Originally Posted by lozen
I'm surprised you commented on this as the ladies on the view rarely talk about Canada . It so unlike you to have an actual opinion
Originally Posted by lozen
I didnt know that was a rule here. Go watch your ladies on the view salivate over Trumps indightment
Originally Posted by lozen
You keep watching The View and Rachel Maddow and I'll stick to my media sources
I'm just acknowledging the truth that has come out on COVID .
Originally Posted by lozen
Oh your back is that what Whoopi tells you to say after watching the View? Or were you out placing phony political bets ?
Originally Posted by lozen
So actual video of CNN is not real
Keep watching The View
Originally Posted by lozen
Im sure your ladies of the view will condemn Ron today on their show. God luck on those charges we all know this is your left wing derps attempt to say no problem at the border. You and Whoopi sound alike
Originally Posted by lozen
Oh please you are so full of crap. Positive EV that created a situation that paid out considerably well The primaries are so early on . The only bet you may have made is the ladies of The View declared Desantis Evil
and so many more...
Dude, this is weird stuff even for you. Just saying. I mean if posting misogynistic attitudes about as you OK, Boomer style put it "the ladies" from a show you must watch (as literally you are the only one on this forum that watches and talks about it) then I suppose keep going. Much like most of the posters on this dusty forum, I have never seen the show, and I doubt it merits your bizarre vitriol, as is it even pretending to be a news show like how you pretend your derpy opinion piece source material are news articles?
Anyway, you have work to do obsessively consuming alt right opinions and then posting it here as "news." Get back to it and try to be more entertaining. Watch some of Whoopi's comedy if that helps since she is apparently in your mind quite a bit.
All the best.