Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
Frankly, I don't blame only the establishment left. I think the establishment right is equally to blame, because they advocate for the same sort of tax and spend policies of the liberals and ndp. But yes, absolutely, cutting or eliminating taxes like the income tax and dramatically reducing government spending would help the poor. You hit the nail on the head when you said that these people suffer from a lack of income. So what we really need is radical reform.
Eliminating the income tax and sales tax would be the best start. Obviously we would need drastic reductions in government spending across the board as well. You would have to start closing down entire Ministries, and auctioning off public assets like crown land and government buildings. If government spending was reduced from say 350 billion a year or 30 billion a year, along with an aggressive program of deregulation, you would have a massive amount more money in the private sector, which would lead to more jobs, more investment in capital, and higher wages. We would also be very attractive to foreign investment, which in turn would mean more higher paying jobs. Eliminating the minimum wage would also lead to full employment, at least of those who want to be employed. And of course without substantial deductions on people's paychecks people would be taking home more money. The higher production caused by this additional investment would mean lower prices on goods.
Finally, if we eliminate the Bank of Canada and adopt a gold standard and/or freely competing currency including Bitcoin, we would have a stable monetary system, absent the boom bust business cycle and instead of constant inflation erroding the value of our savings we would actually experience healthy deflation, so prices would be going down, not up.
Ho boy I think the work for this is way too long.....
first off , no need to get rid of minimum wages because before covid, Canada lacked workers already .....
How the he’ll would you find more workers by paying them less ???
Second, how can you say deflation is a good thing ?
If prices goes down , corporations gains less money , how Than can you pay good salary to workers ?
Private sectors usually are more efficient than government because they pay their workers less to be able to give cheaper services or good , so how are u arriving that the private sectors would gives better salary by selling cheaper services and goods ?
btw , when government gives social services , everyone benefit from it , how can a poor person would be able to pay forcthe services he need from private sectors when he has to pay while for now , he gets it free because people with better income pays more taxes for him to have those services ?
The trickledown economy isn’t working for decades ....,
And corporation In general don’t save money to give better pay to workers but to invest in in offshore account or to create jobs oversees ....
That’s why the poor and midddle class suffer , it’s because corporations pays way less tax than 30/40 years ago and strangely , income for middle class and lower has increase much while the top earners of the country wins over 200 the worth of a middle class workers .
You check and see the data instead of rehearsing old economic ideology .
Ps: if the majority of the private sector would pay good wages in general , the minimum wages wouldn’t exist .