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Re: corpus vile vs the world -- are Trump's comments racist? Re: corpus vile vs the world -- are Trump's comments racist?

06-08-2020 , 07:27 AM
(mod note: excised from the George Floyd thread)

Originally Posted by corpus vile
Took you off ig temporarily to see if you were still engaging in your lying trolling crap and hey presto

The claim was that Trump called on African Americans to be executed. When I asked for a direct quote, his use of the word thug to describe rioters in general white and black was used instead to justify this falsehood, You lying pos. Here's also what I said re use of the word thug

In another post you lied I said racism doesn't exist when I never said that

And the reason you lied is because you couldn't support your position so deflected instead.

And seeing as there's deliberate misrepresentation for trolling purposes, you're the racist justifying the use of the n-word considering you said

Along with your moderator buddy

Who also asserted the use of the word thug wasn't racist long as the perpetrator was "responsible for horrific crimes"
And no I certainly won't list offensive racist phrases for you and your buddy to fap to.
Anyway back on ig you go, you disingenuous little prick. You should he banned for trolling that's two threads now you're attempting to derail with your lying bollocks.
Trump did call for the murder of black People on his Twitter.

Keep me on ignore. I never gave you permission to take me off.

Last edited by well named; 06-09-2020 at 12:57 PM.
06-08-2020 , 07:39 AM
Lol no he didn't cite verbatim where he said"I call for the murder of black people" otherwise stfu.
06-08-2020 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Lol no he didn't cite verbatim where he said"I call for the murder of black people" otherwise stfu.
Why are you defending Trump though? Does it matter if he didn't actually call for the murder of black people.
I mean it does sound pretty unlikely but I've always known Markksman to be a completely reasonable poster so if he said it it must be true.
06-08-2020 , 07:57 AM
I'm not a fan of Trump but he never said that, end of story. If one wishes to condemn him, they've plenty of stupid comments he did actually say to justify this without having to resort to actual lying.
but I've always known Markksman to be a completely reasonable poster so if he said it it must be true.
Lmao, good one.
06-08-2020 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
I'm not a fan of Trump but he never said that, end of story. If one wishes to condemn him, they've plenty of stupid comments he did actually say to justify this without having to resort to actual lying.

Lmao, good one.
You're really not good at discerning obvious racism irt American current events.

I'm not going to argue with you about the Irish stabbing because you know the culture better than I do. Why don't you give us a little of the same courtesy ?

You're at risk for digging your heels in again and last time Well Named had to come bail you out. There's no reason for it to become a habit.
06-08-2020 , 08:55 AM
Already been covered in the the other thread. I'm not interested in what you believe he said but only what he actually said.
The claim that he called for the murder of black people is a flat out lie and the claim that his use of the word thug to describe white and black rioters and any other race who happened to be rioting, really meant he was calling for the murder of black people is laughably dim and the assumption that only black people were rioting is racist. Cite where he said "I call for the murder of black people". Won't hold my breath for you or anyone else to provide this verbatim quote as we all know he never said it. Those who claim this at best are engaging in really stupid hyperbole and at worst are deliberately lying because they dislike Trump or else in order to race bait.

So we're gonna have to agree to disagree as we both know none of you can provide the quote to back up your blatant falsehood and we'll end up going around in circles again,. And no, a mod telling you all to give the "dumb trolling" a rest isn't bailing anyone out, it's simply and correctly admonishing dumb trolls on their dumb trolling, bye now.
06-08-2020 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Lol no he didn't cite verbatim where he said"I call for the murder of black people" otherwise stfu.
Dude. You really gotta stop. You keep going to bat for the McMichaels and Trump and it's just terrible optics the way you're so vigorous about it...

Everyone is aware of your posting wrt the before and after of the giant sign saying RACIST that presented itself thanks to the testimony of the third guy

Trump referred to the looters as THUGS in his tweet. This may or may not be in the form of a racist dog whistle, because obviously White people are looting too. But Trump is a noted racist. He cannot deny his history to back that up. So choosing THUGS in a tweet will pretty much make any one of us minorities to squint at a minimum. The rest are done bothering to figure it out. The guy's a ****ing racist and he really just doesn't give a **** about persons of color

He openly stated that when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Do you really think he's not talking about minorities?

In Charlottesville, when overtly racist, egregious pieces of **** chanted "Jews will not replace us" he went straight to the good people on both sides, hypersonically tone deaf rhetoric

Here is a hint: He's not going to say verbatim "I personally don't give a **** about minorities and if they get killed."

Instead, he'll throw paper towel rolls into a crowd of Puerto Ricans in a hellish plight...

And go to Alabama and hug tornado victims.

Again, the point is his actions, his rhetoric, his tweets, his words...It's the same **** over and over. He views people as beneath him in general, but if you can't see beyond that and note his view of Africa as opposed to Norway, then I'm sorry but you're blind
06-08-2020 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Dude. You really gotta stop. You keep going to bat for the McMichaels and Trump and it's just terrible optics the way you're so vigorous about it...
No.You need to stop. Stop claiming that words are whatever you decide them to mean and stop willfully ignoring that there were plenty of white looters, simply to further your political agenda. I never once went to bat for the McMichaels and stated they should be done on first degree murder, right from the start regardless of your revisionism, despite the fact that I linked what I said a bazillion times over due to you and others sheer cognitive dissonance. Here it is yet again

I'm perfectly open minded on racism being a factor or motivation in Mr Arbery's killing but wasn't accepting that there was a racist factor in Mr Arbery's killing based on it being a white on black crime, it being in the south and one of the killers being born in the 50s, as well as it was racially motivated or based "because it just is."
I asked if M Sr's LE history could be unearthed and if he disproportionately target black people/non whites when a cop, online comments, neighbours coming forward etc.
I also said I was perfectly willing to change my mind on the matter and still am. I'm well aware racist murders can and do occur. I consider the murder of Jordan Davis for example as being racially motivated and certainly playing a factor as there's evidence or something of more substance to support this and also a case where it's perfectly valid to use when citing how the word thug can indeed be used as a racist dog whistle even if I don't agree that the word itself is always used in that context.
However re Mr Arbery's killing, you can't expect me to accept assertions of racism automatically based on such criteria,such as mere location and being of a certain age and the killers being white with the victim black.
And stop lying I "went to bat for the Mcmichaels" when this is what I said about them:
They went out armed with loaded guns which in my view puts them into intent territory. They intended to potentially endanger life by having loaded weapons, just as an armed robber intends to potentially endanger life when robbing a bank.

Mr Arbery was not on their property or in any way a threat to them or their home. Yet they pursued him anyway and combined leaving their property with arming themselves puts them in the category of premeditation and I think all three should be charged and hopefully convicted of first degree murder.

Whether that's compatible with Georgia law though is something I don't know. I hope it is. If not then they need to change their laws imo.
I can keep this up forever and will continue to do so each and every time you and others lie about and misrepresent what I said.

Trump never called for the murder of black people end of story and a lie repeated often enough does not become the truth regardless of what certain nutty Austrians and Germans babbled back in the day. Now staple what I said on your thigh or something that way you can always read what was actually said instead of what you think I said, that way you can look down on it before engaging in your revisionism of what I said.

Everyone is aware of your posting wrt the before and after of the giant sign saying RACIST that presented itself thanks to the testimony of the third guy
Yes I get that you think someone being born in 1956 in Georgia is a "giant sign saying RACIST", it's why I disagree with you. And no- after evidence came to light I fully acknowledged it was a hate crime murder- just as I said I would from the start.
By your rationale, I should assert the Carragiline stabbing was a racially motivated crime simply because the attacker was black and the victim white. Which is stupid.

Trump referred to the looters as THUGS in his tweet. This may or may not be in the form of a racist dog whistle, because obviously White people are looting too.
Yeah so it wasn't a racist dog whistle due to the white looters. End of story and claiming he meant[ he wanted the murder of black people is a contemptible odious lie and only highlights you and others inability to understand words and your dishonesty.

But Trump is a noted racist.
I don't know whether he is or isn't although I do think that's quite possible. However, black conservatives who would understand a helluva lot more than than you regarding racism against black people don't seem to think he is so it's debatable and subjective to say the least.

Neither do some commentators

We're going around in circles again as Obama also referred to rioters as thugs and I'm quite sure some of those rioters were black also.
He openly stated that when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Do you really think he's not talking about minorities?
A) I really think he was talking about looters and rioters of any race. You don't because you don't, it's more important for you to assert he meant ONLY black people due to your dislike of him and your clearly lockstep political stance, rather than actually thinking for yourself.
B) how do you even know he meant shooting by the police only? During the LA riots there were Korean business owners defending their property with guns up on roofs. ITT there was video footage of black business owners defending their property with forearms. You think they were only for show and they or the Koreans in LA weren't going to use them against looters, regardless of the looters races?

In Charlottesville, when overtly racist, egregious pieces of **** chanted "Jews will not replace us" he went straight to the good people on both sides, hypersonically tone deaf rhetoric
Except he didn't and yet again this was already covered. Here's the entire transcript of that PC
Here's what he said about the neo nazis
we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
Re the both sides comment here's what he said:
Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."
As well as this:
"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
Here's what he said about the El Paso shooting
"In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy," he added. "These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America."

Here is a hint: He's not going to say verbatim "I personally don't give a **** about minorities and if they get killed."
Here's another hint. Learn what context means, you already falsely claimed his both sides comments meant nazis without bothering with the context of what he actually said and you're doing the exact same thing here. I get that you dislike the prick. But stop falsely claiming he called for the murder of black people cuz that's just plain bs.

Again, the point is his actions, his rhetoric, his tweets, his words...It's the same **** over and over. He views people as beneath him in general, but if you can't see beyond that and note his view of Africa as opposed to Norway, then I'm sorry but you're blind
You don't gaf about words and their meaning. You only care what you can infer from them, again due to you having lockstep political views instead of independent thought.You just proved this several times in your post with your falsehood regarding both sides and your flat out lie that I "went to bat for the McMichaels".

Trump never called for the murder of black people and it's completely dishonest to claim he did. So again we'll agree to disagree as no matter what, you're simply gonna claim he meant that anyway...because he just did. This type of disingenuous crap gives progressives a bad name, I gotta say.
But think what ya like, you will anyway.

Last edited by corpus vile; 06-08-2020 at 11:25 AM.
06-08-2020 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Already been covered in the the other thread. I'm not interested in what you believe he said but only what he actually said.
The claim that he called for the murder of black people is a flat out lie and the claim that his use of the word thug to describe white and black rioters and any other race who happened to be rioting, really meant he was calling for the murder of black people is laughably dim and the assumption that only black people were rioting is racist. Cite where he said "I call for the murder of black people". Won't hold my breath for you or anyone else to provide this verbatim quote as we all know he never said it. Those who claim this at best are engaging in really stupid hyperbole and at worst are deliberately lying because they dislike Trump or else in order to race bait.

So we're gonna have to agree to disagree as we both know none of you can provide the quote to back up your blatant falsehood and we'll end up going around in circles again,. And no, a mod telling you all to give the "dumb trolling" a rest isn't bailing anyone out, it's simply and correctly admonishing dumb trolls on their dumb trolling, bye now.

You keep telling us you're not a racist so I have to ask.
What is your point in demanding absurd standards of proof that racism is involved when Americans can clearly see that it is.

Asking for a friend.
06-08-2020 , 11:21 AM
cv going totally hard in the paint again on racist defense.

huge surprise. totally coincidental and with nor large meaning..
06-08-2020 , 11:27 AM
Show me where I've defended any racists. Otherwise not interested in your trolling
06-08-2020 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Show me where I've defended any racists. Otherwise not interested in your trolling
is this one of those, "how can i be accused of defending someone that is racist because i personally have come to the conclusion that no one is racist."
06-08-2020 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You keep telling us you're not a racist so I have to ask.
What is your point in demanding absurd standards of proof that racism is involved when Americans can clearly see that it is.

Asking for a friend.
Only in your world is it an absurd standard of proof. But you think something's racist "because it just is" which is a seriously absurd standard. And this was already covered anyway, the poster went from claiming Trump called for something to backtracking and claiming he really meant it. And engaged in selective perception of looters when doing so.
06-08-2020 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
is this one of those, "how can i be accused of defending someone that is racist because i personally have come to the conclusion that no one is racist."
So you can't cite where I defend racists, m'kay.
06-08-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
So you can't cite where I defend racists, m'kay.
trump is a racist. you posting a random youtubez of 1 african american spokesman saying he isnt, doesn't outweigh the dozens of examples over the years of him being racist, nor does it eliminate the things he's done as president.

i know it's hard for 2+2ers to understand that there is more to racism than hitting people of color or shouting the n word, but there is.
06-08-2020 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Only in your world is it an absurd standard of proof. But you think something's racist "because it just is" which is a seriously absurd standard. And this was already covered anyway, the poster went from claiming Trump called for something to backtracking and claiming he really meant it. And engaged in selective perception of looters when doing so.

"The first known use of the phrase was in a press conference held by Miami's police chief, Walter Headley, on December 26, 1967. Headly announced that six three-man teams of officers equipped with "shotguns and dogs" would respond to the "young hoodlums" from "Negro districts" in Miami with lethal force[1][11] and stated "his men have been told that any force, up to and including death, is proper when apprehending a felon".[12] In a pithy soundbite during the post-statement interview with reporters, Headley claimed that Miami had avoided "civil uprising and looting" because he had "let the word filter down that when the looting starts, the shooting starts."[1][13][14]"

Just remember when you get your butt kicked again and start playing the victim that you're doing this knowingly.
06-08-2020 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Re the both sides comment here's what he said
CV, you need to stay far away from giving Trump the benefit of the doubt with respect to his reaction re Charlottesville. That rally was organized by white supremacists. In the United States, random white people don't just wander into protests organized by white supremacists. Your starting assumption should be that everyone who was there was either an overt racist or a counter-protester.

There is a reason that white supremacists in the United States were thrilled with Trump's response.
06-08-2020 , 12:08 PM
I'm going by what he said,plain and simple and have already stated (which I'll probably have to link a bazillion times over) that I reckon it's quite possible he is a racist. But he didn't call for the murder of black people nor did he mean that when referring to rioters of all races. When he condemns white supremacy he's a racist, it seems. When black conservatives opine he's not a racist, they're ignored for having their own opinion as from certain segments of the left it seems that black people having their own opinions is anathema as they apparently regard black people as a monolithic entity who all think alike.

Last edited by corpus vile; 06-08-2020 at 12:16 PM.
06-08-2020 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
"The first known use of the phrase was in a press conference held by Miami's police chief, Walter Headley, on December 26, 1967. Headly announced that six three-man teams of officers equipped with "shotguns and dogs" would respond to the "young hoodlums" from "Negro districts" in Miami with lethal force[1][11] and stated "his men have been told that any force, up to and including death, is proper when apprehending a felon".[12] In a pithy soundbite during the post-statement interview with reporters, Headley claimed that Miami had avoided "civil uprising and looting" because he had "let the word filter down that when the looting starts, the shooting starts."[1][13][14]"

Just remember when you get your butt kicked again and start playing the victim that you're doing this knowingly.
A) I never got my butt kicked and several got pulled up over their "dumb trolling" but whatever makes you feel better
B) Nice revisionism. From your own link:
He accused "young hoodlums, from 15 to 21", of taking "advantage of the civil rights campaign
Which is no different than white and black people taking advantage of BLM protests and the very pertinent and valid issue of excessive police force/brutality to engage in opportunistic criminality such as arson looting and rioting.

You can engage in as many mental gymnastics ad reaching as ya like. See my comments re nutty Austrians and Germans thinking that lies become truth when repeated ad nauseam
06-08-2020 , 12:20 PM
Corpus, I was going to bat a little bit for you before in the Arbery thread, but you totally lost me with your "Trump is not a racist" take. Quite frankly, I have no idea how someone can possibly think that, given the voluminous piles of evidence to the contrary.
06-08-2020 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Corpus, I was going to bat a little bit for you before in the Arbery thread, but you totally lost me with your "Trump is not a racist" take. Quite frankly, I have no idea how someone can possibly think that, given the voluminous piles of evidence to the contrary.
Well, you could make an argument that he is just an opportunist who caters to racists. Evidence for this is how he interacts with black celebrities who give him any positive feedback, such as Kanye a couple years ago.

But you could also counter-argue it is a distinction without a difference.
06-08-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
A) I never got my butt kicked and several got pulled up over their "dumb trolling" but whatever makes you feel better
B) Nice revisionism. From your own link:

Which is no different than white and black people taking advantage of BLM protests and the very pertinent and valid issue of excessive police force/brutality to engage in opportunistic criminality such as arson looting and rioting.

You can engage in as many mental gymnastics ad reaching as ya like. See my comments re nutty Austrians and Germans thinking that lies become truth when repeated ad nauseam
So in your narrow mind "young hoodlums" from "Negro districts" in Miami = black and white people ?

Again, I ask you, why are you arguing these absurd positions ?

It's only natural that people are going to start thinking you're making excuses for racists because only racists would cling to nonsensical positions like you do.

And fwiw you're the one repeating the big lie here.
06-08-2020 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Corpus, I was going to bat a little bit for you before in the Arbery thread, but you totally lost me with your "Trump is not a racist" take. Quite frankly, I have no idea how someone can possibly think that, given the voluminous piles of evidence to the contrary.
Lol I knew I'd have to relink. But to have to do so a mere three posts up from what you said is quite something.
Here y'go
[QUOTE]I don't know whether he is or isn't although I do think that's quite possible[/QUOTE]
Oh and here
I'm going by what he said,plain and simple and have already stated (which I'll probably have to link a bazillion times over) that I reckon it's quite possible he is a racist
I challenged the false claim that Trump "Called for the murder of African Americans"

Now the goalposts are being moved to whether or ot he's a racist?

Never said he wasn't a racist, please feel free to cite where I did say that. I'm simply not race obsessed like seemingly most of the American posters itt so don't see racism at the drop of a hat. It's the same reason I'm not automatically asserting the Carrigiline stabbing was racist and responded to a poster who strongly intimated it was a race related attack simply due to the races involved.

Originally Posted by Stlls View Post
Repent guys, repent!

Btw, what about the black guys stabbing the white kid in Carrigaline while meticulously filming it? Is that now common revenge for being a privileged white male? For those who haven’t seen it, I’ll strongly advise against looking it up! Maybe repent instead.

I should’ve quit the media and everything after seeing the sickening footage of George Floyd. Now I’m kneedeep in that issue and I can only see further divisiveness arising from it.
To which I responded:
White privilege doesn't exist in Ireland it's an American phenomenon.
The Ahmaud Arbery murder was absolutely a racist hate crime. However some posters were immediately asserting racism before more evidence became available. You're doing the same thing here, basically, asserting racism based on the fact that the victim was white and the attackers black. The actual bloke who did the stabbing is biracial.

They demanded €2 off him and stabbed him when he stated he'd nothing. (His gf deserves a medal for her bravery in defending him.)
When I was 17 there were lots of white Irish scumbags doing the same thing.
Along with:
we don't know if it was actually racially motivated or if they were simply a pack of dirtbirds looking for victims. And be aware there's a whole thread on 4chan called "operation Carragiline" launched by the alt right specifically to get it to trend on twitter to incite violence against black people.

But again we don't know anything yet.And in case you're thinking of posting tweets from supposed black supremacists, such as an account known as "33rd Dail" (pronounced "Dawl") to make a case for it being racially motivated, be aware it's a far right sock account done for incitement purposes against Ireland's black community.
I'm consistent in my reasoning and don't display inconsistency due to blindly adhering to a political position

So again I never once stated Trump isn't a racist, the way people here continue to falsely assert he called for the murder (execution was another word used) of black people due to his condemnation of rioters in general.

I'd respectfully appreciate that you take the time to read what I actually wrote, cheers.
06-08-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Well, you could make an argument that he is just an opportunist who caters to racists. Evidence for this is how he interacts with black celebrities who give him any positive feedback, such as Kanye a couple years ago.

But you could also counter-argue it is a distinction without a difference.
Hey I interact with Kanye cuz he's a good mate of mine!

Oh wait you meant The Orange One, my bad

06-08-2020 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
So in your narrow mind "young hoodlums" from "Negro districts" in Miami = black and white people ?
Not at all I'm saying in most legit protests you get those taking advantage of such things whether it's the Black Block at G8 protests or looters and rioters at George Floyd protests and this wasn't black districts in Miami it was black white and probably Asian and Native American people protesting, the majority of them peaceful but some of whom were simply there to take advantage of the protest to engage in opportunistic criminality. These are the people that Trump called thugs just as Obama did when referring to rioters and these are who he meant with his looting & shooting remark. Was this a poor taste and potentially irresponsible remark? Absolutely. Was it a call to kill black people? Hellz no. But believe what you like mate, you will anyway...because you just will

Again, I ask you, why are you arguing these absurd positions ?
Maybe one day I'll adopt the "it is because it just is" mentality and then I'll seem less absurd to you. I can dream...

It's only natural that people are going to start thinking you're making excuses for racists because only racists would cling to nonsensical positions like you do.
People like you, you mean, full of presumption anyway and who deliberately ignore what people said in order to support their presumption. Oh noes...
No, nonsensical is claiming Trump called for the murder of black people and insisting this when he didn't. And then doing mental gymnastics and ignoring the facts to continue with such a nonsensical stance.

And fwiw you're the one repeating the big lie here.
No you. I haven't lied once itt or any other thread, unlike you who kept insisting I was asserting Mr Arbery's killing wasn't racist when I never said that either. Revisionists gonna revision, liars gonna lie and trolls gonna troll...

Last edited by corpus vile; 06-08-2020 at 01:05 PM.
