Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
Any time politicians are in hot water I love it. It's not so much the hypocrisy of travel, but just the fact that politicians and the political class in general are doing so during the pandemic that they can afford to take luxurious vacations. This despite having basically destroyed the economy for ordinary Canadians and prohibited them from fundamental social interactions.
It also gets me how they act like they are doing the right thing with Covid yet in reality they are not. Weather its Federal, Provincial or municipally all that matters is getting re-elected.
Take Alberta's latest lockdown. Its tough its down to 15% fire capacity. Sounds strict but its not.
I was in the following businesses since and
- Costco Packed
- Liquor Store 38 maximum
- Pet Valu 18 Maximum
- Cobbs 6 Maximum
I asked the Pet store and liquor store Have you ever had that many folks in your store. Both replied Nope. As well at the pet store a family of four was shopping and at Costco so many couples shopping with their kids???
Cobs should be 2 as its tough enough at that to social distance. Yet Hair Salons and Gyms have to close as well as other businesses. A fitness studio here can not do personal training but can go to the persons home to train.
Science has been tossed as well as common sense. I am shocked Alberta's numbers are coming down but other than politicians many folks observed the rules at Christmas