Originally Posted by lagtight
Why is torturing children morally wrong? Why is killing babies in the womb NOT morally wrong?
Well, every culture has norms, that have some level of arbitrariness to them. That is inevitable. I do think it is important to at some level to realize your norms are arbitrary, and you didn't happen to wake up and be born into the single culture in the history of humanity that figured it all out.
I mean if the norm of your society is that elective abortions are allowed until week 24, then so be it. But don't delude yourself that there is some universal truth that pre week 24 it isn't murder and post week 24 it is. That is just the norm your culture came up with.
Also, I think it is fair for cultures to be somewhat fascist and say, this is how we do things here, and you have to do things our way. And without some of that, a society probably won't have enough cohesion to operate. But noone should think the reason is because they were the ones to figure out some universal truth.