Originally Posted by lozen
I said Trump was disgusting but ill engage with you
How about you list those things that made him disgusting and let me counter if Justin had done similar things
If I had to list the things I would give Trump some credit for
Covid vaccine
Some criminal justice reform
Arming the Ukraines
Blocking the Nordstrom pipeline
Federal Animal Cruelty Bill
As much as many may not like the picks Supreme Court Judges
His attack on democracy will be what he is judged on and should be
Trump was brutally racist and xenophobic causing massive spikes in white supremacy and violence against POC.
He ran the 2016 election against the Brown Menace known as Mexican's and his wall.
He ran the 2018 midterms hyping up fear of the Brown Menace known as immigrants approaching the border.
He ran the 2020 election hyping up fears of the Brown Menace known as Antifa.
2022 he is trying to drive the Republicans to run on the Brown Menace known as Critical Race Theory.
Every single election his major plank is fear POC, they are a menace.
Yes Trudeau wore black face back when lots of people made the clumsy mistake of thinking that was an allowable funny and in todays ooboo world that does not fly but it is hardly racist. Ignorant maybe but only in hindsight.
Trump also did his best to destroy the Western Alliances (Nato, Nafta, Paris Accords, etc) which was massively dangerous in a time of Chinese escalation.
Trump also made clear that almost every area of US foreign relations was for sale. For the cheap low price of a few millions dollars to Ivanka or a Billion to Jared, you can get favourable deals in China or get Trump to declare Qatar an enemy. Ukraine will be cut off and fed to Russia if they do not support his election lies (I see you try to credit him with arming Ukraine despite him being forced to do that).
Trump also was busy trying to dismantle every Federal Agency that provided protections to the citizens or country putting lobbyists or the like who had called for the dismantling of the agencies in charge of those very agencies.