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Religion and science Religion and science

01-15-2021 , 03:02 AM
Talk abt bringing a knife to a gunfight. Can't you just believe without trying to prove it, bc that's not happening
01-15-2021 , 06:12 PM
I am curious to know the opinion of lagtight or any religious fundamentalist....

What is your opinion about the Egyptian gods, Greek/roman gods, Native American gods, Mayan gods,etc. ?

Do you considered them real ?
01-18-2021 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
Was just talking about the country in general. Still, using the word forced is just inaccurate. The govt is in place with the consent of the citizens and you have the ability to participate/as well as convince others in the way it plays out. You are here voluntarily and have the option to do other things instead if you want. No one is forcing you to be here and for the most part no one cares one way or the other. And even though it might not feel like it all the time you're still getting the better end of the deal
The bolded is definitely true!
01-18-2021 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo

Speaking of fossils, are you contending that dinosaurs never lived on earth or are you contending that they walked the earth at the same time as humans.
I believe that dinosaurs lived on earth, along with people, before the flood. At least some reptiles alive today have the dinosaurs as their ancestors, I suspect.
01-18-2021 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Reread the posts (yours and mine), I didn't mention TAG, I was talking about the commonly made but never supported presupp claim that "only Christianity can account for [whatever]".
Presuppositionalism and TAG are different names for the same thing.


You're welcome to link something that you think makes that case.
I think I already provided a link in this thread. I'll post a new link in due course.


And yes, you have me confused for someone else. No worries.
In that case, I offer my apologies to you.
01-18-2021 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Talk abt bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Perfectly fine, since my knife is a sword, and the guns are water pistols (with no water in them).

Can't you just believe without trying to prove it
Yes, I can do that. But then y'all would be deprived of my utter brilliance, and I couldn't do that to you guys after all these years.

, bc that's not happening
Time will tell.
01-18-2021 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I believe that dinosaurs lived on earth, along with people, before the flood. At least some reptiles alive today have the dinosaurs as their ancestors, I suspect.
Just a quick one - assuming recorded history goes back to creation, is there any particular reason why no historical writings have ever mentioned the dinosaurs? I mean, they mentioned just about everything else, seems like an odd thing to leave out. Maybe they were just kinda used to them and domesticated them, like in the Flinstones?
01-18-2021 , 07:27 AM
Then again, other domesticated animals get a mention, like dogs and cats and cows and sheep. And wild animals get a mention too, like elephants and giraffes and lions and tigers. No mention of dinosaurs in all of recorded history though, right up until we discovered their fossils and recreated what they looked like. Weird, huh? Maybe it's just how god wanted it, that would explain everything.
01-19-2021 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Presuppositionalism and TAG are different names for the same thing.
Presuppositions are the prior assumptions held by someone holding a position.

Transcendental Argument for God (TAG) is a type of argument that makes claims about 'transcendentals', such as logic or morality, generally claiming that certain presuppositions are the best explanation for the transcendental.

So I'd put it that TAG uses presuppositions, but presuppositions don't have to be TAGs.

Originally Posted by lagtight
I think I already provided a link in this thread. I'll post a new link in due course.
Let's hone in on a specific claim that Lisle makes: "only the Christian God can account for [x]".
01-19-2021 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I believe that dinosaurs lived on earth, along with people, before the flood. At least some reptiles alive today have the dinosaurs as their ancestors, I suspect.
Do you? Do you really? The debate is over when you declare fantasies as reality.
01-19-2021 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Do you? Do you really? The debate is over when you declare fantasies as reality.
Hi. Welcome to the thread.
01-19-2021 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Do you? Do you really? The debate is over when you declare fantasies as reality.
Without wishing to diagnose people based on Wikipedia articles and Youtube videos, I think lagtight suffers from a condition called "group psychosis". It's when the members of the group all read the same book and suffer from the same psychotic delusions, but they fact that they're together reinforces it, and makes them think that it's the outsiders who are crazy.

Telling him he is a moron is not going to help. He is not a moron, and he doesn't see himself as a moron. I think his condition is traditionally treated with lithium, but I'm not a doctor.
01-19-2021 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I believe that dinosaurs lived on earth, along with people, before the flood. At least some reptiles alive today have the dinosaurs as their ancestors, I suspect.
I assume you don't think that dinosaurs evolved into modern reptiles. That would be just a little bit inconsistent with your overall worldview.

Am I correct that you reject the prevailing scientific view that dinosaurs are more closely related to modern birds than they are to modern reptiles?

Since you mentioned the flood, as a biblical literalist, I assume that the you also reject the scientific consensus about the number of animals in a population that are required to prevent an extinction vortex due to inbreeding. And you reject this scientific consensus even though it is observable today in small populations of animals that are geographically isolated. In other words, you reject the notion that excessive inbreeding causes genetic problems, including infertility.
01-19-2021 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
you reject the notion that excessive inbreeding causes genetic problems
I'm not convinced that this is a question best asked to its products.
01-19-2021 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Without wishing to diagnose people based on Wikipedia articles and Youtube videos, I think lagtight suffers from a condition called "group psychosis". It's when the members of the group all read the same book and suffer from the same psychotic delusions, but they fact that they're together reinforces it, and makes them think that it's the outsiders who are crazy.

Telling him he is a moron is not going to help. He is not a moron, and he doesn't see himself as a moron. I think his condition is traditionally treated with lithium, but I'm not a doctor.
It's an echo chamber effect. A very common thing where the more fanatical beliefs become more established and any reasonable objections become more heritical as time goes by.

I dont think lithium will help. That's for bipolar. But I'm not a doctor either.
01-19-2021 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
You could preface every exam answer with «If god wills it», but it would look weird.
Damn! I wish I'd ended mine with 'So moot it be'
01-19-2021 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I believe that dinosaurs lived on earth, along with people, before the flood. At least some reptiles alive today have the dinosaurs as their ancestors, I suspect.
How come you won’t answer any of Rocco’s questions?
01-19-2021 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Do you?

Do you really?

The debate is over when you declare fantasies as reality.
I agree 100%. Hopefully the evolutionists will soon stop doing that.
01-19-2021 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Presuppositions are the prior assumptions held by someone holding a position.

Transcendental Argument for God (TAG) is a type of argument that makes claims about 'transcendentals', such as logic or morality, generally claiming that certain presuppositions are the best explanation for the transcendental.

So I'd put it that TAG uses presuppositions, but presuppositions don't have to be TAGs.
Presuppostionalism is another name for TAG.

I, of course, agree with what you are saying above about presuppositions.

Let's hone in on a specific claim that Lisle makes: "only the Christian God can account for [x]".[/QUOTE]
01-19-2021 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight


I agree 100%. Hopefully the evolutionists will soon stop doing that.
For example, “Is there any evidence that decay rates were ever different?” is a question Rocco asked and it seems like it deserves an answer.
01-19-2021 , 01:55 PM
Lagtight's refusal to engage in good-faith discussion has been even more pathetic than expected.
01-19-2021 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Without wishing to diagnose people based on Wikipedia articles and Youtube videos, I think lagtight suffers from a condition called "group psychosis". It's when the members of the group all read the same book and suffer from the same psychotic delusions, but they fact that they're together reinforces it, and makes them think that it's the outsiders who are crazy.

Telling him he is a moron is not going to help. He is not a moron, and he doesn't see himself as a moron. I think his condition is traditionally treated with lithium, but I'm not a doctor.

I don't think people are stupid for believing in stupid things. We are all capable of it.

I do find it interesting that people are willing to discard all that science has revealed to us and substitute their own version of reality.
01-19-2021 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
I don't think people are stupid for believing in stupid things. We are all capable of it.

I do find it interesting that people are willing to discard all that science has revealed to us and substitute their own version of reality.
I mean, that's pretty much the dictionary definition of "stupid", but we don't need to play with semantics. No stupid people, just stupid ideas etc.

I have a soft spot for lagtight, and I definitely don't think he's stupid, but that's pretty much going against my own definitions.
01-20-2021 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Damn! I wish I'd ended mine with 'So mute it be'
... might garner bonus points!
01-20-2021 , 12:34 AM
There is no logic in emotion.
Emotion is at the base of faith.
There is no issue in trying to convince by reasoning those issues.

1 evidence or 10 000 wont change anything, faith is a choice.
Some people chose by emotion, other chose on evidence.
At least with time, religions and gods are losing their power over mankind due to science.
It just not going fast unfortunately.

1000 years ago, gods controlled the weather, Today it is about sex (gay,abortion, control over woman),tomorrow it wont be much else left.
