Originally Posted by lozen
Sad part of our history and I am not sure whom is more responsible the Catholic Church or the government. I am sure both take equal blame. Like I said before any prime minister that was in power during residential schools should have their name stripped from any public building
In other words, every Prime Minister aside from Martin, Harper, and JT. Not a call I've heard from those far more knowledgeable about TRC than I; I'm thinking that might be a little overboard.
Originally Posted by uke_master
It is pretty crazy how so many Canadians are learning about the undocumented deaths at residential schools this week despite it being a big huge section of the TRC.
Well, at least that's one good thing that will come out of this horrifying discovery. It's one thing to try to explain what happened through history books and videos; it's quite another to have something like this at the front of the news.
I am acquainted with a number of people that had family members go through residential schools, and even a couple that had to go themselves - I can't even imagine what this being in the news will mean to them in terms of stirring up memories, so I certainly hope that it helps open a few people's eyes.
Edit to add - just saw this on FB, posted by a friend:
Sharing this post from a member of our local Indigenous community:
Posting this here in hope others can show support to my community on Westside in doing this. A lot of our families are grieving these losses right now . Many of our living Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents went here and so even us as kids we grew up with knowing the stories of these bodies. To have it so publicly all over means that we have to grieve in public, something we aren't familiar with doing. So putting a call out for families to please do this and share pics below when you do so I can show our families and communities the support being shown.
A lot of our stories went so long with people not believing us, and even us as kids I remember defending these stories to teachers, or other adults, so now to have this validated has been a hit to the heart. We need your support now more than ever, and if you're wondering how to help, this is how you can help right now.
Limpt lemt Thank you all so much.