Originally Posted by Shifty86
You are refusing to recognize the other factors in the paper. On a global level fires haven't increased. You are trying to paint a picture that half of the country is on fire due to climate change
Lol, do you struggle to follow conversations? I already told you that nobody ITT believes global warming is the only factor - just that it IS a big factor, as your reference establishes. Your reference also breaks out the distinction between savannah fires and forest fires leading to that "global level fires haven't increased" line from you, but if you actually read your own paper (how have you still not done this!) it talks explicitly about how this stat is being misused the way you are misusing it because indeed they cite a climate change link to the increase in the "severity and extent" of these big forest fire events. I know, i know, you want to interpret my obviously tongue-in-check initial statement as something completely literal and ignoring everything you've read since, but conversations don't work that way buddy.
Obviously buddy, about those facts you claim behind you.
Interesting! A good illustration actually of how powerful the effects of climate change are if the massive human deforestation in the tropics is being partially compensated by increased natural reforestation in the north.
Didn't realize you were a fan of the WEF, thanks for sharing!