The divieristy, inclusion and youth minister spoke in front of the finance committee today, and basically laid out what I've found out more or less what I said earlier in this thread.
Public service made the recommendation:
"The non-partisan and professional public service made a clear recommendation that WE Charity was the organization that was able to deliver this program in the timeline that was needed,"
She didn't get this from trudeau or morneau:
Chagger said that she did not talk to Trudeau, Morneau or anyone in the Prime Minister's Office about the program before presenting it to cabinet. She also said she was not directed by the PMO to choose WE Charity as the government's partner. She said that the recommendation came from senior assistant deputy minister Rachel Wernick.
This was an appropriate recommendation:
"They were an obvious option as the largest youth service charity in Canada, with high technological capacity and a Facebook following of four million youth. They had already provided to several officials and ministers a proposal related to social entrepreneurship for youth and indicated that it could be adapted as needed."
Sole-sourcing made sense for the timelines:
The contract awarded to WE Charity was sole-sourced. Chagger's deputy minister, Gina Wilson, said that a public tendering process takes several months at minimum, which would not have got the program off the ground by the time students started finishing their academic year.
The civil service is swamped, hence the outsourcing:
Under questioning, Chagger said that the program was not left to the public service to administer because it already had its hands full rolling out billions of dollars in financial supports related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wernick said that other organizations were considered, including the federal government's Canada Service Corps partners, but they were already struggling to administer their own programs.
We is huge, and not many other obvious partners:
Other groups the government looked at lacked the technological capacity or had no experience delivering similar programs, Wernick told MPs
She wasn't aware of trudeau's familys connections:
Wernick said that she was aware that Sophie Grégoire Trudeau was hosting a podcast for WE Charity but was unaware of the relationship between WE and Trudeau's mother and brother.
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If you believe the above, this is tells exactly the story I've been saying from the beginning. The government acted completely appropriately, and while trudeau should have recused himself from that decision, that is a fairly minor mistake.
If you don't believe the above - i.e. that this minister is purely lying about all of this despite the threat of conflict of interest investigation and insane media and opposition scrutiny that would undoubtably reveal those lies - what specific evidence do you have otherwise?