Originally Posted by Shifty86
Damn, great points. Maybe we need a 362 day circuit breaker until people get their 3rd/4th booster (especially kids under 5). With double masking even triple in some cases with full time at home learning for all education levels, I also believe 8 feet for social distancing would be an improvement. Because WHAT IF! Right.
There is no if …..
It did happen last summer !
So you think in alberta last summer , Kenney was wrong to retreat ?
Again just month ago the system was at critical rates .
We should just go through it and fack the health care system ?
Is there anything that has change since then ?
U complain about liberty but how about those paying tax for decades and being prevent of health care access because a small fringe of idiots don’t understand what covid is all about , ending up in hospital taking place of those that need health care the most ?
So what’s your solution ?
If u have none , what is your solution when healthcare system stop accepting people ?
If u have no answer on those 2 situations why u complaining if u can’t do better ?
Or u saying healthcare system being threaten in some period of time is fake news ?