the more you miss. The more errors you will make.

You are trying to nail him on a word, A term. Destroy, lol
Destroy is so subjectice, it could mean literally everything. He probably meant if I'm not mistaking a whole worse scenario. And then got irritated when you put a word in his mouth destroyed. Thats all it was that made him start making bets. He won the bet right there and then. Because he didn't use the term destroyed, do you get this? You're whole bet is based on a term, a misunderstanding that you want go profit off now, it seems.

Anyways nice try. But you are not getting any money from this. Cuepee is being honest as far as I can tell. If he's wrong, he genuinely mistaking. And like I said he only objected him using the term destroyed. Which he was correct. So technically, he might as well win that bet. But it's a bullshit bet anyways. It.started when he got tilted because you kind of gas lid him. He didn't use that word. He could have ment something completely different, or have a whole other understanding of the term.

Anyways, make clear conditions next time. No misunderstanding, and have someone confirm the bet is on before you go. Everything else is just wishywashy bs.

Last edited by washoe; 01-07-2022 at 09:50 PM.
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01-07-2022 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Before I read all that, may I just say lol @ economy depending on small business. Bc we all know wall street titans, whales and actual monsters would put their cocaine funds into John the plumber and co.

All these quotes would need to be independently verified to see any payout or scam accusations fly

I'm not part of this community but enough freaks and geeks are to vet it out
Nutalla, small business make up a big part of citizens. If they go out the country is destroyed. I second this. The country would break down. Imagine they go all out. What do you think will happen? The country is f then. Only because you have a few giants making more in total doesn't mean a thing. Especially if they are getting taxed somewhere else and only a few people only really profit from it.

Thats where the misunderstanding came from imo. It's based on semantics. Everyone understood something different. So they were talking pass each other.
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01-07-2022 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Considering nobody really answered but you I have to assume it's just trolling
there is not much to understand.

the contention is I welched on a bet.

At no time did we finalize terms on the bet (we got to a high level agreement on what the question would be but then were still not agreed on the specifics.

We did not get out our escrow and arbiter to agree. Rococo the lawyer said no to us.

So no bet was constituted and they cannot show you either those things that would constitute a bet.

Candy then summarized his arguments, the same ones I believe were wrong and said that was the proof... he thus won the bet... and i should pay up.

His position is as long as one person in the bet repeats their position and that they are right that then makes them right and the other person has to pay up. That any person in the bet can be the arbiter simply by repeating themselves.

If you want to make them prove themselves just ask them to quote the key elements of us coming to final terms of the question of the bet and saying agreed and then the arbiter (Rococo) agreeing to his role. Simple.
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01-07-2022 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Lol. You really must be desperate to get some money from a stupid misunderstanding. Or whatever it was...

Semantics, semantics, semantics.

As you haven't made clear conditions of this bet, all of this is senseless. A bet on the internet isn't binding. A bet on the term 'destroy' when all you have is another post of the definition destroy is also laughable. If you know cuepee like we do, we know what he posts big quantities and the more you shoot the more you miss. The more errors you will make.

You are trying to nail him on a word, A term. Destroy, lol
Destroy is so subjectice, it could mean literally everything. He probably meant if I'm not mistaking a whole worse scenario. And then got irritated when you put a word in his mouth destroyed. Thats all it was that made him start making bets. He won the bet right there and then. Because he didn't use the term destroyed, do you get this? You're whole bet is based on a term, a misunderstanding that you want go profit off now, it seems.

Anyways nice try. But you are not getting any money from this. Cuepee is being honest as far as I can tell. If he's wrong, he genuinely mistaking. And like I said he only objected him using the term destroyed. Which he was correct. So technically, he might as well win that bet. But it's a bullshit bet anyways. It.started when he got tilted because you kind of gas lid him. He didn't use that word. He could have ment something completely different, or have a whole other understanding of the term.

Anyways, make clear conditions next time. No misunderstanding, and have someone confirm the bet is on before you go. Everything else is just wishywashy bs.
The entire exchange in the BFI is an easy and not long read.

Candy took a position that GDP elements were fully baked in and there would be no further GDP impact on the economy.

My position was it was not yet fully baked in and we would see still more knock on effects in the coming years once stimulus money left the system and the damage to small and mid businesses was fuly realized. Especially in smaller communities.

Candy took issue with that saying Amazon and other big tech had already picked up all those sales so there is no loss to the economy. Small shops lost them but Amazon got them thus a wach to to GDP. I against disagreed saying Amazon can pick up the sales but like when Walmart decimated small businesses (and got their sales) the impact would be greater than the sales alone. Especially since Amazon is not always putting other types of jobs in those small communities like Walmart did.

My point in that thread was not that the country was doomed, I merely said the entire GDP impact was not yet priced in. That is all.

Candy took that and lied and said i was doomsaying that the Stock market was going to fall apart (read the thread. I never suggested any such thing) and then when i was citing a parallel example of how a knock on effect could do damage and could devastate things he took as if i was saying that was definitely the outcome I was predicting now which again, was not the case.

In the end my position merely was and still is that we have yet to see the full GDP impact on the economy priced in and we wont see that fully until all covid restrictions are behind us and the market adjusts to all the vacant store fronts from all the small business closures and we see if that then leads to a second and third round of other small business closures such and coffee shops, restaurants and stores, etc that sued to serve those people who lost their jobs an small businesses in the first wave.

It angers Candy that I maintain that view and won't accept his view it is all priced in because Amazon has the sales already but such is life. As I told him in the other thr3ead, many times, we could agree to disagree and time will then tell. But he does not like that, thus why he drags it out months later to still say I am wrong.
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01-07-2022 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Lol. You really must be desperate to get some money from a stupid misunderstanding. Or whatever it was...

Semantics, semantics, semantics.
Doesn't seem like you've read or understood any of it. $500 was offered if anyone could show Candy was being truthful and the claim was made that he was flat out lying. Well the quotes were provided and he sure as hell wasn't flat out lying. It's it's a binary outcome, either Candy gets 500 or Candy was flat out lying he obviously should get the $500. Semantics only comes into play if the person offering the $500 decides he doesn't want to pay and is looking for minor differences in Candy's summary. Of course when the money was first offered there was no claim that minor differences exist, it was that Candy was simply lying.
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01-07-2022 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Doesn't seem like you've read or understood any of it. $500 was offered if anyone could show Candy was being truthful and the claim was made that he was flat out lying. Well the quotes were provided and he sure as hell wasn't flat out lying. It's it's a binary outcome, either Candy gets 500 or Candy was flat out lying he obviously should get the $500. Semantics only comes into play if the person offering the $500 decides he doesn't want to pay and is looking for minor differences in Candy's summary. Of course when the money was first offered there was no claim that minor differences exist, it was that Candy was simply lying.
I read it. Cuepee offered anyone 500 who could prove he's lying. That was based on the word destroy, which he did not use. So he was right then and there. The compounding happened later when they got fully tilted. They should do both more thinking before putting so much money behind thinking they are right in the future tbo. Especially if nobody understands what they mean.
(I think qps intention was simply to underline he was right about the term being used or not)

Last edited by washoe; 01-07-2022 at 11:32 PM.
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01-07-2022 , 11:29 PM
Ya, so @QP you basically said the gdp was tanking right?
Not as in destroyed, but tanking? Then I can see why I would get upset too. If I hadn't used that exact term and someone would say I used it. That was from what the loco bets were coming from right?

Anyways if I read cuepees last post it makes sense. The gdp did tank btw.
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01-07-2022 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I read it. Cuepee offered anyone 500 who could prove he's lying. That was based on the word destroy, which he did not use. So he was right then and there. The compounding happened later when they got fully tilted. They should do both more thinking before making a bet in the future tbo. (I think qps intention was simply to underline he was right about the term being used or not)
Nope. This was before any bet.

“I'll forward the first person who can show candy is being truthful on that $500 as he is flat out lying there. But hey, free money.”

If he objected to the word destroy he should have just said so. Instead he accused candy of lying, which he clearly wasn’t even if his summary wasn’t 100% accurate.
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01-08-2022 , 12:05 AM
Any bet needs some method to determine what consitutes a win, and there has to be some meeting of minds somwhere. That is so lacking here, to put it mildly given it's cuepee whose arguments we are familiar with even if we struugle to fathom how they are happening. Saying he shuld have said it was about 'destroy' is meaningless.

“I'll forward the first person who can show candy is being truthful on that $500 as he is flat out lying there. But hey, free money.”

To make this a valid bet beyond what cuepee thinks was shown, someone or some group had to be granted (and accepted) the power to determine what was shown. That never happened. Posters can think what they like about who was right but that's it.
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01-08-2022 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Any bet needs some method to determine what consitutes a win, and there has to be some meeting of minds somwhere. That is so lacking here, to put it mildly given it's cuepee whose arguments we are familiar with even if we struugle to fathom how they are happening. Saying he shuld have said it was about 'destroy' is meaningless.

“I'll forward the first person who can show candy is being truthful on that $500 as he is flat out lying there. But hey, free money.”

To make this a valid bet beyond what cuepee thinks was shown, someone or some group had to be granted (and accepted) the power to determine what was shown. That never happened. Posters can think what they like about who was right but that's it.
Holy ****, chez, who wrote this? Grammarly?
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01-08-2022 , 12:09 AM
Absolutely shameful display of welching.
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01-08-2022 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Holy ****, chez, who wrote this? Grammarly?
err. Me thinks it was me

Whose grammarly?
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01-08-2022 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
err. Me thinks it was me

Whose grammarly?
I don't believe you.
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01-08-2022 , 12:12 AM
In fact, **** it, let's make it interesting. I'll bet 5k you can't write that well under exam conditions.
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01-08-2022 , 12:12 AM
Are you bob dillon?
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01-08-2022 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Are you bob dillon?
Matt, sir. My first name is Matt. How do you do?
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01-08-2022 , 12:19 AM
I'm like a rolling stone txs
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01-08-2022 , 12:24 AM
Erm, Cuepee, I haven't really been involved in all this, and only just skimmed the summaries, but this doesn't look ideal for you. You always like to throw these hypothetical "I'll give you $x if you can show y"'s out there when making a point. Looks like someone pulled your card, bro. So you gonna pay it?
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01-08-2022 , 12:35 AM
Jaaahahahaaa!! Here comes insomnia drunk mattie!
Go to bed mate!

Btw u skimmed wrong, no word can be attached to this madness. It's completely hideous. Two idiots trying to make a bet or something, where both are speaking a complete different language.
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