Originally Posted by stinkubus
It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to fear monger the American public.
The US has a nuclear umbrella which is capable of destroying the entire planet and we are currently rebuilding/refurbishing it. The idea that China or Russia are a military threat is about as plausible as a grown man being afraid of getting beaten up by a toddler in a fist fight.
What China and Russia do understand is that the US's ability to enforce it's imperial system on the globe is waning. Of course our avaricious and paranoiac ruling classes see this as a "threat" and then project that out to the rest of the populace.
Not sure if this is directed at my posts but seeing China and Russia mentioned makes me think it might be.
If so, it entirely misses the point.
I don't expect either CHina or Russia would move into the region guns a blazing. That is not how these disputes begin nor typically end. What tends to happen is they just move in and start setting up bases and doing other things to assert their claim and that it is their territory.
It then is up to Canada to respond and defend their claim and if they do not then the claim is typically waved. The squatters right is successful/
So the question is could and would Canada try to remove the incursion or squatter trying to stake a claim.
We had an instance of this in recent times between Argentina and the UK which lead to the Falklands War.
Argentina and the UK were embroiled over territory dispute claims and the Argentinians decided to make a move to seize physical possession. The UK responded by sinking one of their war ships and landing forces to fight, arrest and remove their forces.
While this dispute has never been settled, the UK establishing they have/can and will defend it is a big plank of their claim.
So again, I don't expect a war between Canada and either Russia or China, but I would not be shocked if either of them simply claimed and squatted on the areas they claim and put Canada to the question 'We are here, what are you going to do about it?'