Originally Posted by lozen
He wasn't President when he tried to overthrow the government.
Actually, he was. He was President until that day including being President at the time on that day when all that nonsense happened. Seriously, this is the thread you are clinging to on this topic? I know you have gone deep in the alt right arena the last year or so and have a blind hatred for Trudeau, but your posts in the past showed some concept of reality awareness, so I hope you snap back to that at some point in the future.
Originally Posted by lozen
Though your right I missed the midterm predictions badly .
I mean - not trying to be mean (seriously, I am not) but I genuinely said there are a few posters who I look for for predictions to bet against, and you knwo I am not shy about saying that. For what it is worth the top poster was a guy I do not remember that literally had a mental breakdown and left (right choice for him) after I think giving all his money away. His story was really , really weird and he asked for and got all of his posts permanently removed. He was by far the best at making specific predictions where the exact opposite nearly always happened.
Originally Posted by lozen
As for 2024 I'll wait to see whom the candidates are .
Reality is that I will likely not be using these forums as a sounding board by then. I had my fun here, but I barely visit any more as its a narrow band of old white guys being angry and that gets really boring fast. Seems like a few got banned by the new mod. Hard to see this forum being here in any capacity in 2024.
Originally Posted by lozen
Not sure about your COVID stuff as I'm not blaming Biden for COVID
In case you forgot I don't like Justin " Climate Phony" Trudeau
Nearly all your recent posts are alt-right talking points complaining about Biden or Hunter or I guess the California governor now ( I see he is a talking point in the alt right arena now). I know I have given you a bit of a hard time over the years, but prior to the past year or so I actually enjoyed many of your posts. I know you cannot see or feel the change in what you have gone through, but I can, and I guess it is not that deeply surprising given your demographic and how much media you consume. I hope you have a point in the future where you step back and realize how much you have gone down the rabbit hole as you seem a genuinely solid human being. You are nowhere close to washoe in the "creative" area, but you are moving toward that. Do yourself and those around you a small favor and maybe reassess and slow down that progression. Genuine suggestion that you can think about or ignore as you see fit, but it is not meant in any bad way. I do hope you have a happy existence.