Originally Posted by lozen
It sends a better message to Trudeau
Canada is Better with Alberta and Alberta is better off with Canada Sadly the spoiled Child Quebec is the issue as is BC and a leader that really could not care less about Alberta or Sask
Reality is Canada never balances a budget without Alberta & Sask thriving
Lol how is Quebec spoiled ?
Meanwhile in Alberta ….
“ Despite Alberta's booming economy,
the disparity of wealth in the province is growing faster than almost anywhere else in the country, suggests a report released Thursday”
87 per cent of earnings in the province goes to the top half of families.
The top 10 per cent of Alberta families get 28 per cent of after-tax income, while
the bottom 10 per cent of families get only 1.7 per cent;
The top one per cent of Alberta earners have an average income of $675,200 compared to an average of $353,100 for the top one per cent nationally.
The median income in Alberta in 2009 was $68,100, while the median income among Alberta CEOs was just under $2.5 million.
Albertans consistently work longer hours, with less time off and holidays, than almost anyone else in the developed world.”
“ The author of the report attributes the disparity to
Alberta’s low minimum wage, inadequate social assistance, and the province's boom-bust cycles.
Diana Gibson also points to lower education levels in the province and
tax policies that reinforce wealth concentration rather than redistribution.”
Its clear a lot of workers get exploited by the right wing economic vision , that again and again ……results shows the concentration of wealth effect it causes .
But hey keep blaming Quebec , Canada , bc or whoever else instead of focusing on :
How the hell it’s going so bad in Alberta while we have the top income in the country !
Think ffs ….
But hey if you think taking from the poorest to give more for those that have the most is better , thinking you won’t get right back at the same place 5 years later because of bad economic policies , be my guest …
95% of the 15 poorest states in the US are republicans , you think it’s a coincidence with those empirical evidences that pure libertarian /conservatism economic only works for a few and not for the majority ?
I ask you this sincerely.
If alberta can’t even take care of it’s own citizens , why the rest of Canada should in their place ?
Just to enrich the top 10% that are already the richest in Canada ?
Wtf ….
I’m all for sharing and contributing but man , stop complaining about others and fix your backyard first ….
You have all the tools and the money to do so compare to anyone in Canada …,
Norway did great with around the same population as Alberta .
Last edited by Montrealcorp; 10-31-2021 at 11:11 PM.