Originally Posted by lozen
Ok Lets say the government says nope were not bailing you out and Air Canada files for bankruptcy. THe planes still exist as do the routes. Westjet will still be flying and someone will buy the planes and routes. Reality is if folksa fly less they will be vacationing close to home and spending those $$ in Canada.
I was speaking that when you have a shut down like this , you can’t let 50% of the economy go bust , I was not speaking about only 1 economic sector in particular .
But airlines are a bad example because he ain’t an economy failure by them but more of a global health problem which force government to shut down their business around the world ....
It’s not their fault .
It’s a black swan feature and why not save them but save all the other sectors ?
The airlines are the ones that suffer the most because government totally shut down their business ...
Why should oil company be help more than the others for example ?
All their business aren’t related to only the airline sector and we still help them and all the others .