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Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Racial Profiling at the Poker Table

08-22-2019 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I understand that you need to believe that my purely mathematical correction was posted with the ulterior motive of justifying racism. Because if there actually existed a large group of people who are both non racist and don't make silly thinking errors, it would diminish the relevance of non racists who couldn't figure out that dealing it twice doesn't change EV.
It's clear that disagreeing with his premise would have been way more useful than pointing out a flaw in the logic, so the fact that you went straight for the logic strongly implies that you agree with the premise.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
08-22-2019 , 02:26 PM
Part of it is I know I am human and have unfounded prejudices that I rather not reinforce.

Put differently and roughly, I don’t want to be the guy that pays the tight Bulgarian guy off.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
08-22-2019 , 06:42 PM
This isn’t racial profiling but I have noticed that those the lean slightly to the left-far left tend to tilt more often at the tables, like they are entitled to a win.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
08-22-2019 , 07:01 PM
It’s fun to make these projections without any way of validating them. All you have to do is believe!

That particular one seems pretty backwards though considering it’s been pretty well documented that professional players heavily lean democrat. I forget the study (had to do with political contributions) but it wouldn’t be hard to find.

Doesnt necessarily make your intuition wrong since it may be that poker players as a whole are far left, and pros are less far left than the tilting recs but it seems highly unlikely.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
08-23-2019 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
It’s fun to make these projections without any way of validating them.
Are you kidding? It would be absurdly easy to test and validate these assumptions and stereotypes. Hell, some of you have a database of potential training data on your computer right now!

Actually seems weird that there isn't more stereotype-validation research out there. I guess grant funders are too scared of the PC police. That must be it.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
08-23-2019 , 01:47 PM
There is some if you look for it. I did a lot of my research in student loans and borrower behavior and it's pretty well documented African Americans are more averse to debt than other ethnic groups.

I do think grant funders are scared of research into racial/cultural stereotypes for why a group is doing badly though. I have seen some proposals that slipped through framed in terms of investigating how certain segments of a group outperform the rest.
Racial Profiling at the Poker Table Quote
