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Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread)

01-22-2022 , 04:00 PM
I'm telling cuepee that pizza (gate) predates Epstein. What's the matter with u?
Can't u understand what I meant? This has absolutely nothing to do with CT.
You as a lawyer should know this.

Last edited by washoe; 01-22-2022 at 04:11 PM.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 04:12 PM
Rococo getting schooled. Wash, you ever thought of becoming a lawyer yourself? I think you'd make an amazing litigator.

Your impeccable grasp of the facts and chronology of every case and personable, charismatic manner would be more than enough to persuade any jury of your peers.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 04:20 PM
Am already a streetlawyer, mate.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Why do you believe that anyone expects to change lagtight's mind?

If a sincere belief that i could change anyone's mind in this forum was a prerequisite for posting, i would never post.
Yeah, but it's kinda not even interesting, or entertaining, as e d'a (sort of) agreed. You're basically arguing with a non compos mentis person. What do you expect him to say? He's just going to stick to his guns, come hell or high water. I'd rather have Mr. PlayBig2k back, but maybe that's just me.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 05:09 PM
Btw, don't know if you're aware, Roc, but I've recently been nominated for #1 troll in this forum, which, I must say, was a great honour. I'd like to thank my friends and family, and god, of course. Also, of course, all you guys, without whom this would not have been possible. It is indeed a great honour to have bestowed upon one.

And even I can't be ****ed with this guy any more. What are you doing?

*Also, since you guys haven't asked for the acceptance speech, I'll read it for you: "What we need more of round here is World Peace (tm). And, less ****ing religion"

Last edited by d2_e4; 01-22-2022 at 05:14 PM.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Yeah, but it's kinda not even interesting, or entertaining, as e d'a (sort of) agreed.
Nah, I completely agree. Talking about one dudes religious beliefs are boring as hell. Especially when the beliefs are garden variety among certain groups like white protestants etc. I do find 1st century christianity or 7th century Islam interesting because you see otherwise random people coming up with and debating stuff that ends up impacting what billions of people believe thousands of years later.believe. But just what a modern rando who believes this stuff thinks is incredibly boring.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by d2
Keep grinding the dating apps bro, she'll turn up eventually. Remember, we're in this for the long run convergence to expectation.
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I'd have thought the tears would be more for the "long run convergence to expectation" part.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Are God's works just in some sort of abstract sense? Or are they just solely because they are done by God. The latter explanation essentially is the inspiration for the divine right of kings. But explanation is circular and intellectually unsatisfying.

In other words, if I ask why was it just for God to afflict the world with polio, is the correct answer "because everything God does is just." Or should I be able to discern the answer to that question using the capacity for logic that God has bestowed on humans?
This leads to a post I wrote a very long time ago pointing put that if there is a god then our god given sense of right and wrong is much stronger evidence about what is good then some human written book. After dealing with with pascal's wager this leads to chezlaw's wager which is that if we're going to believe in god then we should believe in a good one.

The absolute biggest flaw in lagtight's posts is that he claim to 'know'.He does not know. he cannot know. He merely believes and people believe all sorts of nonsense about god and everything else.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Can't u understand what I meant?
At least half the time I can.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Btw, don't know if you're aware, Roc, but I've recently been nominated for #1 troll in this forum, which, I must say, was a great honour. I'd like to thank my friends and family, and god, of course. Also, of course, all you guys, without whom this would not have been possible. It is indeed a great honour to have bestowed upon one.

And even I can't be ****ed with this guy any more. What are you doing?

*Also, since you guys haven't asked for the acceptance speech, I'll read it for you: "What we need more of round here is World Peace (tm). And, less ****ing religion"
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It's a nice spin, but lets be clear, as that is all it is.

Quite frankly the God of Laggy and the Catholic church and Muslim and Jewish versions of the same God, is a reprehensible being in every way a human would measure what a reprehensible being is and looks like.

They realize that when looked at thru humans eyes and as such crafted this 'if God does it, it must be good' rationale for all of God's most deplorable actions.

If you went thru the list of God's worst travesties and instead had a human as the one enacting and carrying them out, Laggy would say that human is evil and will go to hell, unless they find repentance. The same actions done by God are 'not for us to judge' and 'good because God is good'.
Personally I don't believe that God currently acts directly on nature, in either in a good way or a bad way. God may act through humans though.

Also I don't agree with lagtight on many religious issues. So maybe take this with with him.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
Personally I don't believe that God currently acts directly on nature, in either in a good way or a bad way. God may act through humans though.

Also I don't agree with lagtight on many religious issues. So maybe take this with with him.
Yeah, that's all fascinating, but I'd like to hear your views on Santa. Does he really skip the bad kids, or is that just subterfuge to make the kids act good? Please submit your responses on a postcard.

Wait, you're a pokerologist, right? Not a santaologist? Damn, wrong guy.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 08:21 PM
This may be known but want to mention that just because the Pope writes an article doesn't make it Catholic doctrine. It is only doctrine when he speaks "ex Cathedra". So him saying things like dogs or unbelievers go to Heaven is relatively meaningless. There is a split in the Catholic Church between the traditional and progressive types. I believe that the issues within the Church is largely a result of the modernization that has taken place from within.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
This may be known but want to mention that just because the Pope writes an article doesn't make it Catholic doctrine. It is only doctrine when he speaks "ex Cathedra". So him saying things like dogs or unbelievers go to Heaven is relatively meaningless. There is a split in the Catholic Church between the traditional and progressive types. I believe that the issues within the Church is largely a result of the modernization that has taken place from within.
This may be known, but sane, intelligent people don't give a **** about any of this stuff.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
This may be known, but sane, intelligent people don't give a **** about any of this stuff.
are you in the sane / intelligent category or just speaking in general terms?
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
are you in the sane / intelligent category or just speaking in general terms?
My doctors tell me I'm both, right before they put me back in that room with all the padding.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
My doctors tell me I'm both, right before they put me back in that room with all the padding.
Someone can recognize a drawing of an elephant!
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
Personally I don't believe that God currently acts directly on nature, in either in a good way or a bad way. God may act through humans though.

Also I don't agree with lagtight on many religious issues. So maybe take this with with him.
I've spoken to lots of religious people I really enjoy talking to about their faith.

But it is always the type who is modest about their faith and who knows they are making leaps of faith and do not try to represent anything as stronger than just their belief.

As I said, I believe there are intelligent aliens somewhere out there in the Universe. I am comfortable saying that way. Even comfortable in citing some of the math odds as reason for my belief. But that is all it is. A belief. I would never represent it stronger and certainly never tell anyone they are wrong if they disagreed or held a differing view.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Someone can recognize a drawing of an elephant!
Dude. You're the one showing me the dirty pictures.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
My doctors tell me I'm both
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.
Peon. Sperm vessel. Fight. Ego. Ego.

How did I do?
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:10 PM
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:46 PM
I raise.

Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-23-2022 , 12:47 AM
The God of the bible is good, so anything we think is out of line is probably an us problem and not a God problem.

He creates a universe for us, he doesn't want us to work, he gives us sex and to to give birth without pain. This right here should be enough to think God is pretty good. Then mankind disobeys and becomes sinful, so God gives up his throne to live as a human to get brutally murdered for us because He loves us so much. The obvious conclusion is that God is bad.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
01-23-2022 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Your impeccable grasp of the facts and chronology of every case and personable, charismatic manner would be more than enough to persuade any jury of your peers.
Originally Posted by washoe
Am already a streetlawyer, mate.
The prosecution rests.
Religion, theology and other issues (excised from Covid-19 thread) Quote
