Originally Posted by Shifty86
His platform is not nearly as extreme as it's made out to be. I highly doubt people like Montrealcorp have even looked at it, but according to him it goes against decades of science.
Curious what would be the most extreme policy in the platform.
if 40 years of data from economic showing trickle down economy do not work, what more you want ?
You just cant read economic charts....
The money being won at the upper chain of the food chains are not redistributed to wages or down the chain, they are redirected to guess what -> stock market bubbles...Or hiding in offshore account.
And after 40 years and multiple bail out ( thx tax payers btw...) there is not 1 giant bubble anymore, now it s 3 giant bubbles in the market !
It never happen before to have such gigantic bubbles and more than 1 at the same time. Never...
that is not trickle down economy working , that is mis allocation of capital because their is too much liquidity in the hands of a few.
Crazy right, too much liquidity in the system!
solution ? Bernier wants more tax cut ???
to do what ? create jobs.....?
jobs arent missing, workers are missing because no one wants to works for peanuts to enrich the top 1% that will just inflate even more bubbles into the stock markets to get bail out when they crash!
Corporations do not invest in the real economy anymore because it easier to make more profits in the stock market than to actually creates something and sell it.
Worst is, they do buyback shares with the excess of liquidity they have at all time high prices !!!!!
As if buying stocks at all time high should be a great investing strategy ( 2008 US or 1989 Japan is a clear example of whats coming).
they telling you is more important to push the stock market than to give wages and create something to hard working people..
Wtf is wrong with you....
The system is totally upside down but hey , gives more money to the rich with tax cuts....so the bottom 70% will pay even more to compensate.
The stock market is suppose to be a representation of the economy and obv, it is not the bottom 70% of people that are rich to be able pushing the stock markets at those level....
the entire world was shutdown and guess what ? the stcok market made all time high and you think it is normal ?
Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-25-2021 at 03:56 PM.